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My collection of political cartoons. Let me know what you think!

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So, I took the pandemic and losing my job as an omen that I should be working toward my life purpose. I've discovered that I really enjoy making political cartoons, although I've quite a long way to go. I thought I'd share and see what you all think! Leo, if this is in the wrong forum, please feel free to move it somewhere more relevant.

Cough D'etat.jpg

Donnie's Got a Gun! .jpg

SS Mexican Border Wall Signed.jpg

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A lot of these are shitting on the president. I have to wonder, how sustainable is this for my growth and development? Can I achieve higher consciousness by making a living criticizing public figures? What does that even look like?


The Boy Who cried wolf cover.jpg

The boy who cried wolf line 1 of 4.jpg

The boy who cried wolf line 2.jpg

The boy who cried wolf line 3.jpg

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These were the most controversial, both in terms of the joke and in the artistic quality. I'm still learning!

Funeral rally.jpg

2nd Amendment Light.jpg

Moral Bankruptcy Signed.jpg

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It’s good that you’re using your free time from job loss to pursue creativity! If that is what you’re truly passionate about, there’s no good reason to stop or discourage you.

The thing about political cartoons (in my opinion) is that while they’re highly relevant in the moment, they lose meaning very quickly as the situation changes and context is lost. That said, I like your work!

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Nice! I actually think the guy's a genius. Thanks for the encouragement.



I've struggled to find a voice since well... ever. I was focused on drawing daily at the beginning of the year, and I guess my anxieties surrounding the political scene translated to politics. You're right about the lasting value of these cartoons. A lot of the meaning will be lost to time, won't it? Still, it feels like I'm doing something to make the world a better place, if even just a little. It feels good to criticize the injustices I see in my community.

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3 hours ago, bonesurfer said:

Can I achieve higher consciousness by making a living criticizing public figures? What does that even look like?

There’s always a place for satire. We need people to call out the absurdity of our own patterns so we can see it for what it is. Just do it from love, not hate.



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i applaud you for being creative and doing your thing

but personally i'm also kind of tired of seeing trump comics etc. not because i like the guy or anything like that but just because i've seen enough/too many already

but maybe he's just the guy who triggers you enough to be creative/create and it will evolve in a different thing in the future, in that case it would be good i guess

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4 minutes ago, aurum said:

There’s always a place for satire. We need people to call out the absurdity of our own patterns so we can see it for what it is. Just do it from love, not hate.

Now that you say it, I'm reminded of the sort of mischievous sense of humor the shamans in Castaneda's books possess. I guess I've just associated my favorite humorists with a more materialist, antagonistic sort of demeanor. That's easy enough to see a way through.

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@PurpleTree Honestly, I would prefer to never see his face again. I pray he loses in a big way this week and I don't have to think about him anymore.  In a lot of ways, it's kind of a hacky way to go about making these comics, since he's such a caricature of a human already. Some of the cartoons that feature others have actually been my most popular so far. Mitch McConnell as a vulture definitely seemed to strike a nerve.

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You have a lot of talent! I hope you get a loyal following and can keep doing what you love.

Reminds me of a quote by Abraham Maslow.

"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself."

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31 minutes ago, bonesurfer said:

@PurpleTree Some of the cartoons that feature others have actually been my most popular so far. Mitch McConnell as a vulture definitely seemed to strike a nerve.

Nice :) 


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