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What's the most emotionally difficult challenge you could take on this next week?

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Some of mine:

Taking no notes on anything and using method of loci instead combined with continuously reinventing my experience via the imagination, new experiences and their synthesis as much as possible, where any designs, etc I come up with there, again, all method of loci haha.

Some practical challenges therein, I want to be via my consciousness plugging into every single country across the planet at least for a few seconds each day to generate new ideas for myself, that would involve me first learning what all the names of the countries are and their locations across the world first, which will be another personal challenge for myself, this time geo-cultural to facilitate social creativity.

Data = Synthesis = Creativity

So, more data (in particular varied data) = more synthesis opportunities = more creativity

And there's a balance to that relative to our capacities of course. Don't hold back. Explore. Design. Create.

Google Earth:

Edited by Origins

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