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Personal Aura or Energy Field?

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I've been having this idea that I'm not certain if it's something that resonates with anyone or is maybe even a thing in spirituality. I'm just trying to explain to clarify for myself and to see if it's actually a thing. So I'm not sure if it's actually real or understood or if I'm just imagining things.


(Little background information, not necessary but ultimately trying to figure this out.)
I'm trying to figure out how it could be that I'm not really experiencing any positive emotions. I mean, I experience the feeling of worrying for example, or shock or fear. But I don't experience the enthusiasm, happiness, excitement, arousal, you name it. Very rarely I encounter such a magnificent piece in a song that just bolts me to the point where I want to tell someone about it or want to release the energy in some way (physical). In general I live in a pretty flat mood, there aren't really things that excite me or fire me up.  I've tried many things like exercise, visualizations, affirmations, meditation, blood tests, therapy, cryochamber, float tank, walking on burning coals, using CBD, coffee, energy drinks, cold showers, Wim Hof Method breathing. But I don't really notice a difference in my mood, in how I experience my body and any emotions. I even traveled to America to Unleash the Power Within by Tony Robbins with all the high fives, jumping, screaming, hugging visualizing etc. but it all felt the same.
Although there are certainly many mental things I have to work on, I can't put my finger on anything specific that could be the cause of the above mentioned as of yet.


Let's say hypothetically (or maybe its real) everyone has this aura or glow around their body, maybe even an energy field of sorts. And a healthy person would have their aura radiate freely, without boundaries. But an "unhealthy" person might keep their aura really close to their body, just around their skin level. The healthy person might be experiencing the world freely, being in connection with people, with events, music, art, their surroundings like nature and be in touch with it all. Allowing to experience the connection and feel it.  The "unhealthy" might close their aura off to those outside influences for fear of being hurt or maybe because a physical tension keeps it there. This causes the "unhealthy" person to be unchanged or feel very little experience from those outside influences. It takes a while before the outside influences reaches the aura of the "unhealthy" person and they are guarding it a bit too well to let it be touched, influenced and/or experienced.


So I'm wondering if this resonates with anyone, if this is even a thing or if I'm talking nonsense here.
Let's say it's actually a thing, or maybe a metaphor for something else, then I have a few questions.

  • Could the aura be influenced by holding tension in the body. Like tension in your jaw, shoulders, etc. To the point where it completely blocks from the outside world and one wouldn't experience those emotions and connections. 
  • If you talk about a person's emotions and experiencing those, is this aura even relative for experiencing emotions and feelings?
  • If one doesn't experience feelings, especially positive ones, yet does experience the negative ones, does that mean that there might be mental mechanisms at play that prevent this?
  • How do you identify if you're the "unhealthy" person and how could you resolve this?


I hope this makes sense. Thanks for reading!


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6 hours ago, Mjolnir said:

Could the aura be influenced by holding tension in the body. Like tension in your jaw, shoulders, etc.


6 hours ago, Mjolnir said:

If you talk about a person's emotions and experiencing those, is this aura even relative for experiencing emotions and feelings?



6 hours ago, Mjolnir said:

If one doesn't experience feelings, especially positive ones, yet does experience the negative ones, does that mean that there might be mental mechanisms at play that prevent this?

If someone only experiences negative emotions, they defiantly have beliefs that are influencing that.

6 hours ago, Mjolnir said:

How do you identify if you're the "unhealthy" person and how could you resolve this?

Spiritual / shadow work.

What is dangerous about positive emotions to you?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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4 hours ago, aurum said:




If someone only experiences negative emotions, they defiantly have beliefs that are influencing that.

Spiritual / shadow work.

What is dangerous about positive emotions to you?

Thank you for your response! I've heard of shadow work before but haven't the slightest clue what it entails. I'll dive into that to see if it can help me in any way!

For one, I think I might've subconsciously created a sort of defense mechanism because I used to get bullied when I was a kid. Or ridiculed for the things I liked. I remember it used to hurt me but eventually I used to say "you can say whatever you want, it doesn't affect or hurt me". I don't know if this was because I consciously decided the meaning of their words, or if I just stopped engaging with feelings at all so the bad words couldn't take them away anymore.

Secondly I could potentially hold a belief that I shouldn't be happy or feel good. If I imagine it it seems odd as well, like something that isn't really going together with my current view of myself? I don't know if it's an "I don't deserve this" type of thing or that it goes back to point number one as I'm scared to get hurt?

Anyways, I certainly notice in my behavior and communications with other people that I'm very reserved and barely, if at all, speak about specific music that I like, or girls I find interesting, or movies that touched me in sorts, things that bother me or desires. I often try to hide those things even to the point where I cut my laughters short just to not stand out I guess.

Yeah, it's funny how things come to you more and more as you dive into things as I noticed small things that I haven't thought about.


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11 minutes ago, Mjolnir said:

I've heard of shadow work before but haven't the slightest clue what it entails.

You’re already doing it. Shadow work is really nothing more can exploring these unconscious aspects of our self and making it conscious. All the analysis you wrote I would consider shadow work.

12 minutes ago, Mjolnir said:

I remember it used to hurt me but eventually I used to say "you can say whatever you want, it doesn't affect or hurt me".

This rung my intuitive alarm bell. What we think or say becomes reality. You stop yourself from feeling because it’s better than being hurt again.

Can you remember the first time this happened?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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I feel like you are at the ceiling of duality and intuition is calling to break through it pretty strong. Psychedelics & some reiki sessions and or classes can play a major role in regard to revealing the things you’re asking about. There’s much more as well. 



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22 hours ago, aurum said:

You’re already doing it. Shadow work is really nothing more can exploring these unconscious aspects of our self and making it conscious. All the analysis you wrote I would consider shadow work.

This rung my intuitive alarm bell. What we think or say becomes reality. You stop yourself from feeling because it’s better than being hurt again.

Can you remember the first time this happened?

Sadly I don't recall a specific moment. Intuitively I think of a certain place in time thatd make me about 12-13 years old. But i'm not sure.  I guess much of the bullying would be around those ages with a few years beforr that.

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18 hours ago, Nahm said:


I feel like you are at the ceiling of duality and intuition is calling to break through it pretty strong. Psychedelics & some reiki sessions and or classes can play a major role in regard to revealing the things you’re asking about. There’s much more as well. 

What do you mean with the ceiling of duality and intuition is calling to break through?

I'd like tot refrain from psychedelics for now although it seems interesting and I'm curious about them.

And could you maybe elaborate on the reiki sessions or classes?

Thank you for your response, I hope you have a good day :)

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1 hour ago, Mjolnir said:

What do you mean with the ceiling of duality and intuition is calling to break through?

“I'd like to refrain from psychedelics for now (thinking; dual; maybe I will, maybe I won’t, maybe soon, maybe not, maybe it’s best, maybe it’s not)  ...although it seems interesting (feeling) and I'm curious (intuition) about them.”

I am not suggesting you should or shouldn’t. I’m saying there are muggles & wizards, and when I see a wizard looking for platform 9 & 3/4 in Mugglesville, I mention Hogwarts. 


And could you maybe elaborate on the reiki sessions or classes?

This is a very basic & general overview....

The sessions are you laying on your back on a massage table, and a reiki practitioner feels your energy, typically by holding their hands slightly above different areas of your body. They are feeling the chakras, meridians, & aura, and aligning them. These are prior to thinking, and they influence thinking & how reality is experienced. More experienced practitioners can do reiki on anyone anywhere, regardless of the distance between the two people.  

It varies a bit, but Reiki classes are generally offered as Reiki 1, 2, & 3. Reiki 1 is essentially ‘heal yourself’, Reiki 2 is ‘help others heal themselves’, Reiki 3 is ‘to teach Reiki’. Reiki 3 is much more in depth in regard to the nervous system, psyche, emotions, and how these function with the chakras, meridians, and aura. The theme is aligning all of them. The word “heal” in Reiki is all encompassing in comparison to the conventional usage of the word. Reiki means ray, as in the light, and key, as in love is the key. 

Like anything, each person has a unique experience, so of course you’d have to go and see what it is for you. In Reiki 1 I experienced purification. (Not just literally in the class per se, but it was began, or, ‘opened’, might be a good way to say it.) In Reiki 2 siddhis were realized. Reiki 3, more of the same but much broader, deeper & nuanced, and more ability to turn it on & off and not be consumed or overwhelmed, if you will. 



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On 2-11-2020 at 0:00 AM, Nahm said:

“I'd like to refrain from psychedelics for now (thinking; dual; maybe I will, maybe I won’t, maybe soon, maybe not, maybe it’s best, maybe it’s not)  ...although it seems interesting (feeling) and I'm curious (intuition) about them.”

I am not suggesting you should or shouldn’t. I’m saying there are muggles & wizards, and when I see a wizard looking for platform 9 & 3/4 in Mugglesville, I mention Hogwarts. 

This is a very basic & general overview....

The sessions are you laying on your back on a massage table, and a reiki practitioner feels your energy, typically by holding their hands slightly above different areas of your body. They are feeling the chakras, meridians, & aura, and aligning them. These are prior to thinking, and they influence thinking & how reality is experienced. More experienced practitioners can do reiki on anyone anywhere, regardless of the distance between the two people.  

It varies a bit, but Reiki classes are generally offered as Reiki 1, 2, & 3. Reiki 1 is essentially ‘heal yourself’, Reiki 2 is ‘help others heal themselves’, Reiki 3 is ‘to teach Reiki’. Reiki 3 is much more in depth in regard to the nervous system, psyche, emotions, and how these function with the chakras, meridians, and aura. The theme is aligning all of them. The word “heal” in Reiki is all encompassing in comparison to the conventional usage of the word. Reiki means ray, as in the light, and key, as in love is the key. 

Like anything, each person has a unique experience, so of course you’d have to go and see what it is for you. In Reiki 1 I experienced purification. (Not just literally in the class per se, but it was began, or, ‘opened’, might be a good way to say it.) In Reiki 2 siddhis were realized. Reiki 3, more of the same but much broader, deeper & nuanced, and more ability to turn it on & off and not be consumed or overwhelmed, if you will. 

I appreciate the Hogwarts reference :D I think I understand what you mean was well. And if my understanding is correct, I guess your comment is correct as well as I feel like I can't evolve or reach what I want to through thought alone at this point. As if I reached that thinking ceiling.

I'm wondering, as you mentioned, the chakras meridians & aura are prior to thinking, and they influence thinking and experience of reality. My first question after reading through your comment at first was let's say Reiki healed the chakras, meridians and aura, wouldn't remove the effect of the problem yet keep the cause of it? But am I correct to think that you mean that the chakras, meridians and aura on a layer deeper or a step before thinking in a sense where it basically dictates, or influences the thinking?

Lastly, I don't feel like I'm very in touch with all the energy things and aura's etc. Would that matter in any sessions? Or would you say that doesn't matter at all?

Thank you for your explanation and time to explain about Reiki!

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3 hours ago, Mjolnir said:

My first question after reading through your comment at first was let's say Reiki healed the chakras, meridians and aura, wouldn't remove the effect of the problem yet keep the cause of it?

If there are causes & effects, then yes it would seem so. Linguistically, something can be prior to something, without being separate, and without causation. 

3 hours ago, Mjolnir said:

But am I correct to think that you mean that the chakras, meridians and aura on a layer deeper or a step before thinking in a sense where it basically dictates, or influences the thinking?

Yes. Compare arising thoughts on your worst feeling day, to your best feeling day. 

3 hours ago, Mjolnir said:

Lastly, I don't feel like I'm very in touch with all the energy things and aura's etc. Would that matter in any sessions? Or would you say that doesn't matter at all?

Think of Disneyland as an analogy. If I’m suggesting to go to Disneyland and you haven’t been there before, what either of us think about it doesn’t matter much. Going and seeing it is the worthwhile thing. :)  



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