
Alex Jones on JRE

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The true issue here is not Alex Jones, but someone like Joe Rogan who legitimizes him. Joe Rogan does not take responsibility for his platform at all, he is stuck in stage orange so he is unwilling to recognize the tremendous negative effect he has on the world and the people when he has clowns on who he doesn't challenge at all basically.

Joe Rogan would be the type who would have had Adolf Hitler on to have a fun time with him.

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15 hours ago, Bando said:

I've never understood why Joe is friends with this guy in the first place, Jones exhibits so much negative aspects of stage red it surprises me that him and Rogan are so close.

Is it normal to be friends with people that low on the spiral if you're considerably developed?  

I don't think I could be friends with someone who caused suffering to grieving parents by publicly proclaiming that the mass shooting thier children died in was a hoax.

I don't know how Joe does it, and I'm sorry to say that as much as I like Rogan this makes me think less of him.

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2 hours ago, Scholar said:

The true issue here is not Alex Jones, but someone like Joe Rogan who legitimizes him. Joe Rogan does not take responsibility for his platform at all, he is stuck in stage orange so he is unwilling to recognize the tremendous negative effect he has on the world and the people when he has clowns on who he doesn't challenge at all basically.

Joe Rogan would be the type who would have had Adolf Hitler on to have a fun time with him.

This is something I've been struggling with a bit as well. Been a fan of his podcast for years, and without it I may never have been exposed to a number of people that I've learned a great deal from.

Talking with a wide array of people from all walks of the political spectrum sounds awesome in theory, until it starts legitimizing people who are harming public discourse jn tangible ways.

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@DocWatts I agree with you Ive definitely been introduced to new topics and perspectives through JRE but can see the danger introducing Alex Jones types to his 10million followers. Youtube is actively suppressing this episode for this very reason, a typical podcast ep with Alex gets millions of views the first few hours its released and I didn't even get a notification for this episode.


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@Scholar Joe is changing though, this episode he had Alex on leash anything, he would claim he would have Jamie fact check to see if what he was saying was true much different than the other times. It's entertaining yet low quality it's so easy seeing all the epistemological traps they both fall into this episode.

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6 hours ago, DocWatts said:

I don't know how Joe does it, and I'm sorry to say that as much as I like Rogan this makes me think less of him.

Joe has gave a platform to many suspicious people. He doesn't particularly have the "highest morals."

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20 minutes ago, Lyubov said:


Joe has gave a platform to many suspicious people. He doesn't particularly have the "highest morals."

I could also see how someone like Alex Jones could have come across as more benign back before we had an Authoritarian demagogue using Conspiracy Theories to shape the course of US politics; hard to make that same argument now when the negative consequences of giving someone like that legitimacy and a platform are so obvious.

Fair point though; might be worth keeping in mind that JRE started as a comedian's podcast that was sponsored by The FleshLight. I genuinely think Joe Rogan means well, but probably isn't cognizant of how impactful his show has become.

'The Marketplace of Ideas' concept that he uses to rationalize this is definitely an SD stage Orange oversimplification, and hopefully something he can outgrow at some point.


Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

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So I've seen 2 and a half hours of this episode now. The episode felt a little flat. From a higher consciousness perspective, this might have been better because Joe was fact checking things and slowing down. On the other hand I wonder what's the point of only semi-challenging Alex. I'd rather complete challenge or no challenge, that's better entertainment. 

At the end of the day, Joe wasn't ever and will never attack the actual heart of the matter. He backs off, plays it passive, that's his podcast style. By clicking on this video, you accept listening to Pastor Alex Jones' sermon. 

Despite his wide array of guests, Joe still buys into this free speech being shut down bullshit. His views on progressivism are still well behind. 


Like @Bando said, there were pretty obvious flaws directly stated in what Alex was saying. But a lot was not stated, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out. But nonetheless, this episode will plant some seeds in people's minds. 

Alex is a headache to listen to, idk why or how anyone enjoys it for extended periods of time. He calibrates low, you can feel the low consciousness. And that's my main issue. He's just hilarious in small doses as a meme in clips.

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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14 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

I could also see how someone like Alex Jones could have come across as more benign back before we had an Authoritarian demagogue using Conspiracy Theories to shape the course of US politics; hard to make that same argument now when the negative consequences of giving someone like that legitimacy and a platform are so obvious.

Fair point though; might be worth keeping in mind that JRE started as a comedian's podcast that was sponsored by The FleshLight. I genuinely think Joe Rogan means well, but probably isn't cognizant of how impactful his show has become.

'The Marketplace of Ideas' concept that he uses to rationalize this is definitely an SD stage Orange oversimplification, and hopefully something he can outgrow at some point.


Alex Jones passed the point of no return back in 2012 when Sandy Hook happened. I think people like him given such a wide platform is one of the reasons why we now have Trump in office. It was normalized enough so that it has clouded clear thinking. In hindsight there really wasn't much that could of been done since at the time it didn't seem as organized or able to make it's way into the public zeitgeist but it did. Republicans made sure of that. 

Edited by Lyubov

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1 minute ago, Lyubov said:

Alex Jones passed the point of no return back in 2012 when Sandy Hook happened. I think people like him given such a wide platform is one of the reasons why we now have Trump in office. It was normalized enough so that it has clouded clear thinking. In hindsight there really wasn't much that could of been done since at the time it didn't seem as insidious or able to make it's way into the public zeitgeist but it did. Republicans made sure of that. 

Agreed. From what I understand Rogan was friends with Alex Jones since back in either the 2000s or 90s, but the Sandy Hook hoax conspiracy theory probably would have been the cutoff point to stop giving this gut legitimacy by putting him on your platform. 

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

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It's funny how someone like Alex Jones (or Kanye to a lesser degree) 

can become so big partly because of their mental illness in these times.

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free speech and progressivism is kind of synonymous to those feeling a little bit confused 

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

He is clinically mentally ill.

Do you have any information about the specifics?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Recognize when you are watching a clown show and 

Everybody is living his own dream. 

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19 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Do you have any information about the specifics?

Man, you dont understand, if a guy go against God he is mentally ill for sure, that is super obvious.

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It didn't seem like Joe was enjoying himself at all.  It felt very forced.  I think it was partially because he had promised himself to remain sober and also because he feels Spotify breathing down his neck.  And i learned that he plans to change out the studio too - guess the fans won that one....


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13 minutes ago, Fadl said:

Man, you dont understand, if a guy go against God he is mentally ill for sure, that is super obvious.

Get down from your high horse, buddy. He is obviously not healthy (anybody can see that), but I'm actually interested in the specifics around mental illnesses as a psychology student, which is exactly why I'm asking about the specifics...

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Just now, Carl-Richard said:

Get down from your high horse, buddy. He is obviously not healthy (anybody can see that), but I'm actually interested in the specifics around mental illnesses as a psychology student, which is why I'm asking about the specifics.

It seems fairly obvious that he has a Personality Disorder, but does anyone know if it goes beyond that into a diagnosable mental illness? 

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

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Just now, DocWatts said:

It seems fairly obvious that he has a Personality Disorder, but does anyone know if it goes beyond that into a diagnosable mental illness? 

That is exactly my question to Leo.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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19 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

It didn't seem like Joe was enjoying himself at all.  It felt very forced.  I think it was partially because he had promised himself to remain sober and also because he feels Spotify breathing down his neck.  And i learned that he plans to change out the studio too - guess the fans won that one....

Remaining sober while smoking the biggest cigar I've ever seen... 9_9

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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