
My mind is not getting any momentum with questions or affirmations

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I have noticed these days that my mind doesn't get any momentum when I do affirmations to condition my mind or ask questions to get answers to problems. 

I'm not getting the result I seek, but I can't blame anything because my mind is not getting momentum. I'm not thinking about the things I want to accomplish often, maybe because it has kind of heavy feeling to it...

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@from chaos into self I have contemplated it and the issue is a lot of negative emotions around the topics i'm working on. Many old distorted meanings and distorted judgements because of the meanings. When it's like that the mind spits it, it conflicts with the self image. The judgements and meanings form the filter of what can enter or what cannot.

That also interestingly creates a sense of unhealthy rushing. I very easily say "this is not working", instead of nurturing the affirmations or questions. 

I will clear the topics. What im going to do is brainstorm words that can target the emotions and meanings within me and meditate to pull this perspectives out, and track wether the emotions are being soften or not.


Edited by AminB501

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It looks like you're catching a snag in a mental web

You don't have to pull things out, track them, etc this is the mental conflict itself. 

The way out is to let go of the attachments around the negativity, desire, self-image, stop feeding them, let the mind become clear and build momentum from that state

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@Hello from Russia That's another priotity in my to do list xD

Im not trained enought at it. This is a crutial cause of this issue. When concentration fails you make more unconscious judgements and bound yourself even more I've noticed.

I do the flame focus exercise.

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@willl But writing them down is a way of becoming aware of them so they don't produce more distortion, which is the same to not feeling them. 

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22 minutes ago, AminB501 said:

@Hello from Russia That's another priotity in my to do list xD

Im not trained enought at it. This is a crutial cause of this issue. When concentration fails you make more unconscious judgements and bound yourself even more I've noticed.

I do the flame focus exercise.

@AminB501 That then might be the #1 bottleneck in your effectiveness in those things. Concentration is a huuuuuge fundamental skill in pretty much all meditation disciplines (and the stuff you mentioned counts as meditation disciplines as well)

Edited by Hello from Russia

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@Hello from Russia Yes it is, maybe the source of all distortion is the scattered mind. We shall see it hahaha

Edited by AminB501

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I am trying to quiet my mind, trying to be mindful of my surroundings and not analyzing everything too much.

Overthinking is a problem, it's better to follow the flow with not too much thinking. A balance is good.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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