
Reality is a hologram?

39 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, inFlow said:

@Mvrs It's very hard to describe it directly, im also not a native English speaker. It's like a satori, when you see everything in unity, but the perception changes where it becomes so weird that even physical range and depth in reality vanishes. There is just the perception of your eyes and you might see your monitor/phone somewhere "further" from you, but that's was seen as an illusion, there was no further, it was like seeing a movie in a tv, but it was my own reality. Very strange, but wow was that creepy and beautiful at the same time. I even didn't try to think what that was as I instantly recognized that my witnessed "hologram" was also creating my mind/brain (also my whole body was a part of the same hologram) in "reality" and that was beyond all thinking, I could only witness it. Super weird experience, nothing that I ever could imagine or think of, but amazingly wow.

Waaaaiiiit sooo a few years ago I took really high dose of 4aco and each time at some point I would get stuck because my reality flattened so that it was all in my face is this what your talking about??

happened a few times and I was like wtf is going on , but I didn’t have satori in that moment afterwards maybe for a minute or two one time . But no where near the insight of my main awakenings 

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48 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

Waaaaiiiit sooo a few years ago I took really high dose of 4aco and each time at some point I would get stuck because my reality flattened so that it was all in my face is this what your talking about??

happened a few times and I was like wtf is going on , but I didn’t have satori in that moment afterwards maybe for a minute or two one time . But no where near the insight of my main awakenings 

I have an old friend, in fact he studied with me graphic design at school, long time ago. I lost contact with him. But he used to smoke marijuana and he told me similar things, that he saw everything like flat, like in 2D... hahaha...

This is what is happening (I think now after knowing all this we are talking now) we are beginning to see reality the way it is when high but we don't recognize it because we are used to see reality differently.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Everything seems so impermanent yes? So malleable yet set in place. I had this revelation also, great post. 

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49 minutes ago, Mindflow said:

So malleable yet set in place.

On point.


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5 hours ago, inFlow said:

@Member Yeah, weak people can't pay the price of being in fear in those moments. But awakening after awakening I've grown to understand that fear is the best indicator that the ego wants to distract me from something deep. Even though you don't fully go through but by being aware of these mechanisms at peak experiences you can learn and prepare yourself for future awakenings and not let yourself be controlled by fear so much.

The main difference between hardcore people who pay everything in order to understand Truth is that they go fully into it no matter the cost. Fear? Insanity? They don't care. I mean it seems like the craziest people are the ones who have the most wisdom by letting go of fear and surrendering.

Agreed, the unknown and big discoveries are many times accompanied by fear or amazement and that's a good sign you're getting out of your comfort zone. As for perceiving reality as a hologram, I think that I had a brief moment of this... I felt like I was inside a "TV" and the only real thing was me, while the rest was just a setup. But what shocked me to the core is when I realized that between moving my body and perceiving the passage of time/seeing space-time reality there is no difference. Reality can indeed look alien when you're starting to understand the mechanisms.

3 hours ago, Frenk said:

Can you elaborate on this more? When you say reality is what is happening inside our minds, do you mean like there is no reality outside our perception, it is all in our minds?? Or there is reality outside of us and our minds interpret it and give shape. Sorry if it sounds confusing

It's hard to explain but reality is whatever your mind-body perceives. If you radically change you "brain chemicals", you'll perceive a totally different world. It's just the way reality works, except that the brain chemicals are something you're imagining right now, not something influenced by an external reality. So nope, there is no outside world other than the one you're creating/experiencing right now.

Edited by Member

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3 hours ago, Frenk said:

@inFlow but if i'm not apart from anything why i don't collide with every physical object? I can move around freely. 

Because you imagine space :)

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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2 hours ago, Shin said:

Because you imagine space :)

@inFlow you’re literally submerged in a self-feeding hologram - existentially you are pure subjectivity, eternal mind.

I have had many awakenings where my visual field flattens completely and I can see the void around it, almost as if I was looking into a mirror.

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@justfortoday could you say you are past that point where these insights you had are way beyond what you even had imagined to be possible?


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10 hours ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

You are like a sensory organ through which the universe experiences itself.

Therefore what you are watching is yourself...

This is where the mindfucks begin.

Yep. You realize that even inanimate objects are self aware AND self-illuminated.

Edited by justfortoday

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21 minutes ago, inFlow said:

@justfortoday could you say you are past that point where these insights you had are way beyond what you even had imagined to be possible?

What I experienced goes beyond words. It’s like you’re an immovable screen and the world appears within you.

Thats why you can’t see your own head in your direct experience.

Instead you have the world.

You can’t unsee it once you do. ☺️

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7 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

you’re an immovable screen and the world appears within you.

So you're not even moving, it's like the Worlds moves in You, and you in it.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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10 minutes ago, Shin said:

So you're not even moving, it's like the Worlds moves in You, and you in it.

@Shin Of course. You’ve never gone anywhere, ever. You’ve just been witnessing colors, shapes and sound shifting in your consciousness.

That is what they call the illusion of “Maya”. 

Whats even more amazing is that if I asked you right now to close one of your eyes, and then ask “what is behind you”? You cannot are what is truly behind you, because if you turn your body the visual field is still in front of you LOL.

What is behind you is pure nothingness. And that’s what you are.

You’re literally a magical being. Magic is real, that’s how reality was constructed.

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18 minutes ago, Shin said:

So you're not even moving, it's like the Worlds moves in You, and you in it.

It’s like a conveyer belt pulling you through I have become aware of this it was crazy 

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1 minute ago, Mvrs said:

It’s like a conveyer belt pulling you through I have become aware of this it was crazy 

It’s not crazy.

It is magic.

Edited by justfortoday

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And what are we doing so quietly all the time?


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Welcome to an incredible ride! In this hologram, anything is possible. There is even an apparent infinitely loving God-being, within which we are totally all just exactly the same, one being, God, existing in duality, which is the only existence there is... Except that's not all: existence, being duality, is NOT EVEN REAL :D It also isn't unreal! It's literally so amazing that you "die" right before/as you believe it.

Edited by The0Self

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19 hours ago, The0Self said:

Welcome to an incredible ride! In this hologram, anything is possible. There is even an apparent infinitely loving God-being, within which we are totally all just exactly the same, one being, God, existing in duality, which is the only existence there is... Except that's not all: existence, being duality, is NOT EVEN REAL :D It also isn't unreal! It's literally so amazing that you "die" right before/as you believe it.

The hologram is the only thing that is real.

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@inFlow Reality is pure consciousness without a name. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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1 hour ago, justfortoday said:

The hologram is the only thing that is real.

Well of course. There’s nothing else.

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