
If reality is infinite - wouldn't it include a possibility of eternal suffering?

41 posts in this topic

Hell is eternal suffering, here there's an image of hell... take a look!



Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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The only thing which is eternal and constant is change itself



Guess that could mean an ever-worsening suffering


Change can also mean a turn around and towards bliss


Change is unchanging

Rest goes on changing. Nothing eternal/fixed.

Love Is The Answer

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@Elvaxorn I'm not sure if this clarifies anything, but it might. There's a geometric shape called, "Gabriel's horn". It has a limited volume and an infinite surface area. It's also called the painter's paradox. It's related to the fact that there are an infinite amount of numbers in between one and two or two and three. In the midst of suffering, it can get to the point where "time" slows down, and you are zapped into the infinte numbers between one point and the next. Another example that Leo has brought up before is that you can zoom into any point in the universe forever. There are an infinite amount of camera angles and perspectives that you could take at any point of the universe as well. 

So how could it be that I am finite, or my body is finite yet infinite at the same time? Infinitely finite, and finitely infinite. 

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10 hours ago, Elvaxorn said:

Its mind bugging to think about it lol

If reality is infinite, doesn't that mean that literally anything is possible? 

And if so, wouldn't there be a universe (with lower case U) where for example a tyrannical mythological god truly exists and he is eternal and all powerful and maybe he has a version of hell that exist physically, and if people don't follow his commands he will make them suffer for eternity after they die or whatever... 

 That sounds crazy and scary tbh xD , also is reincarnation something possible? And if we will keep reincarnating forever, mustn't that include a possibility where we will inevitably reincarnate in such a universe where we would experience eternal suffering that never ends? Is that even possible, to reincarnate in a form that is eternal? 

I can't find an answer to this anywhere 

I hope Leo can answer this mind bugging question. 


Yes reality is so to say infinite, and sure you could imagine the possibility, but just because you can imagine it, doesn't mean it exists as a an "actual".  You could spend the next moment past Now, worrying you will die a horrible death in any second and be stressed for the remainder of your life, but why would you want to?

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Eternity is not endlessness. It is timelessness. There is no suffering outside of time.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Every moment is eternity, so any moment you’re suffering is technically eternal suffering. ;P It just so happens that Love is the bigger eternity because the suffering is included in it. 

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20 hours ago, SoonHei said:

@Elvaxorn consider what you call eternal as endless

and suffering as going in the wrong direction

you're in a car that has infinite fuel and you have infinite life and you're on an infinite road

so one can keep on driving in the wrong direction to no end. the road will go on, the car goes on and you go on - eternal suffering


there's the option for a u-turn

you can take a u-turn anytime and start driving in the right direction

and that will be eternal bliss :)


so it is eternal in a sense that it CAN BE eternal until one chooses to correct themselves. and there's always better late than never. there's no missing the chance, because endless road, endless time.



If we take the islamic god as an example, he will not allow you to exit that hell, he promises to keep you locked for eternity, and even if you surrender, how can that be a way out?

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15 hours ago, Depersonilized said:

@Elvaxorn I'm not sure if this clarifies anything, but it might. There's a geometric shape called, "Gabriel's horn". It has a limited volume and an infinite surface area. It's also called the painter's paradox. It's related to the fact that there are an infinite amount of numbers in between one and two or two and three. In the midst of suffering, it can get to the point where "time" slows down, and you are zapped into the infinte numbers between one point and the next. Another example that Leo has brought up before is that you can zoom into any point in the universe forever. There are an infinite amount of camera angles and perspectives that you could take at any point of the universe as well. 

So how could it be that I am finite, or my body is finite yet infinite at the same time? Infinitely finite, and finitely infinite. 

Yeah that kinda explains it well, thank you my friend

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15 hours ago, Moksha said:

Eternity is not endlessness. It is timelessness. There is no suffering outside of time.

Can you explain this further please? 

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You need to also consider that suffering is lack of Love. Its literally the definition of not actual. If light is love, then darkness is suffering(lack of light). Infinity includes everything, but it includes every actual thing. Infinity cannot include suffering because infinity does not know what suffering is. That doesn't mean that you've never suffered before, you have, and suffering can be horrible, really horrible, but its not a given that infinity must explicitly include hell, hell is a choice that you choose to enter or not based on your free will. Like Trump (if we assume he exists) didn't have to suffer, he chose to, same for Jeffrey Epstein. 

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On 10/29/2020 at 5:38 AM, Elvaxorn said:

I can't find an answer to this anywhere 

Some answers are just the feeling which says this doesn’t feel right to me, and seeing for yourself.



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Keep playing with your imagination, the mind is just a series of pathways that you're used to following in many ways, learn the pathways of your creativity and you'll unfold the infinity of the universe you never dreamed possible, maybe you'll become like J.K rolling or Spielberg  who knows!

Edited by Origins

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1 hour ago, Elvaxorn said:

If we take the islamic god as an example, he will not allow you to exit that hell, he promises to keep you locked for eternity, and even if you surrender, how can that be a way out?

all "gods" & their ways are concepts/ideas you believe in.

if one believes there's no way out then that's how it will be

but if one believes one can repent/make a u-turn, then that option will be available for you :)


reality, being infinite, serves you in all ways possible. your thoughts about it (deep in subconscious) serve as the building ground for how it all will be for you


a muslim having a near death experience will be visited by prophet Mohammed for example

a hindu may have krishna

a chrisitian will see jesus

and so on...

an atheist will see an atom perhaps :D


Love Is The Answer

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2 hours ago, SoonHei said:

an atheist will see an atom perhaps :D

Probably he will see nothing and think "you see? I knew God didn't exist!"


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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3 hours ago, Elvaxorn said:

Can you explain this further please? 

Suffering happens when we identify with the ego, rather than realizing who we are. It is a misalignment with the present moment. The ego refuses to accept what is. It can only live in the fictional past or future; the Now dissolves it. Ego is an illusion that will always lead to suffering. When you wake up, you realize that you are the Now, and you never were anything else. Time is an illusion. There is no time in the present moment, and the present moment is all that there is. There is no suffering in pure Consciousness, only light, the unitive reality, which is another word for freedom, intelligence, love, happiness, and peace.

A bunch of words which are only pointers. When you wake up, you will experience yourself.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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2 hours ago, SoonHei said:

a muslim having a near death experience will be visited by prophet Mohammed for example

a hindu may have krishna

a chrisitian will see jesus

and so on...

an atheist will see an atom perhaps :D

Concepts are part of the illusion. There is no name for the ultimate Mystery. We only experience it directly when we wake up and realize ourselves :)

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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16 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

Probably he will see nothing and think "you see? I knew God didn't exist!"


lol yes or this :D


well, they say atom is 99.9999% empty space - as good as nothing already :)

Love Is The Answer

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2 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

well, they say atom is 99.9999% empty space - as good as nothing already :)

Yes, that's true...

hehehe... we are all atheist in a sense hehehe...

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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