
Matt Kahn's wonderful emails

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"One of the greatest misconceptions in the healing of the self or the transformation of the whole is imagining something insidious needs to stop in order for something greater to begin. 

When you are against something, you are empowering it with the very energy you require in order to set greater justices into motion.

These are just a few examples, but whether through intention, prayer, the creation of more supportive legislation, the organizing of greater community outreach, or any legal ramifications toward the actions that affect the liberties, rights, and freedoms of others, we co-create a world of equality and justice through inspired actions in support of the values we affirm." - Matt Kahn

Love getting emails from this guy as an occasional reminder going through bills, work emails, etc. Anyone have any other teachers who send out such nice emails?

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can you send the link to sign up to his list? 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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