
Why I'm Voting For Trump

107 posts in this topic

10 hours ago, PlasmicProjection said:

2. The media is constantly and compulsively lying about Trump and misleading people. When Trump first said fake news, I didn't really believe it. But now here several years later and all I see if fake news coming from the mainstream media. Tim Pool covers this extensively.

I stopped critiquing after your second amendment Thing. Holy cow! This is too ideological man. You can’t say that everything against Trump is fake news. Do you realize what Trump means by fake news? It means that any coverage that goes against him or portrays him in a negative way is false. God dam man. Do you also believe that Obama started 9/11? (It’s a joke. He didn’t).  If you did not get that joke. It means you haven’t watched the full video I posted above. Please watch it.

Your ego has all of these defense mechanisms that you aren’t even aware of. Please open your mind to the possibility that everything you believe is wrong. If you can’t do that, then why are you on the forums?

I wish you to find the Truth for yourself. 

please watch Leo’s Self-bias video.

i don’t know why my post got duplicated. Sorry. 

I beg you to please THINK before you vote. 
 Have a great day! ❤️???

Edited by r0ckyreed

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yall engaging with a thread like this seriously are just wasting your time

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34 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Do you even understand what I say? 

Trump was irresponsible in the handling of the coronavirus. What has this got anything to do with France or Italy? Use common sense please. 


I think your hate for Trump is blinding you at the moment.

France, Sweden and Italy don't have right wing governments and they have about the same death toll as the US, a bit lower. Do you also blame their president/prime ministers/governments for all their covid deaths? Could have Trump handled it better? Sure, absolutely.

To say that he is responsible for the covid deaths is such a silly toxic thing to say imo. but we'll agree to disagree and leave it at that.

Edited by PurpleTree

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@PlasmicProjection here is the big picture on this.  And as a high conscious being you have to look at the big picture.  The big picture is Oneness.  As of today, if i may reference spiral dynamics - our society is still Orange.  Orange is focused on the individual.  Trump is a narcissist - and his stage of development is orange and below.  He is not going to be conscious of the middle class or lower class.  He may say it but that is one of his lies.  He said he was going to lower taxes - but that never happened.  He only lowered taxes for corporations.  While this is good for business and the economy it will still leave an unbalance and a division of classes.   That's because he still as a "it's just about me" attitude - which is stage Orange.  He lacks empathy and compassion.  It is all about him.  And this ultimately will not thrust the country forward to transcend orange into a more collective, advanced stage.  There must be a balance where the economy can thrive but so too can the poor be raised up and treated as one.  You have to come at this from a high consciousness perspective not from stage orange.  There might be some good things (israel) that he did but that wasn't about peace it was about him.  And those things can happen just as easy on any side.    Overall there is a better chance of society advancing  with him gone.  They're not perfect by any means but overall they are at a higher stage of development.


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1 hour ago, PurpleTree said:

To say that he is responsible for the covid deaths is such a silly toxic thing to say imo. 

Bro you're just factually incorrect & misinformed.

The US has the highest total covid cases and covid deaths of any country by FAR. This is not an accident that was out of our control. We could have prevented this with better leadership.

It's literally a meme:

I already hear you, "yeah but the US has one of the largest populations so that's expected!"

That's such a feeble argument. We're dealing with actual human lives here, don't be so apathetic.

There are measurable LACK OF ACTIONS by Trump (who has responsibility for action as our leader) that has lead to such a large death toll.

From dismantling the already established pandemic response team, to not banning travel earlier despite being continually advised to do so (with the exception of China because he hates China), from not encouraging a serious lockdown +monetary compensation out of economic fear (which ironically has destroyed the economy moreso than if he actually would have committed, like other countries) to generally downplaying the severity of the pandemic by discouraging mask wearing, hosting super-spreader rallies, blatantly contradicting and lying about what top scientists have said, etc.

There are similarly large countries that are currently thriving because their leaders have taken swift, serious action: for example, Japan who's total population is roughly 38% of America's and yet they only have 2% of the cases & deaths.

Edited by RendHeaven

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(These are general comments - not directed to the OP)

I find the relationship conservatives have with "free speech" to be interesting. They really don't like being talked down to, called out for toxic language, "canceled" or "censored". The right is much more sensitive to this than the left. We see it on the forum as well. Some people detest the idea that they can't say whatever they want, wherever they want and whenever they want. That is by far the strongest anger and aggression I see on the forum, in particular males being told that their language is inappropriate, uneducated, has racist undertones, misogynistic etc. And there can be strong retaliation against them feeling they were "censored". We must have gone over this over hundred times on the forum. Yet I can't recall a woman ever having this reaction, it's always males. I would hypothesize that blue/orange level males are particularly sensitive to this. They don't like seeing being told that their speech is inappropriate. For example, that their speech is "mansplaining" or is racially insensitive. This is the anger over "political correctness" that blue hates from green. I've experienced this myself at times, yet at much lower intensities. For example, a Greenie may correct me for using terms like "marginalized" and "disadvantaged". They can use a condescending voice that is annoying. It can have an air of arrogance - which blue also detests from green.

Yet it's not freedom of speech they want. They want the freedom to say what they want. They have this naive view that absolute freedom of speech is best, yet with a little scrutiny they start saying "Well, that doesn't count as 'speech'. No, that speech shouldn't be allowed, that's not what I'm talking about". It's quickly evident that they don't believe in blanket freedom of speech - they believe there should be limits, yet they are willing to really dig into the nuances of where we draw the lines - because they want to live in a fantasy world of absolute freedom of speech. As well, they are very biased toward resisting infringement of their speech. For example, they won't consider something like poc and LGBTQ don't truly have freedom of speech due to intimidation. The conservative may say "LGBTQ and poc are free to say whatever they want" - yet one his not truly free in an atmosphere of intimidation and threat. 

Those that want to maximize freedom of speech understand that limiting specific speech is necessary to maximize freedom of speech. An environment of "anything goes" absolute freedom of speech - devolves into restricted speech. It is nowhere near the maximum freedom of speech attainable. Even on this forum, if we want to maximize amount of free speech, there needs to be some restrictions on specific speech. This is counter-intuitive and conservatives have a really hard time seeing this. Or perhaps they don't want to see it. Vausch precisely described the dynamic of maximizing free speech by limiting free speech in one of his videos. 

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13 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

I find the relationship conservatives have with "free speech" to be interesting. They really don't like being talked down to, called out for toxic language, "canceled" or "censored". The right is much more sensitive to this than the left.

What is really interesting is how this dynamic is able to co-exist with the tendency towards hyper-conformity and militaristic submission to authority. They appreciate strictly regulated and disciplined behavior as long as they agree with it. Free speech is in a sense only seen as a weapon to use against people for whom they disagree with.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Forestluv I'm noticing something interesting here - The Stage Blue conservatives want to uphold some value (say Freedom of speech) and act according to that ideology. While, Stage Green progressives will be more pragmatic and survivalistic (in a collective sense) when it comes to applying those values in practice. The progressives will be more solution-oriented towards broader societal problems and choose which values to uphold like that, while the conservatives will be clear about what they stand for and uphold that.

The potential trap for consersvatives here is a lack of broader perspective and a blind faith in their pet ideology, upholding their values without considering the broader context. However, the potential trap for progressives is an interesting one - a lack of loyalty to their true values and instead, being too pragmatic and survivalistic. This is classically demonstrated with the Trump supporter vs progressive head-to-head!

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@PlasmicProjection Hehehe...

It would more honest if you just admitted that you like Trump as Trump, rather than coming up with all these backwards and factually-dubious rationalizations.

Better economy than Obama? Lol. Trump's economy is worse, even pre-Covid. And Trump's handling of Covid has tanked the US economy for the next 5 years.

Time to stop listening to right-wing propaganda channels.

Trump has not even read the Constitution. So that argument is a joke.

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49 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

For example, they won't consider something like poc and LGBTQ don't truly have freedom of speech due to intimidation. The conservative may say "LGBTQ and poc are free to say whatever they want" - yet one his not truly free in an atmosphere of intimidation and threat. 

That's in part becouse the Libertarian ideology draws the freedom line by making a simplistic distinction beetween direct and indirect causes. 

It's the same with economics. They will only consider something a restriction on freedom if it's something done directly by an individual or the state (high taxes, armed robbery), but not if it's an indirect consecuence of the workings of whole system (difficulty to start a small bussiness, or to rise from povery).

Edited by Fran11

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I would like to say my opinion on some matters, but I do not want to get banned.

Silencing someone is bad, no matter how non biased and holy you think your opinion is compared to others. 

People have to evolve to think for them self, trough free speech , not ideology of what you think is best.

People can't learn to think for the self if they get silenced, socially outcasted, I hope you can see it. 




Edited by Claymoree

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I couldn't make it very far through OP's post.

You want to vote for Trump because of the riots?  What do the riots have to do with Biden's policy platform?

Trump stands for free speech?  Doesn't he file defamation and libel suites every chance he gets?  Doesn't he even want to change the libel laws in his favor?  Conversely, how is Biden against free speech?

I can't take your opinion seriously, OP.  You might as well say you don't want to vote for Biden because his name starts with 'B' just like the word 'butthole' and buttholes are bad.  You're maybe a half  notch from making points at that level of intellect.

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@Thewritersunion Really? Do you know when? Will it be on YouTube? God Tim Pool is an idiot. You know the funniest thing about him is he used to call himself a Bernie supporter and a liberal. I don't know if he still claims that though. 

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You've literally espoused almost every right wing talking point. Its hard to take you serious because its ao obvious you're getting all of your talking points from right wing media. 

Also if there is one thing that should make you vote blue it is climate change. Any administration that denies climate change is happening in 2020 is disqualified to lead. 


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I don't see one thing about policy. 

This whole post reeks of Tim Poole. 

I can't tell if this is a shit post....


Assuming this is legit, here is the bottom line:

Trump intentionally tries to divide the people like no other president in us history

Calls Joe fucking biden a socialist and constantly fear mongers and demonizes progressives. 

Continues to give tax breaks for the wealthy and decrease public spending on things like infrastructure, healthcare, social security, education-- further increasing income inequality and lack of socioeconomic mobility(american dream)

His policies did not lead to the lowest unemployment rates precovid. Obama created more jobs in his last 3 years than trump did in his first 3

Reducing educational spending and implementing school choice is not a solution... fund black schools more and hold the quality of education to higher standards across the board. don't make the black kids fight for spots to get into better schools. 

Trump is playing tic tac toe while china is playing 4d chess. They are beating his short sighted ass in every turn. In terms of reducing america's diplomatic relations, we are essentially paving the road for china to continue to increase their economic and cultural influence. His policies are actually helping china. 

Trump is gutting public institutions(including public health and pandemic response). This essentially makes it even easier for the private sector to gain even more power than they already do. 

Freedom of speech is not real boss. You wouldn't have a problem with twitter censoring pedophiles or people who try to say that blacks are genetically inferior(maybe... I hope) or people who try to spread other things that could be dangerous to society. 



Edited by louhad

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2 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

I think your hate for Trump is blinding you at the moment.

France, Sweden and Italy don't have right wing governments and they have about the same death toll as the US, a bit lower. Do you also blame their president/prime ministers/governments for all their covid deaths? Could have Trump handled it better? Sure, absolutely.

To say that he is responsible for the covid deaths is such a silly toxic thing to say imo. but we'll agree to disagree and leave it at that.

You are being so naive and making irrelevant pointless associations. I never said anything about European countries nor did I say anything about Right wing governments. 

It's only about Trump and U... S... A. 

Trump did not immediately ban travel from Europe, because guess what he has his properties there. 

He didn't want to shut down businesses because he didn't want his own businesses to suffer. 

He never listened to Dr Fauci's advice. 

He never encouraged people to wear masks, in fact he discouraged them.. 

He took off his own mask right after his hospital stay, putting the staff around him at risk. 

He wanted schools and businesses to open even when these people were never provided with enough masks or equipment. 

He was negligent towards the situation of essential workers despite their frequent protests for lack of masks 

He did not coordinate with any of the governors in fact he fought with them. 

He intensified the George Floyd protests by constantly making aggressive hostile remarks against black people causing more protests instead of calming and providing support or de-escalating the situation. This caused more crowds to gather after his terrible remarks.. 

He put no restrictions on crowded areas and gatherings and did not enforce a strict lockdown. 

He kept blaming China all the time instead of doing something to prevent deaths. 

The stimulus package came late. Had the stimulus package been doled out early, many people would have stayed at home. 

He still holds large gatherings of people wherein there are so many people who don't wear masks. Those are super spreader events. 

Just recently after his campaign, a good bunch of people got Covid after attending his Super Spreader events. 

He has been absolutely reckless in the handling of Covid. That's why he himself got Covid in the end, kinda karma. 

You simply disagree to disagree. You don't know shit.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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27 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

He kept blaming China all the time instead of doing something to prevent deaths.

^This is huge.

After all of his fuckups, when people inevitably confront him he ALWAYS falls back on, "It's China's fault!"

It's so childish and low IQ. Like a 5 year old blaming his brother for his own mistakes.

It's so rich that republicans, the party of "personal responsibility" (or at least so they claim), lap up his lies.

47 minutes ago, louhad said:

Trump is playing tic tac toe while china is playing 4d chess.

This made me chuckle! xD

I think I'll adopt this phrase for the future...

It's Love.

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1 minute ago, RendHeaven said:

he ALWAYS falls back on, "It's China's fault!"

This is false.

He falls back on, "It's Jina's fault!"

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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