
How To Retire A Millionaire (Seriously, And Why It's So Important)

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Wanted to share this book I read recently called: 

'How To Own The World' By Andrew Craig, an amazing investing / personal finance book, that gives the perfect foundation for one to start their investing journey and it highlights how easy it really is to learn the basics of investing, and how not all bankers / city workers are evil, although there's a LOT of shit out there. 

The book teaches you how to start taking back control of your personal finances and start your journey to true financial freedom with just 10-20% of your income every month. 

I feel books / education like these really need to be taught more at school as 99% of people have no idea about how to grow their money, and the fact we basically have 0% chance of a state pension & that you need £750,000 to have an 'average' £30k a year salary during retirement. 

This book is particularly great for UK folks as it goes over ISA's, SIPPS etc and the best ways to invest in them all. 

Also, a great quote of his (paraphrasing) is that people often see money as the root of all evil, and that the Stock Market is only for the elites etc, when in reality, if more and more people were financially literate and understood money, great companies that are innovating and improving our world (like Biotech etc) would have much more money, and would be able to solve the world's issues faster. 

In fact, our financial illiteracy only feeds the real toxicity of society- Payday loans, insurance scams, poverty tends to lead to more crime etc etc 

Whereas, learning how to take care of your money removes SO much stress & anxiety, and allows you to focus more on what matters in your life! 

This is the book- https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Own-World-life-changing-bestseller/dp/1473695309

And here's an interview with Andrew that I loved- 


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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