
Enlightenment - Dark Side

62 posts in this topic

@bejapuskas We only suffer until we no longer need to suffer. For most of us, that means we will continue suffering for the rest of our lives. I do believe, and have experienced, that personal suffering can be greatly reduced. For some rare few, suffering stops entirely. I remember someone asking Eckhart when was the last time he wasn't present. He thought for a minute, and then described an experience from years ago when we was standing in line at the grocery store. A customer in front of him left the line, and made everyone else wait. Eckhart felt a "tug" of irritation, but then was glad he didn't say anything when the customer returned to the line, recognized him, and started thanking him effusively for his books. Must be nice, lol. 

Don't take it the wrong way. I sincerely appreciate you guys sharing your experience with psychedelics. It's very interesting; I just have no personal desire to try it.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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