
1h Improvisation: Awakening, Healing through Music

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Thank you @Leo Gura for helping me get to this marvelous place of Joy, Creativity and Love. Feel so fortunate, could never have done it on my own. Your Life Purpose Course, wisdom and teachings have been absolutely crucial. :x

Thank you @Nahm for teaching me to use a dream board (have a big double sided white board in my living room which both me and my wife dream on together)... it really works wonders! :x

I've done a lot of psychedelic work in the last months and the awakenings are getting really deep. Everything is transforming. There's an incredible flow opening up. God and Love have taken over my life, and keeps pushing the boundaries, overcoming obstacles, resistance and fear. Surrendering to the miracles and bliss. Syncronisities overflow. I wish you all will experience this in your lives. Trust in Leo and you will see... test out what he teaches... there's no end to what can be acheived, we are limitless creators of Love and Beauty. We are divine. Heal yourself to free yourself to be Yourself. Leo will teach you how. It works, it really works!

This improvisation came at the end of a very long trip. I was healing my stomach, getting help from all kinds of wonderful beneficial forces in the universe. I had stored all the pain from my past failed dreams in my belly. Finally I let it out, feeling it, being with it. This improvisation is the healing and if you listen to the whole thing you will hear me healing, as the music becomes more joyful and creative.

I Love You. Bless You All. So very grateful to be here, in the Heart. Joy and Benevolence for All. :D


Everything IS LOVE, everything is music... :x

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Welcome home

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Edit: This overenthusiastic attitude will probably be dampened more often than expected, so, I'll make sure to vigilant! This is just the beginning, there's still a lot of hardships to suffer(?) through.

Absolutely awesome to hear brother! ❤️❤️❤️

Great to know that things are clicking for others too.

My personal growth has experienced a similar exponential upward curve in the recent months, and it only seems to be getting better.

All my confidence- and relationship-problems are essentially gone (for example, I never took the time to get into pickup theory aside from a few forum comments by Leo, but at this point, pretty much everything I could learn from that, comes to me intuitively and spontaneously)

I have recently discovered my life purpose and am dead set on it (becoming a conscious psychotherapist, in case anybody wants to know), and thanks to a few recent DMT trips, Atman has been extinguished and I? am permanently in the state of Consciousness that is referred to (I *think*?) as Paramatman in the Indian tradition.


No full blown God Consciousness experiences yet (honestly that can wait until I have some momentum with my life purpose under my belt!), but once I recieve my first order of 5-MeO-DMT, that should be only one more death away ;)


No fear anymore, just excitement. Why didn't anybody tell me that the knot in out stomach that we call panic/anxiety could actually be recontextualized to become one's greatest source of energy, and feel borderline orgasmic?


Leo, have you ever thought about making a video on converting emotions? (anxiety->excitement, boredom->relaxation, contempt->love, etc. etc.) Or was that included in your series on emotional mastery? Haven't rewatched that one in years... 


Much Love to all of you❤️❤️❤️


Grinning like Tat Wale Baba at the moment. All good, perfect, even? 


Edited by OR NOT

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A homerun for @Marten!! Be our new frontrunner in Creation, a beaming Artist, a prism for refracting Light! That's ART! :x


Edited by SirVladimir

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@Leo Gura


@OR NOT Happy for you, keep shining and spread the light far and wide! :D

@SirVladimir xD the heart is so so happy, thank you... :x

@allislove I'm so glad you guys can hear it too!! Thanks! xD I have had so much fear to share it and as usual, Love is hiding behind a curtain of fear... lol... it is all just way too good to be true... and still it's happening ?❤️??



Everything IS LOVE, everything is music... :x

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@lostmedstudent There's an amazing thread on it here:

It's actually very simple. What you really want you write on the board. Then you anticipate getting that with gratitude and joyous feeling. If there is any resistance/ negative thoughts/ low energy feelings you process those until gratitude and joy remains. Then when you get the thing/ experience/ whatever it is you wanted, you erase it from the board.

It is an exploration of what you really want. I love how it's very fluid, you can erase, flesh things out, change it around, draw, use magnets and pictures etc. There's very little structure. I typically use one side (the front) for the things I (and my wife) want, and the flip side (back side) for processing things - could be emotions, plans, writing songs etc.

Its a most powerful way of being an active joyous creator. You are God, embrace it!! :D

Edited by Marten

Everything IS LOVE, everything is music... :x

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Marten! Thanks for sharing man! Listened to the whole recording.  Takes courage to share that.  Such an outpouring of joy.  It’s amazing you were able to capture it.

“In God’s band now” it!

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@DevOcean Yes friend, thanks for the recognition!! Lot of things that need to heal... letting go of fear, embracing Love, being One... it’s incredible... there are SO MANY levels to life... IT’S INFINITE... so blissful... Bless you! ?❤️??

Everything IS LOVE, everything is music... :x

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