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gratitude, health and random thoughts

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Happy moments today: I woke up at 8 a.m, played with Ruby outside, went on a beautiful evening hike. The last few days have felt like fall, the air makes me feel alive. And I did yoga tonight, it feels nice to get back to doing exercise

Yesterday I was grateful for: SLEEP, my god, lol. I wore an outfit I liked that day, I unpacked my colder weather clothing. And having a chat with my sister and playing with my younger brother for 10 minutes (which is a lot, with my brother) and going on a nice long trail walk, the leaves have started turning yellow

Day before that: Pumpin carving with friends and then with little sister, eating christmas oreos because halloween oreos are out of stock, and a beauuuutiful moon sky, it was spectacular. And I had no headache that day









Edited by Myioko

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Im glad I...

Woke up at 7 am

Drove across state to pick up dog from dog training 

Ate a delicious salad for lunch

Didn’t have a headache today

Got to listen to one of my favorite books for four hours but in audio version, I had read it multiple times as a kid (Amulet of Samarkand) and his voice was PERFECT


some squiggly wiggly drawings i drew in the car, i started a new little sketchbook yesterday. i liked how the castle stair one turned out







Edited by Myioko

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I woke up at 8 a.m today (:

It's beautiful weather this morning

A random girl complimented my outfit at the grocery store

I watched a movie last night

I feel healthy and no headache/no neck pain

Had tasty leftover food for breakfast

Edited by Myioko
Mood: Joyful, light, timeless, idea-flowing-in-the-zone

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Woke up at 8 a.m again today (9 a.m by yesterdays time) 

Went on a nice walk this morning

I turned in my art homework tonight, painted and drew crazy fast and focused today because I had to - but a couple of the paintings I'm happy with how they turned out! 

Ate homemade oatmeal berry crisp for dessert

Watched an episode of tv


Edited by Myioko
Mood: Tired, on a roll, satisfied that I've accomplished what I needed this week, ready for sleeeep

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@flume Thanks! :x


Things I am grateful for today:

I woke up at 7 a.m

It RAINED. Or more like sprinkled. This was the first time in forevvver that it rained, like normal, flooding not counted

Today was my day off. I cleaned the shed, spend some quality time with Ruby

Called a friend

Went on a long walk this afternoon. It felt surreal, I thought I became lost for a while, and this is a well known trail for me. I cut through the path to an unknown side path. I thought I was going far away from the park, but really I had just made a very slow loop back to the very beginning. For a moment I thought I had transported or something

Made homemade peanut butter cups

Drew some quick spooky sketches - halloween rubbed off of me this week i think

Did 30 minutes of yoga





Imagining a demon pretending to be the characters pet rabbit and then morphing into a giant bunny monster with four eyes, lopping through the forest


Edited by Myioko
Mood: pretty blank, actually. im feeling a bit happy that i’ll have time to clean and decorate my room tomorrow. I’m also feeling a tiny bit impatient to have some time for reading

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Grateful for: RAIN 

Biden winning the election *confetti of mediocrity* *at least it isn't Trump*

Ink pens that fill in spots beautifully and not dry out for a long time

Yellow leaves

I had the time to do an oil painting yesterday


My black dress, it's very comfy 


I bought gingerbread oreos today, curiosity got the better of me. Its not...terrible, but I do not recommend. I still have an after taste



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