
Is Science Wrong? :o

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I have recently been contemplating the ideas about science that I am learning now that I am a high school student and I am 17 by the way and I know a bit about enlightenment. I have tried to grasp the fact that science might be deeply flawed because of a general groundlessness in its assumptions.

Here is what I mean:

When we do science, we use formulas (a combination of numbers and letters) to describe the objective nothingness that reality is. We also use language and create these models thinking they are real.

And I have started to notice that all of these descriptions and formulas - they are ILLUSIONS and the stort they tell is FALSE. It has nothing to do with reality and is a distraction from the truth that science is. When you look at things that are related to science, all there is is what is. There is no H2O, there is no molecule, there is no magnet. All there is is direct experience without any meaning, story whatever.

It is just complete fiction. It is kind of funny that there is this distinction between genres that are fiction and non-fiction. Fuck that, it is all fiction - every story, belief, model. Calling a story non fiction is very self deceptive and a lie that the self uses to create reality to its own preference. 

When I write 2, notice that thing is not two. Two is a fucking story - an illusion. 

The same goes with all other models.

What do you think of science in general. Do you agree/disagree with me on this? 

What is your idea?


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There is nothing wrong about science. Science is a systematic measurement of 'how' reality operates, broken down into nuances that humans can intellectually understand. Through understanding of these nuances, we've been able to achieve remarkable things as a species by working in the fields of reality. Science is perpetually evolving in this day and age, thanks to advanced technology, so what we may hold as an accurate model of a phenomenon in reality today might change tomorrow.

Science does NOT explain the 'why' about reality: why we exist, why reality exists, why we evolved into how we are today, why the universe unfolded like it did. That's why philosophy and spirituality are popular among humanity, because we're capable of grasping the seemingly bizarre and miraculous nature of existence itself.

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In my opinion science is just the humans attempt to create a functional and objective analysis on life. However as you are describing you are starting to see the fallacy in science and its nature, which is essentially grounded in our perception, what we can perceive and objectively measure. Since these things are constantly changing or forever will change. The only control for our experience is like you said... direct experience. That being said, with so many interwebing belief systems, thoughts and unconscious patterns it becomes a life mission to distinguish what is our direct experience and what is false.

To see things for what they are without meaning, purpose, function, reason, value etc. is Truth. If you get there, your enlightened and apparently the conscious experience is ineffable and indescribable; feelings of pure bliss and love. Besides that everything is all a fiction.

However the search for meaning is a necessary fiction some might say to realise nothing and everything.

Edited by LifeLife

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@Christian its like the map vs the territory, while the map isn't reality itself, it has its uses 

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 It is simply a tool and a very useful one at that.  In the words of Maslow, "I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

But as we both know, the world is so much more than a nail, right? 

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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Uses science [Computer, electricity, internet, servers, software, algorithmic formulas and much more]  to connect to this site and calls it an illusion!? o.O


:|  .....


:o  ..............


>:(   .......................



Edited by The Obedient Listner

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Draw a distinction between 1) absolute truth, 2) relative truths, and 3) pure fabrications.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Christian Good! Modern science is simply bent towards predicting outcomes in phenomena through direct empirical observation. All of that is good and all but none of it is bent towards finding what is actually true about reality. You should consider yourself extremely lucky for figuring this out at a very early age.

@The Obedient Listner You should make the distinction between science and technology.

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  On 8/30/2016 at 10:19 PM, Extreme Z7 said:

@The Obedient Listner You should make the distinction between science and technology

Definition of technology: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. :|

Mhm.... *facepalm again*

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  On 8/30/2016 at 9:20 PM, The Obedient Listner said:

Hasn't the uncertainty principle, the double-slit experiment, molecular resonance, and quantum entanglement (to name a few) just about proven that it is? 

Uses science [Computer, electricity, internet, servers, software, algorithmic formulas and much more]  to connect to this site and calls it an illusion!? o.O


:|  .....


:o  ..............


>:(   .......................




Edited by comp13

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  On 8/30/2016 at 10:22 PM, The Obedient Listner said:

Definition of technology: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. :|

Mhm.... *facepalm again*

What if science is just a practical application of reality? I used think science could explain everything too, then one day it hit me that we are like microscopic ants on a sphere suspended and moving in nothing millions and millions of miles from anything in something so large that we can't begin to comprehend--We have no clue what we are, and the mind and thought will not get us much closer to discovering it. The mind is dumb--Our bodies let it find food and shelter, but it's really not good--nor was designed--for much else ... and I know there's a lot more.

Edited by comp13

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@The Obedient Listner

Yeah, that is exactly what I am doing. Because it is the truth. The only way internet, computers, formulas, etc. can exist is in the form of thoughts and thoughts are existentially just illusory sensations that are not true.. 

Truth is before thoughts, abstractions, sensations. Truth is what is remained when you directly observe reality and what that is in the moment is you. There is no seperation! 


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Science is like doing something and while you're doing it, asking yourself 'How the hell am i doing this?' :D

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  On 9/3/2016 at 10:55 AM, Psychonaut said:

I don't believe in science.

Stop believing that you don't believe!


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@abrakamowse Stop believing that I believe in any words I say. It might be just random happenings of typenings of letterings with no meanings. 

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  On 9/8/2016 at 4:51 PM, Psychonaut said:

@abrakamowse Stop believing that I believe in any words I say. It might be just random happenings of typenings of letterings with no meanings. 

I don't believe that you don't believe any belief and that you do believe or not.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Yes literally all language, writing etc isnt the direct experience, essentially its our best attempt to communicate our thoughts and feelings to another human or humans and as such will always be limited to a concept. 

Having said that its the best we can do as we may want to learn about others experiences and explore concepts that we havent experienced ourselves, however limited this might be its better than nothing. The problem i feel with science is that it states a lot of things that people then take as fact, a lot of science is theory as in this is a thing that could have happened. To base our idea of reality around this as an absolute truth would be misguided. 

So i dont think theres anything wrong with science or language its just how you take it, always question and never accept anything outside your own first hand experience as an absolute truth 

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One distinction you have to make with science is the difference between USEFUL and TRUTH.

Evolution as a model is extremely ACCURATE. It can model reality in such a way that we can navigate with extreme efficiency. Same thing with mathematics, physics and all the other sciences. They've been shown over and over that their model is USEFUL.

But is it actually TRUE?

Is there really such a thing as the number "2"? Or is the number "2" something the human mind has invented, and because it's so USEFUL and ingrained in our everyday life that people have forgotten that there's no such thing?


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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