
Height insecurity hurting my dating self esteem

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Lol. I'm 6 foot 5. Dont even worry about it dude. A lot of the time I wish I was shorter. Your height does not matter at all. I repeat your height does not matter. I'm 6 foot 5 and I dont have 8 million girls swooning over me. You'll be fine at 5 foot 7. It's a nice compact height. @Karmadhi

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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I'm about your height, and I used to be insecure about it around your age as well.

Girls will test if you are insecure about your height by calling you a dwarf, midget etc sometimes mostly as a shit test.
If you can't accept yourself as you are now, then fake it. Fake it till you make it.

Suppress the feeling of being humiliated about your height when girls or other people will talk about it. But be very aware of what you are doing. Do not let this feeling affect your behaviour, even tho it will surface on your body language, work on that as well.

For me personally this worked, and I got completely over it when I got my first GF - to the level that I really, deeply and honestly do not feel any negative emotions about my height, it's completely no longer an issue ( I have practiced Leos suggested exercises on self love, stop judging )

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3 hours ago, meow_meow said:

For me personally this worked, and I got completely over it when I got my first GF - to the level that I really, deeply and honestly do not feel any negative emotions about my height, it's completely no longer an issue ( I have practiced Leos suggested exercises on self love, stop judging )

Hi, tanks for sharing.

can you talk about this more? About the process of working on this insecurity that was causing you pain and then becoming free of it. :) 

My main insecurity is my face.


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38 minutes ago, arlin said:

Hi, tanks for sharing.

can you talk about this more? About the process of working on this insecurity that was causing you pain and then becoming free of it. :) 

My main insecurity is my face.


Well, my suggestion would try to see if girls/guys whatever your into really don't like your face. (Do not ask this question directly, just observe)

If you get to really realize that most people don't really find your face ugly from their perspective, and that it's only ugly from your perspective - this should be the turning point.
Also - ask yourself questions like - What is ugly? Who determinates what is considered ugly or not? Why do I think of my face as being ugly?
What can you actually do about the situation? (fix teeth, better haircut, shaving etc) What's not in your control?

Also there are videos that might help you:



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@Leo Gura I do not live in the USA like you do where you can just move and nobody cares. I come from a poor country into a wealthy country where i can have a good life, its just dating that sucks here. I gotta learn to deal with it not to move. Moving because of height  is as silly as buying elevator shoes or doing heigh surgery to me. 

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@Recursoinominado LOL in Brazil girls are like 162 cm so of course 168 is cool.  Imagine being  160 cm in Brazil. That is the reality i live. Would you still be cool with it? Also you have you have said you are attractive as fuck in your other posts. That also helps.

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@AtmoShark Ok fair point. So what would you suggest i do? Try to get girls taller than me or to try with the girls that are shorter than me. 

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5 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

@Leo Gura I do not live in the USA like you do where you can just move and nobody cares. I come from a poor country into a wealthy country where i can have a good life, its just dating that sucks here. I gotta learn to deal with it not to move. Moving because of height  is as silly as buying elevator shoes or doing heigh surgery to me. 

I guess you'll just have to be a bigger man then.

A man's size is measured by the size of his spirit.

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I am not gonna tell you lies. You are at a disadvantage. Height does matter to attract women.

Life is not fair, get over it!


With that said money, being masculine and having charisma is way more important.




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@Arcangelo Money is not important at all where i live unless you are like a millionare or something. I try to workout and am decently built and decent looking face (usually called cute but i guess its better than average or ugly so i ll take that). Personality i will try to focus on that for sure. Appreciate the responses though it was quite inspirational :)

Edited by Karmadhi

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11 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Money is not important at all where i live

LOL! Sure buddy.

Where do live in Mars?


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On 01/11/2020 at 6:17 PM, Karmadhi said:

@Recursoinominado LOL in Brazil girls are like 162 cm so of course 168 is cool.  Imagine being  160 cm in Brazil. That is the reality i live. Would you still be cool with it? Also you have you have said you are attractive as fuck in your other posts. That also helps.

Half the girls I met are my height or above. 95% of guys that I met that are good with women are way taller than me.

Yes, women don't like guys that are shorter than her or short in general BUT  this is mostly because: tall guys tend to be more intimidating, aka they seem like they could protect themselves and the girl just because their height advantage and women loves it.

The solution to short guys: lift weights, learn to fight (recommend muay thai) and develop super confidence (recommend learning pick up).

One motive I am "super attractive" is because I have a great strong body due to lifting weights and this is mildly intimidating. When I see a guy my height that is skinny, I see him like a child, defenceless, women do too.

Men taller than me respect me because I have a strong body, women notice that.

They are always aware of how people treat you on a subconscious level, how men see you in a status basis.

More important than that is my own self-image and self confidence, how I interact with people and how I present myself.

Muay thai gave me the confidence to stand my ground and look fearless, look tall intimidating men in the eyes and treat them like we are equals and they subconsciously respond this way.

Pick up/ game teacher me how to feel and act like a high status men to both women and men. When I interact with high status men, I look them in the eyes and treat them like I would anyone else and men feel this, often high status people likes me very much and women are always aware of all of this.

Yeah, maybe occasionally women will "reject me" because I am short but I am aware that this depends 90% on myself.

My last gf always dated way taller men than myself and she told me this often but I kept my Dgaf frame and she loved it.

In fact, she actually told everyone of her closest friends that my dick was SMALL even though it is average (15cm, not thick). Apparently she only dated tall big dick dudes before me. That didn't bothered me and didn't kept me to make her cum more than any of them (again, women notice that).

One time I was in a gaming spree, super confident and I approached a famous celebrity woman here in Brazil in front of her, also famous (world famous surfer) husband. She was like 20cm taller than me but my approach communicated so much BALLS that she actually loved it to the point her husband had to intervene.

So, yeah, in conclusion, do what you can to maximize your attractiveness and forget everything you can't control.

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Be a good man that's all you eventually need. 

Most good women finally screen for men with a good spirit. 

Height, weight or money is immaterial unless you want to attract a person who is interested in superficial features. 

Being a good decent person doesn't require money or genetics. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Recursoinominado Great advice, thank you. By the way i do lift weights and am pretty built, it is just the way girls talk about dating guys that are short than discourages the shit out of me

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1 hour ago, Karmadhi said:

@Recursoinominado Great advice, thank you. By the way i do lift weights and am pretty built, it is just the way girls talk about dating guys that are short than discourages the shit out of me

Ahhhh who cares! Those same girls will date you if you make them attracted enough. This happened to me over and over again, don't listen to what women say when it is related to dating, most of them have little to no self-awareness to reflect about it, they often SAY one thing and DO the opposite.

Imagine if Tom Cruise try to flirt with those same girls, do you think they would even CARE about his height? No! He offers so much value that any kind of problem is immediately dismissed. It is possible even to that same girl start to like short guys after dating Tom Cruise.

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@Recursoinominado Yes you are very right. Do you believe in the emotional stimulation thing Leo preaches or do girls actually like some core substance like having your shit together, being independent, kind etc instead of just stimulating them all the time like a drug needle.

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