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I have had an angina infection (tonsillitis) for many years and I have visited many doctors but none have given me a root solution for this problem. They only send me antibiotics but I get sick again.

Does anyone know the origin of this or any solution? 

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Tonsils themselves are never the problem, they get inflamed because they are protecting you and warning the rest of the body at the same time. 

The root cause could be in your mouth. Poor dental health can cause migration of pathogenic bacteria down the digestive & respiratory canals. Especially if you have a lot of inflammation, cavities etc. 

Impaired immune function as well which could have many different causes. 

How's your digestion? 


“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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1 hour ago, andyurb said:

I have had an angina infection (tonsillitis) for many years and I have visited many doctors but none have given me a root solution for this problem. They only send me antibiotics but I get sick again.

Does anyone know the origin of this or any solution? 

The root cause of any disease always comes back to your beliefs and emotions.

A trained energy healer might be able to help you get to the bottom of it.

Otherwise, check your lifestyle. Do you meditate? Do you practice earthing? Do you eat healthy foods? Do you exercise? Do you get sun? All these things and more can make a difference.



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@Michael569 I have no digestion problems and I have good dental health. I've tried everything and still have :(

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@aurum The only cause that I can find for tonsillitis is a lack of variety in diet because I usually meditate and do sports daily

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Just now, andyurb said:

@aurum The only cause that I can find for tonsillitis is a lack of variety in diet because I usually meditate and do sports daily

Then it's probably deeper, having to do with beliefs / emotions. You don't have to stop whatever meds you're taking, but I would consider finding an energy healer near you. They may be able to give you some insight.



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52 minutes ago, andyurb said:

I have no digestion problems and I have good dental health. I've tried everything and still have

how's your immunity overall? Do you get sick often? Lot of mucous clearing (dry cough) throughout the day? 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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I’d introspect for some way that you are, or some thing you do or path you choose, that people around you don’t all necessarily approve of, like , or choose for themselves, and be firm in mindfulness to let them choose for themselves / and allow that same respect for yourself in your preferences. ‘No one lives and dies for anyone else’, if you will, and God does not make any errors. Godspeed. ?

I would also look for some new ways to clean up diet nuances (not that you don’t) and to remove any toxins from the home / environment that come to mind, if any (there may Very well be none already). 

Also, I would order a Squatty Potty. I have no vested interest in the company and don’t ask me to to explain. :)



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