
“Stuck” in my pineal gland.. serious topic

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Hi guys. I have a very serious issue and will attempt to describe and answer it all as well as I can. About 6 months ago I had some things happen to me and somehow I got “stuck” in my pineal gland. 

I’m going to list different symptoms and perhaps someone can help me. I have not slept for about 5 days now and it’s gotten extremely bad. I went to the er as I thought it might be a tumor but all blood work and CT showed no issues. 

It feels as though I’m watching my soul live from deep in my brain from a different perspective. I’m detached from everyone else, it’s as though the bridge connecting me to them has been severed. The world looks entirely different. All colors and texture have changed. Trees and nature are most noticeably different. 

im stuck in this constant flow of knowledge and intuition. I always know what to do and how to do it. But I can’t use it to get out of that state. It’s like this hyper state of hyper aware consciousness. When I close my eyes there’s white lights. Light patterns. Sometimes patterns sometimes random. My ears are ringing very badly. 

the back of my neck near the pineal gland area has this immense pain and surge to the point where I almost would rather die then go a few more days.. 


it’s like I cannot access my soul. Nor connect to other people anymore. It’s extremely lonely and sad I have spent a few days crying but it feels like when I explain this to family they just brush it off it’s as though they are in other realm than me. 

im afraid God has cut me off from himself and his people/creation and his son. It’s like it’s just my spirit and I’m stuck in this bizarre consciousness and the sense of time is gone. I’m stuck in “now” but it’s very painful. I watch people live and I just want to connect with them. 

my sense of touch, sense of hunger or thirst. Sense of pain. Smell. Taste. Sight is all extremely broken. When I look at myself in a mirror my pupils are very big and it’s like I’m seeing my body from my spirit and my soul my character personality has vanished. Guys I’m breaking down and I’m desperate ;( if I don’t fix this the next few days it might be it for me... please don’t laugh about this as I never sought or intended any of this. Never been involved in occult. I believe in God and Jesus but I can’t help but fear I did something wrong? 

also my memory access is completely haywire. I can’t access memories unless I try extremely hard. I find myself just staring off like I’m just waiting to die. 

for those of you seeking to activate your third eye. Please reconsider... its not a joke. 

im seeing an acupuncture place tomm and a reiki place Sunday. If those don’t help. That might be the end of my attempts on this long 6 month journey... 


I wish I could shut it off. My pituitary gland seems to have shut down completely at this point as none of those functions are working at all. It’s just me and the pineal gland. And emptiness. No love. Life. Nothing. Just observing with hyper consciousness. 

no mental health issues in the family. Was fine before this. Physically healthy. Checked out at the doctor blood work good ct scans good. I’m educated went to college I’m not ignorant of reality but it’s like now I lost my soul and I’m afraid. Family prob thinks I’ve lost it. I have hyper intuition and can basically see through all the bs and there’s so much energy built up inside my brain that I want to put a bullet through it. 

what do I do? Am I screwed?  Where else should I post this? I’ve been so desperate I’ve never shared things like this before but I’m on a last ditch effort. I’m stuck in this spiritual realm but it’s like I’m all alone. 

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get grounded. Eat grounding foods. go outside. connect with your emotional body. 

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You could get interesting results if you connect to your heart, your emotional part, but it for sure seems to be because your awareness levels are to high for you, all you have to do is try to lower it slowly.

If you have no clue how to do it  at all, best bet would be to exercise and get tired, if you can't control it , you will probably have problems to maintain it when you are physically tired, or you can try to watch movies, or other stuff that will kick you out. 


Edited by Claymoree

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Sounds like some strong kundalini symptoms. You should probably go to some kundalini teacher who can help facilitate the process and smoothen things out for you.

I have some weird pressures in my forehead and sinus area that I suspect are kundalini-related, but they're relatively mild and I can live with it. The pressure correlates with crackling noises and energy discharges (tensions) from the upper spine, and sometimes it jolts my head.

My mom who is a doctor said I have some type of dystonia (neurological disorder), but it vanishes if I relax or go into deep meditation. If the pressure gets annoying, I can make it disappear by focusing in on it, and it sort of redirects the energy upwards and sends me into a very alert state of awareness.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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2 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Sounds like some strong kundalini symptoms. You should probably go to some kundalini teacher who can help facilitate the process and smoothen things out for you.

my first thought of how he got there too. 

Edited by Claymoree

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The average acupuncture or reiki guy might not be able to help.

As@Carl-Richard  said, search for a kundalini expert.

I don't know any but I can recommend Levanah Bdolak , she is probably one of the best energy healers out there. You can have a skype/zoom session with her. She might no be able to 'heal' your seeious condition but I think she might be able to figure out what is going on and what to do to get back to normal. I believe she also knows a lot of experts, she might be able to direct you to the right one.

4 hours ago, Vadiminator said:

.im stuck in this constant flow of knowledge and intuition. I always know what to do and how to do it. But I can’t use it to get out of that state.

You are usually the best person to help yourself. Keep trying to use your intuition to get out of that state. Contemplate what go you there? What exactly is your state? How to get out? What are the worst things about it and how could you deal with them?

4 hours ago, Vadiminator said:

he back of my neck near the pineal gland area has this immense pain and surge to the point where I almost would rather die then go a few more days.. 

Your energetic system is very disbalanced. Perhaps a energy healer might actually do the job.

perhaps do some microcosmic orbit. Particulary try to get energy from the head down the front to the navel region.  While keeping the tongue on the roof your mouth.

Your energy is stuck at the 6th chakra (region). like perhaps your soul retreated from the rest of your body/system ( Levonah knows a lot about such stuff ). That explains a lot of your syptoms, including the disconnection from people. Try to get yourself back in your body. Do stuff that corresponds to the lower chakras.

watch movies, exercise and dance. Try to re-awaken your heart chakra. Focus on your heart chakra region. Bring loving light in there. try to feel love. try to feel love for the things you love about life. Then expand it. fill your whole body with love. And try to see the Self in everyone and everything. It is you, infinite Love. Try to be conscious of that as much as possible, that will reconnect you with your environment and people.

Perhaps the following music / videos help. 


I am inspired / touched most when I visualize how a regular person suddenly wakes up to infinite Love.

Ah, and definitely pray to Jesus. Ask him for help.

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The mind is hijacking what is otherwise not a problem. This can be cleared up. 

What was the catalyst to this occurring, and what was your foundation like prior to it? 




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Life is unpredictable, keep in mind that what you're experiencing is only temporary; the state that you're in now is not the state you'll be in in a year. Take mindful breaths and relax. Get the help that you need and find the positive in the situation, maybe your mind is more silent, maybe your body is more relaxed etc. 

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10 hours ago, GreenWoods said:

The average acupuncture or reiki guy might not be able to help.

As@Carl-Richard  said, search for a kundalini expert.

I don't know any but I can recommend Levanah Bdolak , she is probably one of the best energy healers out there. You can have a skype/zoom session with her. She might no be able to 'heal' your seeious condition but I think she might be able to figure out what is going on and what to do to get back to normal. I believe she also knows a lot of experts, she might be able to direct you to the right one.

I’m going to look for some experts in my area someone that can help because I’m very desperate to be out of this state  



You are usually the best person to help yourself. Keep trying to use your intuition to get out of that state. Contemplate what go you there? What exactly is your state? How to get out? What are the worst things about it and how could you deal with them?



RESPONSE: —*** I keep asking myself this  how did I get here  and from I recall, I found that the secret to get to it was my words and my believing. So I’ve spent many months trying to find the words back but it seems like I’ve trapped myself in here.. it’s as though I’m seeing the world/life/people/myself from a completely different angle that’s missing my soul? Like I’m experiencing life without a soul if that makes sense.. I don’t feel pain  zero fear  no emotions  no dreams  I cannot visualize or see anything but shapes and lights. I cannot tell when I’m hungry or need water unless I see in the mirror that my lips are dry and chapped. When I look at myself it’s as though my soul left somewhere... how do I get it back? Am I screwed? I’ve sadly thought about just ending it because of the emptiness... or maybe it’s a punishment I’m not sure.. there’s only one thought at a time here in this state so I have to be cautious in what I think or say..***—-



Your energetic system is very disbalanced. Perhaps a energy healer might actually do the job.

I called someone and they told me the same thing. I’m going to see them tomorrow for a one hour meeting. 


perhaps do some microcosmic orbit. Particulary try to get energy from the head down the front to the navel region.  While keeping the tongue on the roof your mouth.

I’ve been trying to move any energy down. But I notice when I speak or think words or ask for things. It’s like I’m getting the answers but it all gets stuck in my neck/head/pineal gland area. Like it can’t get to my soul? Like there is a disconnect. There is so much pressure and energy built up and nowhere for it to go. 


Your energy is stuck at the 6th chakra (region). like perhaps your soul retreated from the rest of your body/system ( Levonah knows a lot about such stuff ). That explains a lot of your syptoms, including the disconnection from people. Try to get yourself back in your body. Do stuff that corresponds to the lower chakras.

it definitely feels like my soul is elsewhere. But where is it...? Man what a stupid problem -_- I didn’t want this. How can I get ahold of her? 


watch movies, exercise and dance. Try to re-awaken your heart chakra. Focus on your heart chakra region. Bring loving light in there. try to feel love. try to feel love for the things you love about life. Then expand it. fill your whole body with love. And try to see the Self in everyone and everything. It is you, infinite Love. Try to be conscious of that as much as possible, that will reconnect you with your environment and people.

man I did this for a few weeks and it has just dampened my spirit even more. It’s like I can’t even cry anymore but I’ve been weeping and grieving with my spirit because of how deep my pain is. I want to love. I want to connect. But it’s like my heart/soul are not with me anymore :( it’s aching me, or whatever’s left of me. 


Perhaps the following music / videos help. 


I am inspired / touched most when I visualize how a regular person suddenly wakes up to infinite Love.

Ah, and definitely pray to Jesus. Ask him for help.

Thanks so much for detailed replies I’m going to answer the other replies right now. 

I have been praying and asking for help and am going to continue too. 

The best way I can sum this up is like I’m my spirit and I’m stuck in the pineal gland/third eye consciousness with unlimited intuition/knowledge yet it’s not the key to move me out of here. It’s like another reality like the soul of life is missing.. man this stuff ain’t no joke 

Edited by Vadiminator

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8 hours ago, Nahm said:


The mind is hijacking what is otherwise not a problem. This can be cleared up. 

What was the catalyst to this occurring, and what was your foundation like prior to it? 


Okay so I think the catalyst was that I started believing that the eye is the connection point to God, Christ, other men, and those sort of invisible things of light/life/frequencies etc. so then after that I found that the key is our words. And matching our words with the truth that is in this field of light (the one I’m stuck in) somehow connects our soul with God and the truth. Then I started seeing I can fill my soul with love light wisdom peace etc as well and that the secret was the words and my spirit. then I found I could move to the eye using my spirit and somehow got stuck here. 

now I’ve been trying to properly figure out what component is of what. That is, what is spirit, what is soul, what is body. Where is the mind in this tri-image? Where’s the heart? Consciousness? And where do words or thoughts form? I feel like if I solved this. I might be able to get back access to myself or my soul. I’ve made so many distinctions that now in this state I’m not even sure which is which.. 

You say it’s the mind? But is the mind consciousness? And what is the mind of? My heart? My soul? It’s like I took a harmonious system after I found the power was my words and believing, and accidentally messed it all up. I had zero harm or intent of harming anyone nor myself. But now I’m scared it won’t improve as I’ve struggled for 6 months about this. I only recently even decided to go online about this sharing what’s happened with me. 

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14 hours ago, Claymoree said:

You could get interesting results if you connect to your heart, your emotional part, but it for sure seems to be because your awareness levels are to high for you, all you have to do is try to lower it slowly.

If you have no clue how to do it  at all, best bet would be to exercise and get tired, if you can't control it , you will probably have problems to maintain it when you are physically tired, or you can try to watch movies, or other stuff that will kick you out. 


How could i lower my awareness levels? I’ve tried so much and none of it has worked :/ 


13 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Sounds like some strong kundalini symptoms. You should probably go to some kundalini teacher who can help facilitate the process and smoothen things out for you.

I have some weird pressures in my forehead and sinus area that I suspect are kundalini-related, but they're relatively mild and I can live with it. The pressure correlates with crackling noises and energy discharges (tensions) from the upper spine, and sometimes it jolts my head.

My mom who is a doctor said I have some type of dystonia (neurological disorder), but it vanishes if I relax or go into deep meditation. If the pressure gets annoying, I can make it disappear by focusing in on it, and it sort of redirects the energy upwards and sends me into a very alert state of awareness.

I’m looking for some kundalini experts but every google search in my area (Boise ID) just shows yoga places?


someone’s gotta know how to get me out 

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9 hours ago, Nahm said:

and what was your foundation like prior to it? 

By foundation I mean meditation, yoga, reiki, etc?  How many days a week, for how many years?  How long each day? 



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2 hours ago, Vadiminator said:

like the soul of life is missing.. man this stuff ain’t no joke 

Maybe you are just depressed/desprate and your mind is creating all of this, for me it seems like a hysterical reaction.

How would you describe yourself before this incident, how was your life? your relation to Jesus? and what kind of intuition are you having now? would you give us some examples?

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@Vadiminator I would try reaching out to a Psychic in your local area. Read their Yelp, google reviews, etc, it needs to be someone good. Someone who you can feel comfortable with and discuss what your going through. I formed a good connection with one in my area, she helped me get through some dark times, and I still go see her a couple times a year. Worth a shot, don’t lose faith. 

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1 hour ago, Fadl said:

Maybe you are just depressed/desprate and your mind is creating all of this, for me it seems like a hysterical reaction.

How would you describe yourself before this incident, how was your life? your relation to Jesus? and what kind of intuition are you having now? would you give us some examples?

I assure you this is way beyond that. I appreciate your comments but it was completely normal. 

intuition examples, sure. It’s like I have access to this constant field of knowledge. It’s actually available to everyone. But for some reason I’m tapped into it. And it’s as though whatever I’m doing, I’m getting help and guidance doing it. It’s not tips. But it’s like I’m “knowing” what to do precisely all the time and stuck in that state. Where there is no time. No tomorrow or yesterday. Just right now. But without the soul aspects and dynamics.. so if I choose to access memory. That’s 100% of what I am doing. If I am driving. That’s 100% what I am doing. There’s nothing else. No emotion/no heart to life. Everything looks different. I cannot visualize physical objects. It’s more like light patterns only. Visualize light. I’m extremely sensitive to light. My ears are ringing 24-7. It’s like I’m stuck in intuition/knowledge mode.. and I want to be back in my soul again 

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1 hour ago, Fadl said:

Maybe you are just depressed/desprate and your mind is creating all of this, for me it seems like a hysterical reaction.


I think the same, I am not an expert but if feels like something created by the mind. Overthinking, trying to reach a place of "enlightenment"... something similar happened to me but in my case it was like I went crazy.

What I did was try not to think, I tried to pay attention to the outside, to what's happening in the external world and not to be so much in my head.

I began to be again the way I was before and forget about all religious or philosophical stuff... (at least for some time).


When I felt again that I was in a "normal" state as before, I began to try consciousness work but much more careful than before and trying not to think about enlightenment. Enlightenment must come naturally, not through thinking.

Like being aware of everything can take you to that place, but with no effort, no thinking... I am not enlightened, not an expert but I don't know. 

What I know is that I left that place of psychosis/craziness  in that way, drawing, doing normal things and not thinking about it.

My 2 cents.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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3 hours ago, Nahm said:


By foundation I mean meditation, yoga, reiki, etc?  How many days a week, for how many years?  How long each day? 

Before this I was never into any of this haha! I was just a normal guy I actually shy’d away from all of these deeper things. I don’t meditate nor do yoga or reiki. But after I started looking up the pain in the back of my neck, the ear ringing, the “knowledge/intuition flow” I found out about chakras and all of that. I can feel them in my body. I’ve been feeling all this pain and sensations of energy around my head for many months. And about a week ago I found out about chakras and I can say they are not mistaken at all. Before this happening I would’ve not bought it at all. 

And I can feel the top two are open. Like there’s this invisible hole at the top of my skull which receives light, sometimes I can feel it coming it. And then it gets processed in the “third eye” location and is supposed to go through to the rest of my body/soul but it’s stuck all right there, where the intuition based on what I’m doing flows in so I know what to do and how to do it. And that’s it. And I’m stuck up there. All my physical senses are changed as well. All functions of the pituitary gland are not working. Pineal gland is at full maximum. It’s like the light/energy isn’t going where it’s supposed to go. My stomach my gut my sexual organs everything feels extremely off like it’s not there. I remind myself to eat. If I’d like to, I could not eat or drink water for days at a time with no difference. Water I can notice because my lips get chapped. But food I wouldn’t notice a difference if I didn’t eat for 2 days.. 


so this is not in my head nor made up. It’s just far too high of knowledge for me to attain too nor do I wish to do so. It also feels like there’s no sense of time. At all. I could consciously decide to think about a week from now. But all there is is now... now, knowledge/intuition, light. That’s been my life for 5+ months and I want help. :( 

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2 hours ago, Vadiminator said:

Before this I was never into any of this haha!

How do you feel about trying some of them?



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4 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

I think the same, I am not an expert but if feels like something created by the mind. Overthinking, trying to reach a place of "enlightenment"... something similar happened to me but in my case it was like I went crazy.

What I did was try not to think, I tried to pay attention to the outside, to what's happening in the external world and not to be so much in my head.

I began to be again the way I was before and forget about all religious or philosophical stuff... (at least for some time).


When I felt again that I was in a "normal" state as before, I began to try consciousness work but much more careful than before and trying not to think about enlightenment. Enlightenment must come naturally, not through thinking.

Like being aware of everything can take you to that place, but with no effort, no thinking... I am not enlightened, not an expert but I don't know. 

What I know is that I left that place of psychosis/craziness  in that way, drawing, doing normal things and not thinking about it.

My 2 cents.

I’ve been trying this and doing what I can that I would think the real normal me would like but it’s like I’m detached from the connection there. It makes me ache inside :/ I didn’t pursue this or want this. But I’m very open to all suggestions. 

it seems I got myself here with what I believe. I believed I could. Therefore I believe I can get back to my soul and my heart. 

has anyone ever heard of something like this happening? 

whoever is trying to awake the third eye please be very cautious in doing so guys..





well I’m only just going to my first reiki session tomorrow. I am reading up on everything as it’s all very new to me so I’m trying to be cautious as I’ve already seen there is a very loving creator God and I believe he did manifest himself through Christ so I’d like some tips on what to avoid. I just want to get out of this stuck mode. 

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Everything is changeful, even this state you are in. The mind will eventually return to its default state. 

If you don’t engage in this hyper awareness state it will eventually subside.


Can you notice these reactions within you? Rather than going along with them, can you simply observe them? Because that is what you are, this observer. If you can notice them, before they become panicked, you will remain outside of them in a sense. 

See if you can get to a sense of peace, quietude. 

If you can find that place, you will begin to radiate joy.

As someone mentioned, if you can drop into the heart, you will be in a much better place.


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