
Leo what you mean when you say "I'm looking through your eyes right now"?

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37 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

An excerpt from the Kyballion:

By default many of us perceive things as separate and while this has truth you can also perceive everything as one. An atom is its own individual thing yet it makes up a chair, its own individual thing. Earth is made up of everything inside of it, so is reality. And if reality is one infinite conscious "thing" in the scope of reality itself, reality/God is simultaneously experiencing everything. It is you, it is Leo, it is me. So now coming back down we shift the perspective from "I am me" to "I am God" who experiences everything. In which the "I" does not point to a particular human, but "identifies" as the whole.

Sounds to me non-duality conceptually, not experiencially.

By at that point even a hardcore materialism athesit would agree that everything is "One". Sure, is one... its all the same thing : Reality.

But I suspect non-duality is more radical than that.

Edited by Javfly33

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30 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Sounds to me non-duality conceptually, not experiencially.

By at that point even a hardcore materialism athesit would agree that everything is "One". Sure, is one... its all the same thing : Reality.

But I suspect non-duality is more radical than that.

I think most people don't even understand what everything is one actually means, how  darkness and light plays in it. 


Edited by Claymoree

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3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Definetely. Are you trying to say that letting go of the attachment to the nouns would be beneficiary for a more clear realization?

Well, not two. Yet on one hand you seem to be asking if it can be deduced, realized, or assumed that there is one observer and many points of view so to speak, or if it is possible to literally experience the looking through a discernibly experientially second point of you / point of view, aware that this is the case as the same awareness. Like you as awareness knowing the experience of looking through Javfly33 and in the same apparent lifetime, aware as awareness through the “Nahm” / or another point of view. 



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1 hour ago, Claymoree said:

I think most people don't even understand what everything is one actually means, how  darkness and light plays in it. 


In my book, everything One means differently depending in how that knowledge appears.

If it appears experiencially, that means I AM is everything and all concepts (such as humans) only existed as an idea.

If it appears conceptually, then it could mean a lot of things, one would be "The self in my is the self in him, so we are the same Being, so we are One". 

As you see, the second one can be a lot molded, and honestly it´s not different to making the similarity with the oxigen we breath or whatever.

The first one, its more radical, and it would be mean that I am alone in the universe and im just talking to myself constantly. 

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3 minutes ago, Nahm said:

and in the same apparent lifetime, aware as awareness through the “Nahm” / or another point of view. 

@Nahm But that is a belief, a thought, a guessing.

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In what scenario would it not be? 

Your title is very specific.

Are you talking about direct experience, or another belief / assumption?

I’ll leave it to that. 





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2 hours ago, Nahm said:


In what scenario would it not be? 

Your title is very specific.

Are you talking about direct experience, or another belief / assumption?

I’ll leave it to that. 



Well the scenario where it would not be would be this, right here. Leo must be me Now.


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Oh, gotcha. My bad. I thought you were asking if it’s possible to experience through another point of view. In the experience  rather than identity sense. 



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13 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Oh, gotcha. My bad. I thought you were asking if it’s possible to experience through another point of view. In the experience  rather than identity sense. 

 I don´t know what I am even asking to be honest.:(

For me, if it would possible to experience through another point of view, then at that point i would have to be literally that point of view. Thats what is Oneness to me.

Am I missing something?

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No, I was missing something. In hindsight, I read too much into your inquiry. I thought you were asking if it’s possible to experience through what would otherwise be considered a second point of view, or simply said, “another person’s” pov. But I see your inquiry was not of that, but more specifically, of what Leo meant. 



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@Javfly33 if he didn't mean solipsism I think he meant the following.. 

I think he is speaking about the universal "I Am". The same consciousness that is lighting through Leo's eyes (if Leo is real) is the same consciousness looking through your eyes right now. That doesn't mean you as Javfly33 is looking through Leo's eyes. But you as Consciousness is looking through Leo's eyes.   Notice yourself as Javfly33 the ego identity. And then notice yourself as pure isness.. Pure consciousness.   The ego identity of Leo is different from the ego identity of Javfly33. But the underlying pure consciousness  identity (which is the true identity) in Leo is the same in Javfly33. 

Edited by Someone here

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@Someone here "You" beat me to it :) There is only one consciousness, now. Consciousness makes a game of infusing itself as the essence of everything in the world of form, playing peekaboo with itself, but it's always the same consciousness. The awakening game is not a concept; it is the experience of consciousness realizing itself.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Javfly33 if he didn't mean solipsism I think he meant the following.. 

I think he is speaking about the universal "I Am". The same consciousness that is lighting through Leo's eyes (if Leo is real) is the same consciousness looking through your eyes right now. That doesn't mean you as Javfly33 is looking through Leo's eyes. But you as Consciousness is looking through Leo's eyes.   Notice yourself as Javfly33 the ego identity. And then notice yourself as pure isness.. Pure consciousness.   The ego identity of Leo is different from the ego identity of Javfly33. But the underlying pure consciousness  identity (which is the true identity) in Leo is the same in Javfly33. 

But that's pretty basic stuff ... I've known since my first no-self Awakening...

I think Leo is meaning something more radical than that... I might be wrong tho and it might just be what you say, but... something tells me it goes deeper than that

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39 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

But that's pretty basic stuff ... I've known since my first no-self Awakening...

I think Leo is meaning something more radical than that... I might be wrong tho and it might just be what you say, but... something tells me it goes deeper than that

That feeling of "it goes deeper" is the recognition of Tat, the ultimate reality, which you realize when you wake up, but are unable to understand. It is the ultimate mystery, and it has no name.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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It's basically complicated


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@Nahm Nothing is sneakier than beating the ego at its own game :ph34r:

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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21 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

But that's pretty basic stuff ... I've known since my first no-self Awakening...

I think Leo is meaning something more radical than that... I might be wrong tho and it might just be what you say, but... something tells me it goes deeper than that

Well that's how I understand it myself. Only Leo can tell you accurately what he means right? It seems like he means you (as Javfly33) are all alone imagining everyone else and that sort of stuff. I don't buy it. 

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