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Divine Logic

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When I think of things that are divine I typically arrive at three fundamental elements:-

1. Consciousness

2. Love

3. Creativity / Creative Imagination

Each of these things could be said to be distinct and divine in the sense that they pertain to the absolute. However, there is also a sense in me that there is a divine 4th element that pertains to a kind of ultra-logic: the divine logic of the absolute.

After all, consciousness exists eternally by way of the understanding that consciousness cannot experience its own un-consciousness. I've heard it said that "even God doesn't know why God exists" but this cannot be true, because God knows full well the wisdom that God cannot experience a lack of experience, which is the rationality for why consciousness is eternal.

Therefore, it seems pretty obvious that a kind of divine-logic exists at the very heart of our reality, that further can be consolidated to function as a part of God itself. 




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