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Social Media Technology

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What is the future of social media technology?

People like Garyvee constantly argue that technology is the real deal, and that they are extremely comfortable with their children using technology every second of their life, etc. 

I get it — watching educational content, something like Leo’s videos, reading e-books, or for reasons like maintaining a business, expansion of knowledge purposes is a completely different use of technology.

However, my question revolves around social media, basically.

Now, I am super scared. Is this what our reality is turning into —people on their phones conversing with othets virtually all the time? Are we going to lose true connect with other people? Plus, the filters, constant dopamine hit — what does that mean for our future?

What is going to happen? Where is this going to lead our society as a whole? Is this going to impact humanity collectively in a negative manner? Or this something we got to get used to, else we’ll be left out?





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I'm hoping that the government will require social media platforms to come with a warning like they do with cigarettes. Something like, "WARNING: Social media is addictive and is known to cause loneliness, anxiety, and depression." That said, I don't think social media is going anywhere any time soon.

For now, the best we can do is delete social media apps from our phones or find other ways to limit our consumption. It's a huge distraction and, depending on the level of use, can have a massive impact on the quality of our lives, our personal growth, and our mental health.

I have taken the liberty of deleting my facebook account. I use twitter for news and instagram to follow my favorite artists, but neither app is installed on my phone. Both apps are used as a tool, I don't use them for socializing. However, I still spend more time on youtube than I would like to. Working on that.

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