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How tf did someone figure out how to capture sound and then play it back? I thought this all the time when I was a little kid. It makes no sense obviously it’s a dream but it makes me question if any of history was real before I was born . When you go to sleep at night and go into dream worlds do those dream worlds actually exist before your there?

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It's worse than that. Nothing was real before this moment. This moment is real, the rest is make believe.

57% paranoid

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59 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

It's worse than that. Nothing was real before this moment. This moment is real, the rest is make believe.

How do you distinguish what a moment of time is? Time is infinite. So it’s even worse than you imaged not even right now is real!

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8 hours ago, Mvrs said:

How do you distinguish what a moment of time is? Time is infinite. So it’s even worse than you imaged not even right now is real!

Now is all there is. Time is part of the illusion you are imagining. Real and not real are dualities that collapse into One. You are all that is Now. 

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12 hours ago, Mvrs said:

How do you distinguish what a moment of time is?

Figure of speech. It's very hard to describe timeless things in English.

12 hours ago, Mvrs said:

Time is infinite. So it’s even worse than you imaged not even right now is real!

Time is a fairy tale, it doesn't exist, other than as a construct inside the present moment.

Something has to be real right? Otherwise why use the word "real" at all?

Although, you could choose to give up on the word "real" if you want, that's perfectly fine. My "real" is the present moment, which is just an English phrase trying to describe an event outside of the construct of time itself.

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@Marinador have you disproved it?

To say something is real or not, is a matter of definition. In other words something is real if you define it to be real or you agree with other people it is real. "Real" is just a word.

"Truth" is also just a word, and so is "Nothing". In language everything is relative to everything else (@Meta-Man would love that). But I'm sure you know that already.

So there's nothing to prove. I say the present moment of appearances is real, so therefore it is for me. You are completely free to say otherwise, if your definition of "real" is different from mine. I say the past is not real, so it isn't for me.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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