
Martin Ball is Human

34 posts in this topic

This man is a regular person, dealing with regular people problems — although claiming to be enlightened. I hear there’s a point in development where you can no longer be considered “human”. Well, Martin is very much human. 


Is Sadhguru “human”?

Is Rupert Spira “human”?

Is Eckhart Tolle “human”?

Is Adyashanti “human”?

Is OSHO “human”?

Is Mooji “human”?

Is Ramana Marhashi “human”?

Is Peter Ralston “human”?  

Is @Leo Gura “human”?

etc …


Edited by Yali

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Thanks for sharing.

He is an ISTP and she gives of an ENFP vibe. For some reason this match is quite common. In Socionics it's called a conflict relationship. There might be mutual attraction but constant presence of other person is hard to handle.

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Didn’t he write a book called being human xD?

His sleep disability sounds so horrible...I hope he will find a cure soon. Not being able to sleep is truly one of the worst things that can happen to you. 

I wonder how sadhguru would look like if he couldn’t sleep for 10 days straight 

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a "human" doesn't actually exist.

This is something our minds can project onto reality. Purely conceptual on the blank screen of consciousness.


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While "people" are on the path, they develop an allergic reaction to calling themselves human or acting dualistically so that they perpetuate the myth that they are awake or super spiritual when they aren't. Once the path is over, they are free to be as dualistic as they want, because the myth that they are awake or super spiritual or enlightened is over. 

Edited by electroBeam

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Absolutely they're human.  They might embody and point to some deeper wisdom and truth about life, but they are fundamentally no different from you and I.


I think that if a lot of people really knew the truth about these "guru's" lives they'd be profoundly disappointed at how normal they are.  

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They are all human from the relative perspective. None of them can ever transcend their humanity, nor would it be valuable to do so. There is nothing to escape from.

But that which experiences their experience is not the person they see when they look in the mirror. The same is true for everyone.

The difference between them and anyone else is the degree to which they directly realize that the experience isn't directly tied to anything definable or knowable. It could just be that the universe was created two seconds ago. It could be that it never existed. It's how much abiding awareness that it's just awareness. 

There is a kind of letting go of taken for granted notions of selfhood that makes it clear in any given moment that there is nothing knowable happening. 


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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11 hours ago, Yali said:

Is Sadhguru “human”?

It depends on how you define "Sadhguru" and "human".

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Well, they are all men.  :S

We project the qualities we want and think will make us secure in the having of them onto our teachers and role models. This is both absolutely good and also really self deceptive. Don't worship idols. I-dolls. The "I" makes them and imagines them into real characters for its own play. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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4 hours ago, Forestluv said:


It depends on how you define "Sadhguru" and "human".


"It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the—if he—if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing." -- Bill Clinton


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 hours ago, acidgoofy said:

Didn’t he write a book called being human xD?

His sleep disability sounds so horrible...I hope he will find a cure soon. Not being able to sleep is truly one of the worst things that can happen to you. 

I wonder how sadhguru would look like if he couldn’t sleep for 10 days straight 

This is what happens when people play around with substances only the highest shamans can navigate and utilize properly as they have been trained since children to master the energetic mechanics and terrains of the psychedelic world. Many shamans don't even mess with 5-meo for these reasons, especially not synthetically lab-made by-products as suggested on this forum which is very unwise advise.

At least they stick to the intelligence of nature, as they are aware that man-made substances are energetically distorted when they have been chemically altered and missing the entire body for a more whole and balanced effect, that when missing its whole, can leave you in a bigger mess than you started. Stick to nature people, it has been evolving and perfecting life for billions of years. It knows best.

You are basically arguing with creation attempting to synthetically re-create gods-creation. An Enlightened being would not attempt to re-create nature but rather assist in what already is provided by creation itself, just as it is. It may be easier to utilize in synthetic form but it naturally comes with the consequences and side effects because its going against nature and natural law. This is not the first time we hear this about such substances.

Very few people understand psychedelic substances and the energetic effects they create as a shaman who devotes his or her whole life to the entire practice. They can literally commune with nature in ways we cannot even imagine. They are the closest thing we have to a direct extension of nature in human form, they are directly in tune with spirit, they can shape-shift and even embody animals and deeply understand the energetic nature of things and how things work. They are called wise-men and wise-women for a reason.

You are playing with things you simply do not understand. We have shamans for a reason, don't be stubborn and potentially ruin your life.



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36 minutes ago, Quantum Toad said:

You are basically arguing with creation attempting to synthetically re-create gods-creation. An Enlightened being would not attempt to re-create nature but rather assist in what already is provided by creation itself, just as it is.

WTF are you smoking?

Naturalistic fallacy much?

An enlightened being understands that EVERYTHING is nature.

There is nothing more natural than pure 5-MeO-DMT.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yall are delusional if you think having a spiritual awakening no matter how deep all of a sudden solves all of life’s challenges 

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39 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

Yall are delusional if you think having a spiritual awakening no matter how deep all of a sudden solves all of life’s challenges 

@Lyubov it removes the you that suffers. Mooji said something cool; in a cinema, there are screens that play movies and films. The film reel can display fire on the canvas and yet the canvas is not burned. The film can display water and yet the canvas is not wet. With separation there is freedom from all suffering. Empty existence, pure consciousness is not disturbed by what it creates. And everything is ultimately itself anyway. So it's just perfection sitting there...forever...forever...forever...forever...forever...forever.forever.forever 



Edited by Aaron p

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@Aaron p Then why Mooji running a harem, if he's so above it all?

You can talk enlightenment all you want, but I know you got skeletons in that closet.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Aaron p Then why Mooji running a harem, if he's so above it all?

You can talk enlightenment all you want, but I know you got skeletons in that closet.

I mean running a harem sounds silly and all but if all parties are satisfied what is wrong about it?

You don't hurt people by having sex with them.

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@Leo Gura quite frankly I think it's funny how teachers of consciousness and enlightenment teach against dogma and doctrine, but they themselves are not conscious of their own dogma against "drugs" (Psychedelics) which turns out to be the most powerful tool there is. I've got 2 grams of really fuckin nice 5meo on the way soon. I realllllyyyyy hope it comes. 

Personally, I have never ever...ever encountered someone with teachings that are as pure and meta as your teachings. I'm literally fucking addicted to your content. It's just too good to not listen to haha. It's like digging in to a delicious meal every time I read/listen ????

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7 minutes ago, Michal__ said:

I mean running a harem sounds silly and all but if all parties are satisfied what is wrong about it?

You don't hurt people by having sex with them.

Except women are not happy in harems. So there's that little wrinkle.

3 minutes ago, Aaron p said:

@Leo Gura

Personally, I have never ever...ever encountered someone with teachings that are as pure and meta as your teachings. I'm literally fucking addicted to your content. It's just too good to not listen to haha. It's like digging in to a delicious meal every time I read/listen ????

Thanks, but my teachings are certainly not pure. But they are profound, I've grant you that ;)

Be careful not to turn this stuff into empty ideology. If it isn't true in your experience, it isn't true at all.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Except women are not happy in harems. So there's that little wrinkle.

Is he running a literal harem or are you exaggerating? All I heard was people talking about a sex scandal.

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5 minutes ago, Michal__ said:

Is he running a literal harem or are you exaggerating? All I heard was people talking about a sex scandal.

Harem is what I call it when you're banging a horde of your students.

I dunno. Maybe it's just rumors. Maybe I should start a harem. Life would be more fun.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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