
Why I'm Voting For Trump

107 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

This is false.

He falls back on, "It's Jina's fault!"

I stand corrected :x

It's Love.

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15 hours ago, K Ghoul said:


@K Ghoul  Hey!!! I totally had this textbook for my Environmental Biology course last semester.  Where are you going to school?

...sorry for the derailment haha

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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@PlasmicProjection, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It makes me so happy to see people who think logically in the realm of politics. You're not only logical, but you're also simply wise.

We have to vote on policy, not character. That's 100% true. Actions speak louder than words. What matters in life is what you do for those around you and the society you live in.

Trump shouldn't be hated. Neither Joe Biden. If you don't agree with the policies of a candidate, vote for the other one or don't vote at all. Just stop with the labels. Stop projecting! When you demonize people, you turn them off and they stop debating.

Calling someone a racist is a serious charge. You can call someone a neo-nazi but that doesn't make him a Nazi. I read many books about Nazism. That's the real evil.

Me on the road less traveled.

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Regardless of the many reasons you can find to back Trump, he is not the answer and you know it. Sure, neither is Joe or Kanye, but that doesn’t mean we have to support the individual devil that appears to be the best solution. They all suck. It’s going to take many angry people to change anything. Don’t settle for the least worst.

Edit: People love to hate on Trump. You’d never get this much arguing over someone rationalizing to vote for Biden. Bias Egos everywhere’s 

Edited by Chakra Lion

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But a dream within a dream?

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9 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

Bro you're just factually incorrect & misinformed.

The US has the highest total covid cases and covid deaths of any country by FAR. This is not an accident that was out of our control. We could have prevented this with better leadership.

It's literally a meme:


"Bro" no Peru, Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia all have a higher death toll per capita than the US, some of those much higher.

And Mexico, Argentina, UK, Italy also have about the same per one million inhabitants, just a bit less. Sweden and France are also not far off.

Obviously you can't go by total numbers as the US has a 330 million population, which is much bigger than any European and Latin American country and bigger than most other countries too but you already know that.

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yea places like russia, ukraine, germany, eastern europe have low amounts of deaths especially.

but western europe and countries like the uk, spain, italy, france, belgium, netherlands, sweden are high.

cases per capita puts the us on the twelfth spot which is very high as only some of the smaller countries are higher like belgium, israel etc.

but many countries also count much less than the us, which is a tump talking point but is also somewhat true

Edited by PurpleTree

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@Leo Gura

That little black blob in the middle of Europe, that's us. Thousand medics get infected per day, capacities are running out & we have field hospitals ready. 

We're basically fucked along with the economy, anyone not wearing a mask is sending a big 'fuck you' to all the doctors. 


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and according to worldometers recently

                                    europe                         us

yesterday                 200K+ cases              80K+ cases

2 days ago.              210K+ cases              75K+ cases

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If you make good money in this country it doesn't matter who the president is you won't really be affected, (speaking from personal experience) I recently got into politics only because some of my friends and family members were struggling severely after covid hit and that led me to see how delusional and inefficient Trump is as a leader.

The only people who suffer from Trump seems to be middle class and poor people yet their Trumps biggest fan base go figure...

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6 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

"Bro" no Peru, Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia all have a higher death toll per capita than the US, some of those much higher.

And Mexico, Argentina, UK, Italy also have about the same per one million inhabitants, just a bit less. Sweden and France are also not far off.

Obviously you can't go by total numbers as the US has a 330 million population, which is much bigger than any European and Latin American country and bigger than most other countries too but you already know that.

"""Bro""" you're dancing around the truth in order to preserve your current limited understanding.

Has it ever occurred to you that Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Chile, and Bolivia had TRASH leadership as well? 

Here, the Brazil version of the aforementioned meme:

I (& others) have given you real reasons why the US is suffering under Trump, and all you have said is, "haha look other countries suck also," as if that somehow absolves Trump of all of his fuck-ups.


Trump sucks, and so do the leaders of the countries you've mentioned. "Two wrongs don't make a right."

Try squaring up to the fact that some large countries are NAILING covid response.

Edited by RendHeaven

It's Love.

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4 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

"""Bro""" you're dancing around the truth in order to preserve your current limited understanding.

Has it ever occurred to you that Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Chile, and Bolivia had TRASH leadership as well? 

Here, the Brazil version of the aforementioned meme:

I (& others) have given you real reasons why the US is suffering under Trump, and all you have said is, "haha look other countries suck also," as if that somehow absolves Trump of all of his fuck-ups.


Trump sucks, and so do the leaders of the countries you've mentioned. "Two wrongs don't make a right."

Try squaring up to the fact that some large countries are NAILING covid response.

dude i'm not an american so i don't really have a dog in this fight. biden would probably be a bit better for the environment yea, but it's mostly the lobbies which are the problem. i just find it funny how people on this forum are like"we're all one" "love is the answer" but trump is the woooorst and he's responsible for the covid deaths etc etc. :) 

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@PurpleTree That's fair!

As you can tell, I clearly have skin in the game. The US' covid response feels very real from my perspective, and I take issue with the idea that Trump is free of responsibility.

1 hour ago, PurpleTree said:

I just find it funny how people on this forum are like"we're all one" "love is the answer" but trump is the woooorst

This is tricky for sure.

How do you acknowledge universal interconnectedness, while also holding really shitty people accountable?

I personally resonate with Leo's approach - being tough on devilry from a place of love but not energetically wrapped up in it.

You're right that a lot of people here simply hate Trump for the sake of hate.

That's the difference between SD stage Yellow+ (Leo) and SD stage Green-

Edited by RendHeaven

It's Love.

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3 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

and according to worldometers recently

                                    europe                         us

yesterday                 200K+ cases              80K+ cases

2 days ago.              210K+ cases              75K+ cases

These are absolute numbers, which can be very misleading.

For example, the U.S. has many more cases than Ecuador yet that isn't a fair comparison because the U.S. population is much greater than Ecuador. The per capital numbers should be used. The graph Leo posted upthread is per capita. 

Please be mindful of how statistics are framed - if statistics are inaccurately framed it is misleading. 

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COVID statistics comparisons are not easy to interpret, and are almost always presented in a very biased way according to what the presenter is trying to "prove".

The major traps I see are:

- Using Absolute Numbers instead of Per Capita Corrections.

- Comparison of countries in different Stages of the Pandemics (Europe's Second Wave VS Other Countries' First Peak).

- Not taking into account Population Density, nor Living Conditions and Infrastructure. These are factors which greatly differ from country to country and affect the spreading of the disease indenpendently of the Government's measures. And their effects are not quantified becouse that would be extremely difficult. 

So, all the conclusions about Government's effectiveness based on simplistic numeric comparisons should be taken with a grain of salt.

Edited by Fran11

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2 hours ago, Forestluv said:

These are absolute numbers, which can be very misleading.

For example, the U.S. has many more cases than Ecuador yet that isn't a fair comparison because the U.S. population is much greater than Ecuador. The per capital numbers should be used. The graph Leo posted upthread is per capita. 

Please be mindful of how statistics are framed - if statistics are inaccurately framed it is misleading. 

Obviously, i said the same thing in a previous post.

2 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

@PurpleTree That's fair!

As you can tell, I clearly have skin in the game. The US' covid response feels very real from my perspective, and I take issue with the idea that Trump is free of responsibility.

This is tricky for sure.

How do you acknowledge universal interconnectedness, while also holding really shitty people accountable?

I personally resonate with Leo's approach - being tough on devilry from a place of love but not energetically wrapped up in it.

You're right that a lot of people here simply hate Trump for the sake of hate.

That's the difference between SD stage Yellow+ (Leo) and SD stage Green-

I think Trump and politics are such a good exercise to practice spirituality/love etc.

It doesn't mean to just stick your head in the sand but if you get triggered all the time then your ego is still very big. 

And i'm not saying that from a higher than thou perspective, i do sometimes get triggered by youtube comments even etc.

Edited by PurpleTree

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People misinterpret the rioting and looting as an act of hatred against the country that seem to have descended upon the country out of nowhere. It is as if they believe that as an evil spirit that came completely out of left field (pun intended :] ) -- and a few hardcore Christians actually precisely believe this.


Treat it like it is -- an often times desperate explosion of anger perceived as a last resort for an undending pattern of oppression. Yes some bad apples climb into the movement and seem to spoil it for outsiders, but by and large the Black Lives Matter movement does not come from an inherent desire to burn the country down.


America has a horrible putrid history of racism and this was only amplified by concepts like states rights, where the "laboratories of democracy" allowed racism to incubate and isolate itself from the larger country, causing it to fester and simmer for centuries. Conservatives never believe there is a need for reconcilliation or healing because they are terrified of anything that implies America is not perfect. Implying America is not perfect would start to open a Pandora's Box of questions that the Republicans would rather ignore.


As for Trump being in favor of free speech, it really doesn't feel that way when he is trying to discourage people from voting in multiple ways and he and his allies are saying, if you don't vote for me you will destroy this country

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A somewhat solid ORANGE/blue is probably better than a toxic GREEN/red.

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