
2 epistemic questions that have been bugging me: relates to Leo's psych experiment vd

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I haven't had the chance to take psychedelics yet because im just too busy at the moment but these are the 2 questions ill be forcing them to answer to me. But until then maybe there could be some pointers?

1. I've heard Leo say that God fully unifies and then disunifies in cycles. And a full unification is something like white light formlessness or something. I can't find evidence for this in my direct experience anywhere. It feels to me that God can unify more and more and more forever. And it never ever stops. What is 100% unification?

2. Related to the 1st question, how is it even possible to disunify? We are constantly trying to get happier and happier. Always growing more and more, its literally impossible to ever want to suffer. We always want to not suffer and to get happier. Even me asking these 2 questions is a product of wanting to get happier. Its impossible for God to not want to get happier. And so AFAIK disunification IS God wanting to get less happy. Its going from perfect unification to less unification which is deliberately going from happy to unhappy. What the actual fuck, I can't find any evidence in my experience of this happening. Of course there are highs and lows like for example you might get good meditation results then fall into a depression, but the overall trajectory is always going up(getting happier) and disunification has never happened in my experience. How does disunfication happen?

I want to know how I would deliberately want to reincarnate into Jeffery Epstein (as leo said in his experiments video). I'm fine to reincarnate into him now in the state im in how because its all love, but disunification is literally seeing it as not love, how does that maximise happiness? And how is it even possible for God to want to do that? How does cycling into unenlightenment actually happen, how does forgetting knowing actually happen and what triggers it?

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It seems you assume words like "happier" mean something in and of themselves. That would have many serious implications and is worth considering very carefully.

33 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

We are constantly trying to get happier and happier.

I could tell you that you're wrong because I don't think in those terms. If I hadn't read this first, I would have said that I'm not trying to get happier because that's pointless. Or I could try to understand what you meant instead, which would require me to consider other things "happier" might mean... which do you think is the better approach?

Do you think there's a correct understanding of "happier" contained in the mind of God which you can somehow access but which I am kept away from because of my sinfulness or something?

33 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Its impossible for God to not want to get happier.

Do you honestly believe you are able to attribute limitations to God by stringing words together?

Coming down can be sweet as well as fascinating even if it can't compare to the rush of a high. Do you figure words will be revealed to you when you're tripping?

My general recommendation for you is: be wary of language cults.

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

how is it even possible to disunify?

It's called the Big Bang. How do you think you got here?

You were one, and now you are two. Some day you will be one again.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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47 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's called the Big Bang. How do you think you got here?

You were one, and now you are two. Some day you will be one again.

right so from 1, there's actually a want to be 2. Interesting. Will have to get evidence of that through psychedelics. 

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2 hours ago, electroBeam said:


1. I've heard Leo say that God fully unifies and then disunifies in cycles. And a full unification is something like white light formlessness or something. I can't find evidence for this in my direct experience anywhere. It feels to me that God can unify more and more and more forever. And it never ever stops. What is 100% unification?

Your awareness is always not split. There's no 100% unification, there's just not separate. Since all experience and creation begins in consciousness or awareness it's already always the case that you are not separate. 

2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

2. Related to the 1st question, how is it even possible to disunify? We are constantly trying to get happier and happier. Always growing more and more, its literally impossible to ever want to suffer. We always want to not suffer and to get happier. Even me asking these 2 questions is a product of wanting to get happier. Its impossible for God to not want to get happier. And so AFAIK disunification IS God wanting to get less happy. Its going from perfect unification to less unification which is deliberately going from happy to unhappy. What the actual fuck, I can't find any evidence in my experience of this happening. Of course there are highs and lows like for example you might get good meditation results then fall into a depression, but the overall trajectory is always going up(getting happier) and disunification has never happened in my experience. How does disunfication happen?

You try to get happier and happier because you yourself are looking at yourself as an objective thing. You had to first separate yourself in order to look back at yourself and then after that first separation you make further separations in judging yourself. You are not separate, you can't do that. The first separation is "I". I is the owning of awareness, the hijacking of it. Awareness loves everything it sees. Mind creates and separates. But awareness precedes mind. In consciousness work you train the mind to always return to what precedes it, you return to home when it projects itself out somewhere that feels bad. You're like the prodigal son. 

2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

How does cycling into unenlightenment actually happen, how does forgetting knowing actually happen and what triggers it?

It doesn't. It never did. It only seems that way to the mind you've separated yourself from enough to be able to call your mind. It's a superpower, (although sort of a lame one compared with awareness, but no one gets to OWN that.) Use it for good, use it wisely. Feeling is your guide. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 minute ago, mandyjw said:

In consciousness work you train the mind to always return to what precedes it to home when it projects itself out somewhere that feels bad. 

but this is what i mean by you trying to be happier haha. You never want to not return and go back out again AFAIK? So how did it happen in the first place? Why would you deliberately choose to separate? And if you say you would never do that, then how did you get here in the first place?

3 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

It doesn't. It never did. It only seems that way to the mind you've separated yourself from enough to be able to call your mind. It's a superpower, (although sort of a lame one compared with awareness, but no one gets to OWN that.) Use it for good, use it wisely. Feeling is your guide. 

Why would any god in his right mind deliberately separate to the point of severe suffering. And if he wouldn't, then why did it happen. Why so much suffering in the world, so much suffering on your path. When was the time that you deliberately chose to do that and why.


Anyway psychedelics will give me the answers soon enough. 


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1 minute ago, electroBeam said:

but this is what i mean by you trying to be happier haha. You never want to not return and go back out again AFAIK? So how did it happen in the first place? Why would you deliberately choose to separate? And if you say you would never do that, then how did you get here in the first place?

For the purpose of creation. I was so inspired to write this story. I know my characters aren't real, but I sure love them anyway. I'm not here really. I'm another character. I'm more intimately you than you can know me as anything other than.

3 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Why would any god in his right mind

xDxDxD Mind IS separation. There's no "right" mind. Mind is left AND right. Madness, utter madness, so mad, it creates madness out of perfect wholeness. 


5 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

When was the time that you deliberately chose to do that and why.

Did you ever experience anything other than now? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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2 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

I know my characters aren't real

xD but you didn't know they were imaginary once(well if your character is normal :D )  and thought they were real, or its at least its possible to pretend they are real, and then it sucked real bad, why would you be such as masochist xD Do you have low self esteem issues? Hate yourself? xDxDxD

These 2 quotes together makes me feel very warm and comfortable:

6 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

I'm more intimately you than you can know me as anything other than.


7 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Madness, utter madness, so mad, it creates madness out of perfect wholeness. 


8 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Did you ever experience anything other than now? 

Sure I don't have any actual evidence that I ever thought the dream characters were real... and maybe I'm just somehow making that up because I'm crazy :S But that seems a bit far fetched, I don't think I'm that crazy. 

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18 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Why so much suffering in the world, so much suffering on your path.

Suffering is a call to come Home. But you sit in the dirt and sing along with it instead of getting up and running home. 

it's not your fault. Maybe no one told you home isn't a physical place and that you're not a physical thing that can ever be apart from it. But feeling is. That's why suffering feels bad. Come home. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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2 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

no one told you home isn't a physical place 

I created characters that told me not to come home and that isn't my fault :S


psychedelic time!

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@electroBeam I the author, am a dramatic little bitch, I have to throw you away from home if I want to write a story about how you find the way back. You call this your birth. But you were always home in my mind and heart the whole time. xD Never born, never apart. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@electroBeam Just look at the world "devil" in the mirror. Backwards it spells lived. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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See, I didn't just create the story, I had to create language too. xD And do I get so much as a "thanks, Mom!"? No, I get called a devil with my own words. :(

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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5 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

See, I didn't just create the story, I had to create language too. xD And do I get so much as a "thanks, Mom!"? No, I get called a devil with my own words. :(

raise your kid with some manners next time ;) 

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You're too oversimplifying reality by reducing it to one factor. Infinity means infinite factors. Watch out.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Mandy: I created the whole fucking universe you little piece of shit !!!

Son: Then a new video game isn't gonna kill you isn't it ?

Mandy: That's not how the Force works !

Son: I HATE YOU !!!


Seems like good times ?

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

there's actually a want to be 2.

This want is otherwise known as LOVE.

God gives up Oneness so that others may experience Oneness. Because other cannot exist within Oneness, only twoness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura God gives up onenness for us to experience Love?

we cannot experience anything in a state of oneness right?

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