Muhammad Jawad

What is My (Consciousness) Universal Purpose? (3G Mushroom Trip Caused Confusion)

33 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, tsuki said:

The point is to experience love for yourself

In my 2nd last 2g of Magic Mushroom Trip, I Experienced Love. I just didn't Experience it. I was Love. Pure Love. And I was just not Love. But I was source & Shower of Love and Infinite Love was coming out of me like a Shower and that Love Shower was throwing Love in 360 Degrees.


I can not explain that experience in words otherwise it won't be justice.  

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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Just now, Muhammad Jawad said:

In my 2nd last 2g of Magic Mushroom Trip, I Experienced Love. I just didn't Experience it. I was Love. Pure Love. And I was just not Love. But I was source & Shower of Love and Infinite Love was coming out of me like a Shower and that Love Shower was throwing Love in 360 Degrees.

Good, connect to that experience and contemplate: what is it? What is love, really?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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1 hour ago, Moksha said:

There is playfulness in manifestation.

Like a child. As soon as Consciousness manifests itself into a newborn baby. The First thing that a baby love to do is playing as it was its Eternal and Basic habit before he was born.

1 hour ago, Moksha said:

You enjoy the game of discovering yourself.

Why do I (Consciousness) need games to enjoy? Is Consciousness/God dependent on games to enjoy? Why God would like to discover himself when he is already discovered by him, completely, fulfilled. Does he lack his own self-knowledge? How he can be God if he has not discovered himself. 

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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51 minutes ago, Adam M said:

God wanted all this because it is so. And what is so is perfect.

Thanks a lot for responding again.

Ok, I think the definition of God in my mind is the main problem. I was thinking that God is the One who is infinite & eternal and he doesn't have any wants, desires, urges, He doesn't need to do anything, He doesn't need to explore anything etc... 

But after having a discussion with all of the friends at this forum I have realized that Yes, God is infinite, eternal but still, he has his own urges, wants desires, etc.. But He is not a slave of his own desires like us. He has no fear. 

When a child is alone but wants to play with someone but there is no one to play then that child takes few objects from his surrounding environment and assumes those objects into some kind of characters and then he lost in his own imaginations and plays with those objects. Exactly like God is doing.

1 hour ago, Adam M said:

Your mind is creating a false idea of "what an enlightened being should or shouldn't do."

I think I need more contemplation, research, and meditation to find answers to my questions. I would like to find out why God manifested himself to me. What he wants to achieve through me.

1 hour ago, Adam M said:

Do not imagine that God wishes to just sit and be still. God creates an entire universe just for fun. For the sake of the beauty of the Creation itself.

There is a specific kind of nature in me and I think that nature belongs to everyone. And here is this nature:

Whenever I have something appreciatable, something I like, I love. I want to show and share it with others. Whenever I know something appreciatable, something intellectual, New, Different, Amazing Ideas. I want to show and share it with others. To see their reaction, To make them happy, To help them, To want them to appreciate me.

I think that the same nature is from God and that same kind of urge or nature caused the whole manifestation.

What do you think?

1 hour ago, Adam M said:

What kind of beauty will you create?

The Biggest Beauty I can create in his world is by sharing my biggest achievement which is the realization of my real self. Or I still need to figure out what I would like to create.

1 hour ago, Adam M said:

"What is Love?" 

"The ultimate structure of reality."

"The meaning of life explained."

I will surely go through these videos...


Thanks a lot for all the help. :-)        

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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@Muhammad Jawad Who is happier than a child?

Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:2-3)

Consciousness isn't attached to anything, which is a blessing and a curse. It doesn't suffer, but it also doesn't sense. Perhaps this is why it creates the world of form:

An eternal part of me enters into the world, assuming the powers of action and perception and a mind made of prakriti. When the divine Self enters and leaves a body, it takes these along as the wind carries a scent from place to place. Using the mind, ears, eyes, nose, and the senses of taste and touch, the Self enjoys sense objects. (Bhagavad Gita 15:7-9)

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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5 hours ago, Muhammad Jawad said:

There is a specific kind of nature in me and I think that nature belongs to everyone. And here is this nature:

Whenever I have something appreciatable, something I like, I love. I want to show and share it with others. Whenever I know something appreciatable, something intellectual, New, Different, Amazing Ideas. I want to show and share it with others. To see their reaction, To make them happy, To help them, To want them to appreciate me.

Exactly. The same reason why a squirrel stores nuts for the winter, the scientists invent computers, and atoms bond into molecules...

Can you guess what that reason is?

Hint: it is a four-letter word that starts with a capital letter "L"

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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Maybe you’re looking for a really long answer but I feel it’s as simple as this-

When you are truly awakened, know yourself to be pure awareness & have stabilised in absolute peace & happiness, you are happy. 

From there you simply express this happiness, love, understanding in ALL areas of your life for the joy of doing so! 

You live from the heart & simply do whatever your heart “desires.”

These desires are Gods / The Absolute / Awareness’ desires to express itself, and therefore, your happiness is not dependent on their fulfilment, and put simply life becomes a game, a joyous celebration, a permanent vacation as such.

This doesn’t mean you have to teach, you can express this understanding in a multitude of ways & each being has their own unique way, it’s not WHAT you do, but WHY, and when the action is coming from love & happiness, you know it is a desire of awareness. 

You may become a gardener, an athlete, a coffee shop worker, but whatever you do will come from this place of love & naturally you transmit your understanding from a place far beyond words.

So, what’s the point? To enjoy the game! 

you say you are completely happy & fulfilled, in the nicest way, if that was the case this question wouldn’t arise, as you’d be too busy enjoying & basking in your happiness! 

In terms of purpose, as you know all purpose is manufactured, as Leo presents in his LP course, maybe take that and that will help you find your unique way of expressing this! 

Once you truly know yourself, and abide as that, then whatever purpose you conjure up will be from a place of love & understanding, and that alone will make a beautiful & noble pursuit. 

BUT, you won’t need it to make you happy, as you say you are already happy, so you simply partake in it for the joy of it, for the love, for the desire to help people, in whichever way you do. The game of life is fun! 

This ended up being quite long haha, anyways, I recommend watching this interview- it will answer a lot of your questions- 


I would recommend from around the 30 min mark, where Francis says how his relationship with his teacher went from asking sincere truth seeker questions to eventually just a friendship revolved around enjoying life, after he was stabilised In peace & happiness.

Thats the message, awakening is the BEGINNING of truly enjoying life!!

Edited by LfcCharlie4

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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On 10/29/2020 at 2:09 AM, Adam M said:

Hint: it is a four-letter word that starts with a capital letter "L"

Thanks a lot Adam :-)

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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15 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

awakening is the BEGINNING of truly enjoying life

Hi LfcCharlie4!

I hope you are doing well.

Thanks a lot for the really detailed response.


I really liked your explanation and whatever you just explained in your response. I can understand and have heard these kinds of concepts from many Enlightened masters. 

Now I am really waiting for the time when I will really get enlightened to a state where I will be able to know that universal purpose from my experience instead of knowledge & Intellectual understanding.


Now in my life, I am just stuck at the point where I have the following questions (I know these questions are answered through many Gurus through videos and books) but I want to get these questioned answered through my own experience of Consciousness.

1. Why God is manifesting himself into Multiple limited beings & world. (I know that question is answered many times by others but now instead of knowing it from others and just making it my another belief. Now I want to experience it myself.)  

2. As a human What I should do here in this world.

3. How do I experience the answer to my questions? (Note: I do not want to spend my whole life in caves to know the answer. I want to know the answers as soon as possible so I can start living this life productively before this dream life ends).


16 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

I recommend watching this interview- it will answer a lot of your questions


I will surely watch this video. Thanks for recommending it. :-)


Waiting for more help.



Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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2 hours ago, Origins said:

Signature is my perspective.

Thanks a lot for your response.


Can you please help me & PM me your Best Technique to master for awareness? 

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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On 10/25/2020 at 10:39 AM, Muhammad Jawad said:

Then I would like to ask Why? Why I should respond to the imaginations, sensations, and thoughts related to this limited Dimension.? What is the purpose behind it?

There is no purpose behind it. But it's not up you. It doesn't work by purpose. It works automatically or unfolding naturally you might say. It will stop when it stops. 


On 10/25/2020 at 10:39 AM, Muhammad Jawad said:

Why Leo Came back to this Limited World after the 30 Day 5-Meo DMT Retreat? He was also at that stage when he had to decide what to do and he decided to come back. In his video, he said he came back for his family members and to help others. But that creates conflict. There is no other. It's Only Consciousness. You are just imagining others. If you don't imagine this world and then no one will suffer because of your death because you didn't create them through your imagination is 1st place.

Don't be so sure about that. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

There is no purpose behind it. But it's not up you. It doesn't work by purpose. It works automatically or unfolding naturally you might say. It will stop when it stops.


Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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