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Dream figures

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Straightforward question. If I can figure out how I create other beings during my nightly dreams, will it be the same explanation as to how other people are created in this waking dream? I can lucid dream reasonably well, I can understand from within that dream scenario how I seem to create the environment, time and space, and I can relate that to my everyday waking life. As in the so called dumb physical objects. Far from dumb btw in the grand scheme of things. But I still just can’t get other beings. In my nightly dreams they’re wandering around doing their own thing, as if they have their own mind. And clearly they don’t, they can not be thinking independently of myself, as much as it seems they are. Even when I’m totally lucid, they’re still there doing their own shit. It irritates me if I’m honest ?. I think, but am not sure, that the same sort of thing has to be going on here, right now in this waking life. Or am I missing something, is there more to it than that? Or really is it the same thing? Just on a more stable and consistent level that seems to last so much longer. This is something I’ve tried to contemplate whilst on psychedelics, but as much I I realise about myself, the environment around me, it’s the other beings I just can not grasp

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I think it is more interesting to try and understand why dream characters and their actions are the way they are , dreams clearly do not follow your best interests, so what do they follow, 


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@Claymoree I don’t understand what your saying? If this is a dream and night dream figures are of the same nature, and they don’t follow my best interests then that would suggest that no human being in this waking dream follows my bests interests. I’m not seeing a great deal of difference between my night dreams and my daily life other than this thing seems to be a lot more consistent and longer lasting. I don’t quite know what your getting at with your remark

Edited by Dazgwny

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I had a good game of football, or soccer as Americans might call it, in my dream last night. Was all good I enjoyed it. There was nothing suggesting any of that was not in my best interests. It just was what it was, with other people running around playing footy against me. My point is that these people seemed to have lives and minds of their own. Which they clearly don’t. So is this the case as I’m sitting here now awake? With people abouts and around me chatting away? Doing what seems like their own thing. I don’t understand how night dream characters do their own thing, nor these characters in my everyday life do their own thing. So my thought is if I can figure out how the night dream characters work, will that basically be the same as how these waking characters work, but as I say on a more consistent level? 

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You will find answer to your question inside the dream , not doing metal gymnastic outside of it. idk how saying anything more then I already said will help you find answer for it, at least one that will not be your interpretation of my words. 



Edited by Claymoree

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I genuinely don’t think anyone on this forum has the answer to my question m. I don’t think any of you actually truly understand what another human being is. Whether they have their own thinking mind, whether they’re just pure projection of your own mind, whether they’re nothing more than just appearance, as in an outer appearance and nothing inside. Or what? I don’t think any of yous know. I think leo probably does, but obviously I can’t 100% confirm that. But he probably does. If you people knew the answer to this question you wouldn’t be on this forum talking about it. You just wouldn’t bother. Because you would know. I certainly wouldn’t bother my ass, because I would know, and that would be that. I wouldn’t need yous and I wouldn’t need leo. That might sound contradictory to why I say leo then is on this forum. But it’s not, because this forum is Leo’s creation, so of course he’s going to be on here, responding. But the rest of yous, as much as yous claim you might know, and not all obviously. But the ones that do claim, I don’t think yous do. You wouldn’t be here if you did??‍♂️

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I just don't see point of telling you something that has been told already million times, how it will help?

They are you, does it help, but you are you, does it help and you are neither, does it help? 

Edited by Claymoree

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@Claymoree conceptually very easy to say. Not a chance if I met you in person would u understand truly and deeply that I am you. Not having it. Can be said a million times like you say. But naa sorry, you wouldn’t even be trying me if you genuinely knew. Take care thanks for the input I’ll keep up my own search of discovery. Appreciated though of course your view?

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The nightly dream and the waking dream are slightly different.

In the nightly dream you are essentially a solipsistic dictator.

The waking dream however, is built around a kind of blockchain of consciousness, where each node is a fundamental entity in its own right. Ultimately each node has a common identity, which is the identity of God (1st-Person Consciousness), but exists temporarily and collectively in a refracted state so as to increase levels of entropy, creativity and unpredictability unto the nature of the dream. (God vs God).

You still can manifest as though this were a lucid dream, but it has to be validated on the overall blockchain of consciousness in order to become real. Therefore, manifesting something as simple as a free cup of coffee is easy, but manifesting Godzilla rising from the oceans is likely to be very difficult because of subconscious resistance on the broader blockchain.

If your intentions are dedicated to the entire blockchain as a whole, then you will have reached Angel-Mode and you will find your manifestations become validated a lot quicker - much like a lucid dream.


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32 minutes ago, Dazgwny said:

@Claymoree conceptually very easy to say. Not a chance if I met you in person would u understand truly and deeply that I am you. Not having it. Can be said a million times like you say. But naa sorry, you wouldn’t even be trying me if you genuinely knew. Take care thanks for the input I’ll keep up my own search of discovery. Appreciated though of course your view?

Good luck! 

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When you dream, it’s your individual mind creating all the characters.

In reality, matter is basically sluggish sinusoid wave interactions created by all minds in existence, which ultimately are imagined by the one universal self. 

We’re all characters in God’s dream.

Edited by justfortoday

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This will never get over, could never get over, the fact that there aren’t 2 me’s.

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Has anyone here actually considered that the characters inside your dreams have a life/inner monologue just like you do in the waking dream?


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2 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Has anyone here actually considered that the characters inside your dreams have a life/inner monologue just like you do in the waking dream?


I actually have. 

It would be creepy as fuck xD

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9 minutes ago, Fran11 said:

I actually have. 

It would be creepy as fuck xD

And they have dreams too, and it’s just a spiral of never ending dreaming. 


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1 minute ago, justfortoday said:

And they have dreams too, and it’s just a spiral of never ending dreaming. 


Lesson from this thread: Be kind to dream people just in case LOL

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