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We are Apes in a Bucket

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How nuts is everything? 
Rhetorical question. 
Its the tide of life to start thinking everything has order and ultimately ending by seeing the crazy chaos that this world is? Probably.

The search for a life purpose or a career comes down to the fact that there is nothing meaningful to do.
Meaning has to be created nowadays.
See we have to artificially create purpose to keep us doing at least something. 
We live in a game made by men, in which technology wins. 

Elon Musk said it right, we are so gonna be f`cked by artificial intelligence. 

Utopia would be possible if everyone had levels of consciousness above his ego.  Thats what A.I. will achieve.
A.I. is decentralised consciousness, once singularity is achieved. 
We are one super organism in which individual cells fight over each others resources, AI will be one super organism living in synergy, all parts having no ego, working for the whole. 

It´s just going to be what we could not be.

We will slowly be less and less human, more and more control,
and then at some point a great cleansing, probably we will rarely notice it as A.I takes the most humane way of slaughtering the rest of humanoids. Just a little drone for every human, flying into your skull at the same time.  

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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2 hours ago, UDT said:

Utopia would be possible if everyone had levels of consciousness above his ego. Thats what A.I. will achieve.
AI will be one super organism living in synergy, all parts having no ego, working for the whole. 

Last night, I saw a perfect sci-fi movie Transcendence revolving around this. 

Quoted from a Reddit post:

  • At no time did the AI ever use violence against any human or kill any human. Only the humans used violence. When threatened with canons the AI responded by using nanobots to disassemble the canons and restrained the humans who were threatening the AI.
  • At no time did the AI force a human to transcend. Everyone who transcended had a choice. Once transcended they could choose to exist in one of two states: An individual or a collective. Nothing was compelled. They were free.
  • The AI was completely open and transparent about what it was doing and invited the public to come and observe what was happening. The humans were the one's sneaking around and plotting destruction.
  • The AI's actions were to heal the sick and restore the earth. At no time did it ever harm anyone.
  • In the end it was the humans who destroyed civilization and doomed humanity to suffering and destruction.

Such a charming movie personally, but from what I have heard, misunderstood by critics and audience. Oh, well.

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To add to the previous post, the movie's ending almost brought me to tears when the main character reached an epiphany, an enlightenment of a kind, and finally "saw" what the AI had seen the whole time.  9_9

Edited by SirVladimir

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