
If you could go to college now, which subjects would you choose?

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And why?

And if you went to college which subjects helped you the most in life, were the most fascinating to you?

I'm thinking about doing some online college courses.

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1 hour ago, Preety_India said:



yea that would be a very smart choice

sounds very dry for me personally though.

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I can go to college, but I choose not to.

Going Autodidact is so much more efficient and rewarding than going to college

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31 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

I can go to college, but I choose not to.

Going Autodidact is so much more efficient and rewarding than going to college

which things do you like to study?

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24 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

which things do you like to study?

Anything that I want/need: Business skills, design skills, self-development, psychology, various meta skills, relationships/seduction

80-90% of juicy topics you can't even learn in university. They are just simply not there at all. Even in the mainstream stuff like business and art/design. Not even talking about spiritual domain and the domain of meta knowledge/meta skills (meta learning, meta cognition, systems thinking, epistemology, etc). Some professor at some classes can hint on existence of those, but then, he won't go there deep, it will be like 1-0.1% of the course material because most students don't care about deep stuff and professor is likely to not know very much himself

I didn't go to the uni (well, I dropped out from one of them in my first year), but I've experienced uni culture, that's where I draw my conclusions/observations from

And the problem is, you can't even socialize there properly, because most of your peers will be close-minded materialises, it will most likely be junk relationships. Unless you utilize it to bang some young chicks, of course (Which you can do without uni)

I think the future of elite education is private school with hardcore teachers who teach deep skills/knowledge

Hard skills (that are more "tangible", you could say, the ones that give you money directly), you can obtain on your own in 1-2 years time or less and you will be way better and be ready for business/real world  than some college graduate who spend 4-5 years learning them. That, implied, if you are serious and apply some good meta-learning tactics and strategies

Edited by Hello from Russia

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^^cool, good post thanks.

How/which resources did you use to learn about design? 

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I'm studying master again ... I chose biology this time

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Whatever you are interested in.  I study philosophy because I can't imagine myself studying anything else. Definitely would get much material success in other careers but wasting your life doing something you actually like is more important making money imo. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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I would go to music school and study the piano - for the sheer pleasure of it. I didn't need to go to university to be a software developer. But it did teach me how to study and focus and how to socialise with many different types of people and how to look after myself - it gave me confidence - all of which are very useful.

57% paranoid

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Service interruption.

@K Ghoul you're so cool, but don't let that go to your head or your ego. Deal! We'll swap keyboards. See you on the astral plane, I'll stand on tip toes.

Resume service.

57% paranoid

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For my undergraduate degree, I got a double major in Math and Physics.  In hindsight, for the humanity requirements, I would study history, Latin, and Greek.   The classical works written in Latin and Greek provide a solid background for living life. 

When it was still free, I took several dozen courses from Cousera.  They were excellent and taught by leaders in their fields.  The subject matter was presented clearly and easy to follow.  Taking a course from a bad professor who can’t explain the subject matter is a total waste of time if you get lost.  On the Internet, you can learn from the best instructors.  I think college by Internet is the future

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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9 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

When it was still free, I took several dozen courses from Cousera.  They were excellent and taught by leaders in their fields.  The subject matter was presented clearly and easy to follow.  Taking a course from a bad professor who can’t explain the subject matter is a total waste of time if you get lost.  On the Internet, you can learn from the best instructors.  I think college by Internet is the future

I think a lot of them are still free.

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I used to think about this in retrospect.

If I could go back to college,  I would study philosophy, psychology and good literature. In this way I would have a foundational understanding of the art of living, and then study some other technical oriented subjects like commerce or engineering.

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tole

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