
Question For 'yellow' Folks

8 posts in this topic

Ok people, we've made it to Tier 2! I'm working through a few transitional dilemmas and would like to hear about what transitional dilemmas are/ were in your experience and the ways you overcome those challenges. I realize I have to work it out on my own, but any shared insight would be appreciated :-)


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My advice is.....

1. If an action hurts you and others, then you should not do it. 

2. If an action hurts others but will benefit you, then you still shouldn't do it. 

3. If an action hurts you but will benefit others, you should do it but that's your choice.

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@Natasha Can you give a brief explanation about the spiral dynamics and the color scheme? I can't seem to read through the big texts that tries to explain the theory and the brief explanations about the colors are pretty general. How does tier 2 relate to enlightenment?

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I think one of the biggest things is up until you're aware these tiers exist, you are aware of different "states" like orange and green, but you feel like you are going backwards or not making any progress when transitioning. Obviously untrue.

Almost none of the beliefs in the current world can survive in the second tier, which is obvious because it hasn't progressed that far. This means that you will have very unpopular views on everything. At this point people's opinions are hardly relevant, but it's still difficult to connect with people who think you're crazy/wrong when talking about any real issue.

You must get over ALL fears of loneliness at this point! 


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4 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

@Natasha Can you give a brief explanation about the spiral dynamics and the color scheme? I can't seem to read through the big texts that tries to explain the theory and the brief explanations about the colors are pretty general. How does tier 2 relate to enlightenment?

Leo has it in a video

At the yellow stage (1st stage of Tier 2) you're aware of the previous stages; no fixed beliefs, but rather integrate knowledge and experience; self-realized/ awakened (full enlightenment is not a requirement at this stage); not a conventional thinker; priority on self-actualization/ reduced neuroses and need for external stimulation; no fear of being alone/ emptiness; you adopt Being-cognition.

There are more characteristics, these are just the changes I've observed in myself. 

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@Natasha Okay, so your self, which does not have an identity, has adopted now the stage of yellow according the Graves scale.

Transitions are hard and much misunderstood. In a way it is impossible to do it consciously. You have to work like a farmer who is watering his land. The only thing he can do is to remove the obstacles so the water can do what it`s supposed to do; follow it`s nature and flow! Why transition or development takes place is a total mystery!

Anyway your question assumes there is a lack of knowledge. And knowledge is important to be able to interpret everything the right way according this yellow stage. Important is to gain knowledge from the turquoise stage, that is the integral knowledge and the knowledge from the mystics. This will help you to move forward, this will trigger you and this will help you with the art of interpretation. If your cognitive developmental line has not developed this far, that`s a must to do. If it`s developed in the yellow zone you`ll do it happily and naturally. Check out Integral Psychology by Ken Wilber for knowledge about your own developmental lines. After learning about all kinds of developments in you, culture and society it will become natural to be aware constantly of the fact that everything is changing constantly and you`ll change naturally in a beautiful turquoise lady! Not necessary to tell you that your spiritual work becomes even more important all the time! But do not try to evolve by will-power according all kinds of drawings or whatever, this is not the way. Live your life your way, with your karma and you`ll be good. 9_9

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Thank you @Natasha for the link and your explanation. @Corte Is spot on. I felt lonely and misunderstood during the transition. At that point I didn't know that it was a transition. I didn't know anything about spirituality back then. You knowing about this during the transition is truly a gift! :)

People in general will have a hard time following you the way you think. They will not appreciate your complex systems and sometimes it might feel like your banging your head against the wall. With that in mind focus on learning peoples language. It's a lot easier to make yourself understood if you now how they think, because you can adapt to them and their way of seeing things. It will also be easier to mediate between different personalities or levels as leo describes it. 

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@Natasha Hi Natasha, just noticed this thread.  I'm curious about whether, it being a seemingly long time since you made this thread, you have any of your own perspectives to share re overcoming obstacles surrounding transitioning into yellow?

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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