The Don

The So-Called "Trump Supporters" Are Not Actually Hardcore Trump Supporters

30 posts in this topic

There is just too much to unpack here. You speak about the constitution in such a manner that is similar to the way fundamentalist Muslims speak about the Quran. I think you have built a worldview around what you think it means to be free and are afraid to really have it expand because what you are saying now is basically right wing 101 propaganda talking points for justifying one's simple world view.   

Edited by Lyubov

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Also consider the fact that a Document written more than two Centuries ago by Aristocrats in very different social conditions might not be perfect, or worth building a rigid ideology around. Also maybe consider whether your definition of Freedom stands up to scrutiny, and consider whether it might be worthwhile to adopt a more expansive version of what freedom might entail. Perhaps you should try to examine how the American ideals you champion aren't being lived up to for everyone in our society.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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OP:  What are the political views of your parents?  Are they Trump supporters as well and value the constitution, classic American values and usually hover around conservativism?

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@The Don  You have repeatedly demonstrated you do not understand how the constitution you are supposedly defending actually works, Example: This Thread from May, where you failed to understand the simple constitutional and conservative principle of: propriety owner having the right to decided who get to be and speak on their own property. Not even the most conservative Trump appointed Judge in the land would side with your "interpretation" of the constitution, which would massively increase government size and power btw.

Here is a litmus test: With out cheating, can you off the top of your head give me an explanation of the difference between a rational and strict level of review and how it applies to this debate? If you can't you don't have deep nut and blots understanding of how the constitution is actually applied. Your constitutional knowledge is superficial at best. Which is ok most people have an extremely superficial understanding but most haven't created an identity around this superficial understanding.   Your love for the constitution is the same "love", as a guy who sees a hot girl from across the room, starts having wild fantasies about them together and declares her their soulmate, before even talking to her. 

Every post you make about the constitution... isn't. It about ego and tribal allegiances to your conservative identity. Note I said identity not values, you identify as a conservative but their is nothing conservative about your views on speech rights in the link thread above for example. Why is this identity so important to you? 

3 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

Nobody is trying to get rid of the 1st amendment. This is a conservative myth :)

It easy to see this as being true if you look at 1st amendment as what it is, part of a legal document outlining legal rights.  Conservatives however talk about it as if it is a political ideological manifesto that outline what should be on a cultural level. They can't wrap their head around the law working 100% as intended and it not someway somehow privileging conservative views. Again, every post a self identified, Trump voting, republican makes about the constitution (legal debate)... isn't. It about ego and tribal allegiances to a conservative identity (cultural debate).

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1 hour ago, DocWatts said:

Also consider the fact that a Document written more than two Centuries ago by Aristocrats in very different social conditions might not be perfect, or worth building a rigid ideology around. Also maybe consider whether your definition of Freedom stands up to scrutiny, and consider whether it might be worthwhile to adopt a more expansive version of what freedom might entail. Perhaps you should try to examine how the American ideals you champion aren't being lived up to for everyone in our society.

This is ultimately one of the core problems of a lot of conservatives. They fail to see that as consciousness is raised so does the complexity and dynamics of reality. Their worldview is simply untenable with where most of society is at in the US but they still have a large chunk at their level (~40%) so they are able to stall and gridlock everything.  

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10 hours ago, DocWatts said:

To still be supporting Trump in 2020...

I've also met people who support Trump because they are fellow narcissists. They admire him for his attainment of power.

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4 hours ago, DocWatts said:

Also maybe consider whether your definition of Freedom stands up to scrutiny, and consider whether it might be worthwhile to adopt a more expansive version of what freedom might entail


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25 minutes ago, ivory said:

I've also met people who support Trump because they are fellow narcissists. They admire him for his attainment of power.

After Trump got busted for only paying $750 / yr in taxes, I noticed a lot of MAGAs thought it was a good thing. That Trump was so rich, powerful and cunning he could get away without paying taxes - and they wish they were that rich and powerful. Or that the government is evil and Trump want give any of those government bastards any of his hard-earned money. 

They do have a point, in a sense. If the U.S. is to successfully re-balance from hyper capitalism toward more governmental socialism - they do need to clean out a lot of the nepotism, greed, lobbying etc. and get people in their genuinely concerned for regular people, like Cory Bush, Jamaal Bowman, AOC, Bernie etc. 

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19 hours ago, The Don said:



On the other hand, Trump is aligned with the constitution. He believes in freedom. That's why so many people are voting for Trump.



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Have you taken the time to study both sides? both perspectives? Surely you can't come to any conclusions before then?

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