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Kayne West

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I don't really invest much energy into american politics and didn't do any previous research but after partly watching this interview I get the sense that Kanyne West might actually be a good leader and is a pretty consious person over all. (at least potentionally)

What do you think?

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i mean the way he talks about abortion and some other things, i really don't know

then he said he and god wants him to be the leader of the free world, when joe asked him why he didn't even really have a good answer

he has some good ideas about school, communities, self sufficiency etc. but many people have good ideas

doesn't seem very mentally stable and seems to have a big ego

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So I believe that Kanye is a mix of healthy orange, green and has some yellow in him the way that he speaks about the music industry (though as a musician, this is not old news).  As a black man what he says about how black people are seen is spot on.

The problem is his ego.  Funny how he says that he won’t allow for his ego to stop him.  But he believes that God wants him to be the leader of the free world.  He is also a bit too much into the Bible rather than dissecting it.

If he were to ever awaken he’d have an existential crisis once he realizes just how full of shit that he truly is.

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That's the impression you got, OP?  My impression is that he's an average dude with some musical talent and somewhat delusional and grandiose ideas about what he can accomplish.  He had nothing interesting or insightful to say.  I don't hate the guy, I just think he's very average in intellect but thinks he's a genius, he even refers to himself as one in the interview.  

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25 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

As a black man what he says about how black people are seen is spot on.


when he said abortion is basically a plot and genocide on black people etc.?

also he seems to be very into "conspiracy theories" 

Edited by PurpleTree

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12 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

when he said abortion is basically a plot and genocide on black people etc.?

also he seems to be very into "conspiracy theories" 

I haven’t finished interview so I did not even hear that.

More about how this society tries to keep black people down with systemic racism and how they act as though black people cannot think for themselves.

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1 minute ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

I haven’t finished interview so I did not even hear that.

More about how this society tries to keep black people down with systemic racism and how they act as though black people cannot think for themselves.

he also said he feels sorry for his kids because they have to learn the difference between two, too and to. he said that's too difficult and not really what black people are about and he can't tell the difference sometimes etc.

Edited by PurpleTree

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11 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

he also said he feels sorry for his kids because they have to learn the difference between two, too and to. he said that's too difficult and not really what black people are about and he can't tell the difference sometimes etc.

Yeah, I did not quite understand what he meant by that.  But he is entitled to his own opinion.

At the end of the day, he has succeeded in a predominantly white society so I respect that.  Any black person who tries to do anything is aware of systematic racism, especially in the entertainment industry.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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3 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Yeah, I did not quite understand what he meant by that.  But he is entitled to his own opinion.

At the end of the day, he has succeeded in a predominantly white society so I respect that.  Any black person who tries to do anything is aware of systematic racism, especially in the entertainment industry.

i respect his creativity, drive and "you can't tell me nothing" attitude


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I mean he definetly did say some stuff which made me think the same as you @PurpleTree. And tbh I don't see him as president the way he is right now. But I still feel like he has potential to be a great leader which shines through his ego but in the end I think there is too much holding it back egowise.

Edit: Maybe he wont become president this year but will focus on this from now on and become a great president in the future, that would be funny.

Edited by Florian

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@Leo Gura What do you think? Would Kayne (just theoretically) be a better or worse president then Trump and same with Biden?

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2 hours ago, Heart of Space said:

That's the impression you got, OP?  My impression is that he's an average dude with some musical talent and somewhat delusional and grandiose ideas about what he can accomplish.  He had nothing interesting or insightful to say.  I don't hate the guy, I just think he's very average in intellect but thinks he's a genius, he even refers to himself as one in the interview.  

Lol this.

I'm a huge Kanye West fan in terms of his music.  I own all of his albums since the beginning and have basically memorized all of his songs.  Great memories in my life listening to his discography.

But that impression in the OP is absolutely wrong.  The quoted post above is worded much better than I could've said about him without clouding my judgment because I'm a massive fan of his music.


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@hoodrow trillson Maybe you're a massive fan of his music but not his leadershippotential and that's actually clouding your judgement.

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1 hour ago, Florian said:

@Leo Gura What do you think? Would Kayne (just theoretically) be a better or worse president then Trump and same with Biden?

Maybe even worse than Trump because he's so freakin out of touch with how gov works.

We need serious experts in gov, not narcisistic blowhards that are clueless about the details of government.

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1 hour ago, Florian said:

Would Kayne (just theoretically) be a better or worse president then Trump

That this is a real question shows how far the U.S. has fallen. 

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@Leo Gura Well yes, but do you see leadership potential in him or am I just deluding myself? 

@Forestluv But that means there is much room for improvement now lol


And maybe he actually decides to dedicate his life to this now and becomes a suitable president in the future, who knows..

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1 minute ago, Florian said:

And maybe he actually decides to dedicate his life to this now and becomes a suitable president in the future, who knows..

Ugh, that is what a lot of people said in 2016. . . 

If Trump gets re-elected, that means Americans don’t hold Trump accountable and Trump gets the green light. He would become much worse in a second term

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@Forestluv about Kayne West? But I mean even if he did I don't think 4 years is enough for that and this election might be the real start for him after he loses and gets in touch with reality. What I think about is... he loses now and has to revaluate this idea of becoming president and if he decides to keep going he might actually begin to change. I mean these 4 years might have been just warm-up.

Edit: It obviously seems unlikely, but I see the possibility

Edited by Florian

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14 minutes ago, Florian said:

Well yes, but do you see leadership potential in him or am I just deluding myself?

As an artist, yes. He's a leader in his art. That's what he should focus on. Know your lane.

His wild-eyed creativity is gonna be a terrible fit for governance. Governance requires a sober, pragmatic, careful, managerial approach. Not a raving lunatic with "dragon energy".

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