
Why wouldn't God let us know the Truth?

25 posts in this topic

Why does God hide it from us?

Leo said 'Because he just can'

Isn't it just too harsh for us?

Why would he want us to suffer

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You hide it from yourself by not wanting it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Contemplate how it is that your question is false rather than holding it to be true and expecting an answer. Maybe nothing is hidden, but assumptions make it so. Inspect them. Specifically, that suffering has an outside catalyst or source.



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These questions stem from your definition of 'God'.

You might recognize, that even though Reality is seemingly made up of many different things, there is only 'one' Everything.   This 'one everything' is God.  The problem with being 'one everything', is that 'one everything' is infinite, which is to say, 'one everything' has no limits. No size. No shape. No color. No borders. It can't be described.  It is the same as 'Nothing'. 

So then, the only way for 'God' to 'know itself', or 'be something, rather than nothing/everything'.. is to pretend that it isn't 'one everything', but rather, many things, by placing [imaginary?] limits on itself. 

In this way, God is hiding from God, by 'pretending' not to be.. by pretending to be 'us'.. by pretending to be 'not God' (everything). 


Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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In one dream-story allegorical possibility, God/everything was bored with peace and contentment, so he made appearance, but everything was still boring because it all made sense and was perfect, so he imagined someone who could see it as imperfect, so that he could experience adventure, surprise, and delight, through everyone, and never be lonely. It's just a story though.

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4 hours ago, Whatwhat said:

Why does God hide it from us?

Leo said 'Because he just can'

Isn't it just too harsh for us?

Why would he want us to suffer

In order for God to be truly infinite it must also be all intonations of the finite.

So God hides truth from itself because it must always be simultaneously at all levels of knowing and not-knowing all at once.

God must be both fully enlightened and fully in the dark at the same time as it is the place where all dichotomies collapse.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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@Emerald There aren't different levels to knowing. Just two.

It's either 100% knowing, which equals being. Or it's less than 0.000000000000000000000000001% knowing, since God is the largest infinity, and anything smaller than the largest infinity compared to it equals very little. Similar to a mathematics when we divide any number by infinity. The answer is always close to zero.

@Whatwhat Because if you know the truth you will cease to exist and you won't be able to talk about it.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@Whatwhat because he knows you're a shitty actor and can only play your role well when you forget you're acting

And while lost in your role and eventually discovering the truth. You grow in your acting skills and become a capable of holding the truth and also playing your role

It's the only way bro

U gotta earn your rank

Start off as a side actor. Maybe only walking in the crowd during a scene, and then ultimately being the star of the movie


Enjoy the ride champ

Love Is The Answer

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10 hours ago, Whatwhat said:

Why does God hide it from us?

Leo said 'Because he just can'

Isn't it just too harsh for us?

Why would he want us to suffer

Does God actually do that or is it your interpretation? Have you considered that if you believe god is hiding something from you, then you may act in accordance to this belief and thus effectively hide the truth from yourself? A self-fulfilling fallacy. 

Or maybe not. Maybe you are right. Who knows? Someone needs to go and verify.

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Just now, flume said:

What do you think he's hiding?

There would be no Truth if there is no falsehood. You can't know what light is without knowing what dark is. Plus, He is not hiding anything, because you're looking at it.

"He's veiled by his own Being, which is no veiling at all" - Balayani

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3 hours ago, cuteguy said:

There would be no Truth if there is no falsehood.

That's only true when defining truth as the opposite of falsehood.

If Truth is defined as certainty (as in Absolute Truth) then things start to get interesting.

After all, the opposite of certainty is not falsehood. And you most certainly can have certainty without uncertainty. B|:x



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15 hours ago, Whatwhat said:

Why does God hide it from us?

Lots of assumptions even in such a simple question.

1) There is a God

2) There is an 'us' seperate from God

3) An object called Truth with some sort of value is hidden

4) There is a reason why the object is hidden

5) There is somebody who needs to find the object

6) There can be no peace until the somebody finds the something...


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36 minutes ago, No Self said:

Lots of assumptions even in such a simple question.

1) There is a God

2) There is an 'us' seperate from God

3) An object called Truth with some sort of value is hidden

4) There is a reason why the object is hidden

5) There is somebody who needs to find the object

6) There can be no peace until the somebody finds the something...


Like ? ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Maybe the truth is there is no truth.

Maybe it seems to hide Itself by being everything which is constant change.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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44 minutes ago, peachboy said:

That's only true when defining truth as the opposite of falsehood.

If Truth is defined as certainty (as in Absolute Truth) then things start to get interesting.

After all, the opposite of certainty is not falsehood. And you most certainly can have certainty without uncertainty. B|:x



Dude, you confused me. How about Truth vs delusion? Would that work?

My point is that God hides himself in order to find himself. Hiding himself being "delusion or falsehood" while finding himself being "Truth."

Thank you for making my ego work to prove a point >:(

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1 hour ago, cuteguy said:

My point is that God hides himself in order to find himself. Hiding himself being "delusion or falsehood" while finding himself being "Truth."


Agreed and I understand that. I'm just toying with you and playing around with the lexicon. 9_9

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On 10/30/2020 at 0:54 PM, Gesundheit said:

@Emerald There aren't different levels to knowing. Just two.

It's either 100% knowing, which equals being. Or it's less than 0.000000000000000000000000001% knowing, since God is the largest infinity, and anything smaller than the largest infinity compared to it equals very little. Similar to a mathematics when we divide any number by infinity. The answer is always close to zero.

@Whatwhat Because if you know the truth you will cease to exist and you won't be able to talk about it.

There is two. There is one. There is nothing. There is infinitely many and infinitely few. 

You can try to suss this out using human systems like mathematics, but it will never understand the nature of God's knowing. I certainly don't understand how it is possible.

But I have experienced and it was beyond all dichotomies and dualities. It was all and none at the same time. So, it is always at all levels of knowing and not-knowing of itself at all times for eternity.

Think about it this way. You are God and yet you are neither in a state of 100% knowing nor are in a state of 0% knowing from your perspective. You as an individual are somewhere in the middle. But yet, what you are knows everything. And what you are can know nothing.

I wish I could explain it better than I have.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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18 minutes ago, Emerald said:

I wish I could explain it better than I have.

Gita to the rescue :)


Lord of the gods, you are the abode of the universe. Changeless, you are what is and what is not, and beyond the duality of existence and nonexistence. You are the first among the gods, the timeless spirit, the resting place of all beings. You are the knower and the thing which is known. You are the final home; with your infinite form you pervade the cosmos. (Bhagavad Gita 11:37-38)

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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