
Are you somebody's follower?

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If so who's? Could also be a political group, a religion etc. etc. 

Don't see myself as anybody's follower, never have and don't think ever will but i also don't really see myself as a leader.

For example i listen to Leo's stuff and think about it and try things out but don't believe everything etc. (haven't listened very long to his stuff either)

In some ways it's a weakness and in some ways it's a strength.

A weakness because if i'd totally follow somebody i could probably learn more and faster, totally immerse myself, after enough learning could drop that "following" and follow the next person or thing at a higher level.

In some ways it's a strength because i couldn't totally loose myself, really get hoodwinked like that,  etc.  follow somebody for years and then be disappointed.

maybe if the "right" person or group came a long i'd be a follower too but don't really see that happening

Edited by PurpleTree

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I do. It's not like following someone. More like finding honey and sucking it then looking for other flowers. They are poets, academics, civilians, web wearing bugs etc. Names are not relevant. I can learn from various sources so I can make what I learned one and many at the same time.

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8 minutes ago, Sucuk Ekmek said:

I do. It's not like following someone. More like finding honey and sucking it then looking for other flowers. They are poets, academics, civilians, web wearing bugs etc. Names are not relevant. I can learn from various sources so I can make what I learned one and many at the same time.

I can learn from various sources too but does that mean i'm a follower?

Don't think so.

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I've never been a follower myself. An admirer, yes, but that's different. I think it comes from a very strong sense of equality I've always had. No one person should be raised above others. As such I would object to being followed myself. 

I would agree that it's a strength because you have to take responsibility for your own mind and actions. Sales people have a hard time with me, because I have to be convinced on merit and not razzmatazz. The only weakness I can see is that sometimes self delusion can take over, especially when you ignore the advice of others who actually know better than you.


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If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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^i don't think i've ever followed anybody on twitter, facebook, insta, youtube nor any other online place i think :P  never even had instagram and twitter

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11 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

^i don't think i've ever followed anybody on twitter, facebook, insta, youtube nor any other online place i think :P  never even had instagram and twitter

I did some of those before when I was wallowing and wandering in the dark ages. Now I only have Facebook and it's close to becoming obsolete.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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