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Concepts Missed From Pickup And The Masculine/feminine Dynamic

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I believe ultimately, there is an end game in pickup and a relationship.  I think the pickup community misses the end game -- to develop strong communication skills that can be applied to a relationship. In a relationship, it comes down to a dance in of the masculine/feminine leading to intercourse.  Intercourse builds your relationship stronger.  Masculine and feminine do not necessarily mean anatomical parts in some contexts.  It could mean a negotiation between business (masculine) and customer(feminine), then delivering on your word (intercourse, making the customer happy). Concept of polarity, not human sexuality.

By reading into her IOI's (studying and practicing pickup) you learn other dimensions of communication.   Women game too, just differently.  There's a ton more to it than IOI's, and passing "shit tests".  I believe that it doesn't matter if you are man/woman/lgbtq, once you learn the multiple dimensions of communication, you can develop and understand power.

I don't care what kind of sexual relationship you have, someone is the "dominant" one or in control (power can be used indirectly(passively), but still controlling).  Power is genderless, and agnostic to good or evil (masculine/feminine, positive/negative, direct/indirect). Power doesn't corrupt, it's just abused by it's medium.  I think a majority of fights in a relationship are a struggle of power and control of a relationship mixed with abuse of power. The rest are of a miscommunication.  Face to face isn't 100% communication, sex isn't either.

You can even take it further to relationships with inanimate objects such as addiction.  Where an object has power over you and influences your actions (dependence upon a substance).



Edit: Btw, I know Leo talks about stages, but I'm sure once I mature past this stage (orange or red, I forget and haven't read the spiral dynamics), I will still retain this knowledge.  Meaning, when I mature further, I'll still understand power, might not care as much.

And true power is power I do not have to exercise.

Edited by agnosis

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I think a majority of fights in a relationships are due to a lack of power and control of oneself in a relationship.  I have just finished watching Leo's video about handling strong negative emotions and I can see that in my relationships I have not allowed myself to fully feel my hurt to a point where I could then have a rational conversation about it with my partner.  I also think miscommunication is the corner stone of any conflict and I know I have held back from expressing my true feelings about a situation because I have preferred to stay in a bad situation with someone rather than deal with the possibility of the feelings of rejection and being alone. 

I also think all relationships are an interplay of dominating and submitting or if you like leading and following.  I know in my household I am the dominant force behind the washing up and interestingly enough everyone is very willing to submit and let me do it. :) 

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