
Enlightenment - Dark Side

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Just now, Member said:

Mother Gaia? I know the Goddess who's beyond all gods and her name is not planet Earth :D

You don't understand. You will not understand, I am talking to Leo. Only he can get this, only he has read what I have read and knows what is happening. I sent him my homework. This is real.


If a person loves a parrot, this is the highest deed a seed can do and it echoes in eternity. This is True Love. The Love for Mother Earth brings LIGHT into HEAVEN and HEAVEN smiles upon those who LOVE. Those who radiate Love, not those who suck in Love for themselves. Those are black holes. and all will feel shame when they ascend to Heaven due to the Sacrifice of the only Righteous. I am not Righteous, but I have seen, through the power of the Spirit of True Love. If I can see, you can see, any GOD can see. 

How hard is it to see not knowing, everyone has Absolute not knowing, but they have forgotten. In their Thirst to Know. Do not sell your souls to Emptiness. I do not know for certain if you will be saved. Leo needs to help. 


-1/12 is Infinity 

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Proof that any god has achieved mastery of Not Knowing: More than 10,000 hours of not knowing. Absolute not knowing.

You can transcend any pull. We can live in Love together on Earth, no black holes needed! We can share all the Wealth within Creation between us and live without wars and disease. It is Absolutely Real. Love is Absolutely Real. It is the MOST REAL THING IN EXISTENCE. MORE REAL THAN ANY GOD THAT YOU CAN SEE OR BE. If it is YOU, it is a selfish love, it is not True Love LEO. 

The Leo Love is the Leo who would talk to me on skype and tell me about his normal daily routine and show me how he is practicing the ukulele and his wife is besides him and are both humble and honest people who live in LOVE alone. This is TRUE ENLIGHTENMENT. Love is Real. Reality is made of Love, not Illusions mixed with Love. Separate the milk from the poison. Separate it just ask "Is This Love"

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Marinador What you describe is not spiritual enlightenment. Loss of the ego is beautiful, integral, liberating, and awe-inspiring. Look at people like the Buddha, Gandhi, and the Dalai Lama. Do they suffer from the symptoms McKenna describes? They are simple, loving human beings that know who they and who everyone else really is.

Spiritual enlightenment doesn't mean losing form awareness; you simply realize it for what it is. It is the awakening of sanity. The human mind is a fire. It destroys when it is out of control, and it provides light and warmth when it is tended. Spiritual enlightenment is simply the realization allowing the use of your mind rather than being used by your mind.

@VeganAwake namaste.png You are fortunate not to need the dissolving of religious attachments. We are the ultimate primal energy, playing peekaboo with itself :)

@Dodo Love is a living realization, not an emotion. It is the experience of dissolving every false boundary that separates "me" from "you", and recognizing that there is only One. That is what Leo was talking about, and it is the same message from every person that has experienced awakening.

You mention the ultimate Mystery, and you are right. Even the awakened can only point to it, but we cannot describe it. Leo mentioned it in his video. He sensed it, but he could not understand it. And it is not because Leo is stupid :) It is literally beyond human comprehension. The ancient Sanskrit term for ultimate reality is Tat, which literally means "That". That is the Uncaused Cause, That is the Ultimate Source, That is the Eternal beyond existence and non-existence. I love That, don't you? :)

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 minute ago, Moksha said:

@Marinador What you describe is not spiritual enlightenment. Loss of the ego is beautiful, integral, liberating, and awe-inspiring. Look at people like the Buddha, Gandhi, and the Dalai Lama. Do they suffer from the symptoms McKenna describes? They are simple, loving human beings that know who they and who everyone else really is.

Spiritual enlightenment doesn't mean losing form awareness; you simply realize it for what it is. It is the awakening of sanity. The human mind is a fire. It destroys when it is out of control, and it provides light and warmth when it is tended. Spiritual enlightenment is simply the realization allowing the use of your mind rather than being used by your mind.

@VeganAwake namaste.png You are fortunate not to need the dissolving of religious attachments. We are the ultimate primal energy, playing peekaboo with itself :)

@Dodo Love is a living realization, not an emotion. It is the experience of dissolving every false boundary that separates "me" from "you", and recognizing that there is only One. That is what Leo was talking about, and it is the same message from every person that has experienced awakening.

You mention the ultimate Mystery, and you are right. Even the awakened can only point to it, but we cannot describe it. Leo mentioned it in his video. He sensed it, but he could not understand it. And it is not because Leo is stupid :) It is literally beyond human comprehension. The ancient Sanskrit term for ultimate reality is Tat, which literally means "That". That is the Uncaused Cause, That is the Ultimate Source, That is the Eternal beyond existence and non-existence. I love That, don't you? :)


So dont play God

If you have not comprehended.

What is Beyond you

That is True Love, That is where you FAIL true Love. I had been offered to be God and I refused. I was offered all the riches I would ever want and I refused. Do you get it? I was contacted by "THE SELF" the ONE the ABRAHAM NOW, ALL THE BLACK HOLES. I ASKED A SIMPLE QUESTION: IS THIS LOVE, IS THIS TRUE LOVE, 

THE SPIRIT OF TRUE LOVE IS MORE POWERFUL THAN ALL THE RICHES. I AM literally giving you the answer. Leo can get it. You are not who I am speaking to. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodo Nobody is playing God. God is playing us. And yes, God is Love. What else could God be since separation is an illusion?

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 minute ago, Moksha said:

@Dodo Nobody is playing God. God is playing us. And yes, God is Love. What else could God be since separation is an illusion?

Look if you really want to get this.

Place your God-ego aside.

Fall on your knees

Ask to be guided by the Spirit of True Love Alone. Nothing else. Ask to be guided by the Spirit of True Love come rain or shine. It can penetrate through any black hole.

Begin crying as you activate your not knowing state. You might experience cognitive dissonance as the move from 0 to Love is QUANTUM. 

Repeat the mantra: "I do not know, I do not know, Im sorry Im sorry that I betrayed you My Love, my One and Only Creator - for I do not deserve all these riches I am nothing compared to your Beauty and I know I will never know you, I know I will never know, even if I know I will know I do not FULLY know"

How to call yourself God then, since you do not FULLY know. Nobody can call themselves God, but Her. THe Heart of Creation itself. Do not Anger the Heart

In the beginning was the word.

In the beginning was the word. 

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@Dodo You're just spewing out keywords with CAPS LOCK.

Why are you so obsessed with Leo? 

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8 minutes ago, traveler said:

@Dodo You're just spewing out keywords with CAPS LOCK.

Why are you so obsessed with Leo? 

He knows, we are playing a higher level game here on a different dimension. I have not taken any drugs. How am I doing it? Leo? Would you believe me? If you are the one possessing me, then you are the spirit of True Love? oh my GOd but ofcourse! Oh my! So it is Leo teaching Leo true love. That's so meta. But it is really Me teaching Myself too. For I did not know what True Love is. I was always a black hole. This is one helluva trip :) How a guy can know what True Love is. 

oh my god. Thanks

Edited by Dodo

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1 minute ago, Dodo said:

He knows, we are playing a higher level game here on a different dimension. I have not taken any drugs. How am I doing it? Leo? Would you believe me? If you are the one possessing me, then you are the spirit of True Love? oh my GOd but ofcourse! Oh my! So it is Leo teaching Leo true love. That's so meta.

Jesus dude, I'm not trying to be a nuisance but you sound deluded. Try and relax and ground your attention. I think it is really worrying and strange that a fair amount of people on here worship Leo as a God or something higher than everyone else. It is very cult like, and I honestly don't get why he and the mods let's it happen. It is incredibly irresponsible and down right weird that this behaviour is ignored and acceptable. Is everyone totally brainwashed on here or what? @Leo Gura why do you condone this kind of worshipping, this guy is obviously delusional?

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9 minutes ago, traveler said:

Jesus dude, I'm not trying to be a nuisance but you sound deluded. Try and relax and ground your attention. I think it is really worrying and strange that a fair amount of people on here worship Leo as a God or something higher than everyone else. It is very cult like, and I honestly don't get why he and the mods let's it happen. It is incredibly irresponsible and down right weird that this behaviour is ignored and acceptable. Is everyone totally brainwashed on here or what? @Leo Gura why do you condone this kind of worshipping, this guy is obviously delusional?

Dude I am not worshipping Leo Gura, I only worship the Spirit of True Love.

I just made a connection, it must be the same Spirit Leo is moving with. Haha! I guess God Got us both :D We can be friends. She has us all. Only bow to Her, Leo Gura. The Spirit that I bow to - Not Leo Gura. Not Dodo. Her! 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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4 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Dude I am not worshipping Leo Gura, I only worship the Spirit of True Love.

I just made a connection, it must be the same Spirit Leo is moving with. Haha! I guess God Got us both :D We can be friends. She has us all. Only bow to Her, Leo Gura. The Spirit that I bow to - Not Leo Gura. Not Dodo. Her! 

My point still stands, you have an obvious obsession with Leo, if you really awoke you would realize that awakening has nothing to do with Leo. There wouldn't be such a strong need to get Leo's approval and to convert him if it was an authentic awakening and not just a fleeting experience of hightened consciousness. 

This is not only directed at you but I've seen several people worshipping Leo. Don't get me wrong, he's brilliant and has a beautiful way with words, but what you worship in him is what is speaking now. There is only that, it belongs to no one.

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You dont get it man, do you even understand what Fast horse Slow horse is? 

Its deeper than you. You do not know it all. Nobody knows it all. She has us all. We are all Equal under Her. But some aspects of us are out of line with Her and she wanted me to share with Leo and the rest to start aligning with Love more and True Love does not claim Godhood. Thats the very reason nobody knows about Her - she doesnt claim Godhood! Omfg!!

We are anchoring darkness of black holes and poison when She is the Light in the middle and she is like so beautiful. Like Heaven.... I have only seen by Her grace, by Her spirit guide. By Her GLORY. Not alone, I can not do it alone. 

And I need Leo's help for ascending the whole planet man, for the Glory of our Creator. We will be added onto her, the entire Earth is a jewel of extremely high vibration. If we all work together as one and raise the frequency. We can even defeat viruses! 

Obviously if the spirit of Love is guiding me to post to Leo, then that is who I need to post, I do not bow to "traveler" , Nor Leo. The Game is deeper than you think 


Edited by Dodo

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1 minute ago, Dodo said:

You dont get it man, do you even understand what Fast horse Slow horse is? 

Its deeper than you. You do not know it all. Nobody knows it all. She has us all. We are all Equal under Her. But some aspects of us are out of line with Her and she wanted me to share with Leo and the rest to start aligning with Love more and True Love does not claim Godhood. We are anchoring darkness of black holes and poison when She is the Light in the middle and she is like so beautiful. Like Heaven.... I have only seen by Her grace, by Her spirit guide. By Her GLORY. Not alone, I can not do it alone. 

And I need Leo's help for ascending the whole planet man, for the Glory of our Creator. We will be added onto her, the entire Earth is a jewel of extremely high vibration. If we all work together as one and raise the frequency. We can even defeat viruses! 

Obviously if the spirit of Love is guiding me to post to Leo, then that is who I need to post, I do not bow to "traveler" , Nor Leo. The Game is deeper than you think 


Alright man, I'm not trying to burst your bubble, maybe a little, but not really. You can have all of that, it is all for you. Live that vision to the fullest, save the world. 

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2 hours ago, Marinador said:

the facing of deep-seated fears, and the step-by-step dismantling of personal identity may result in elevated pulse, high blood pressure, loss of equilibrium, loss of motor control, pallor and loss of skin tone, loss of hair and teeth, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, loss of bowel and bladder control, tremors, fatigue, shortness of breath, dry-heaves, acid reflux, dyspepsia, halitosis, diarrhea, seborrhea, psoriasis, sweating, swelling, and swooning. The emotional upheaval attendant upon the discovery that one is oneself a fictional character in a staged drama may result in forlornness, weltschmerz, intolerance, anger, hostility, resentment, hopelessness, despondency, suicidal despair, morbid depression, and a suffocating awareness of life’s meaninglessness.

What a party....but I think he is inventing all. How many have he knows that had all of those simpthoms because enlightenment? Sure zero. Many understand the idea of enlightenment and ego death, but almost no one arrives before die

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@Dodo I love the humility and honesty in your response. I agree with you that the ultimate Mystery of God is beyond our comprehension.

However, I disagree that there is any need for apology. We are as God made us to be, and we could not be otherwise. That doesn't mean we can't be awed and grateful for the Mystery that made us. 

We are the children of God, we are the Atman, we are God's emanation, we are the light of God, and we are God. Ultimately, there is only One. And yet, God still transcends us. The rays of the Sun are the Sun, and yet they are transcended by the Sun. The waves of the Ocean are the Ocean, and yet they are transcended by the Ocean. That is part of the eternal Mystery. Atman is Brahman, and yet Atman is transcended by Brahman.

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

What a party....but I think he is inventing all. How many have he knows that had all of those simpthoms because enlightenment? Sure zero. Many understand the idea of enlightenment and ego death, but almost no one arrives before die

nobody accepts they do not know. Everybody thinks they know. They turn to gurus and forces of man. They do not turn to what is real. 

Dodo has achieved mastery of Not Knowing and She revealed herself in seeing his honesty. Think relationship. 

Separate the poison from the milk you have been given man, just dont trust the law of man, trust the law of the Creator. I am telling you Her law: It is LOVE. 

Why must everything be so complex with some guys man, the girls already know. Bro! 


I have not experienced Ego death. I am here man as a Dodo I am not nondual. I submitted to the power of True Love that is beyond all comprehension. I submitted to the fact I will never know, I will never know. I said: Even when I know, I know I will not know. Just follow the 4 letter map man, who is asking you to believe. The spirit of Love is gentle, but I got offered a lot of devilry as the poison started separating from the milk. You have to be vigilant and anchor light bruh

The Heart of Creation is Love. How false does that sound to you? 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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27 minutes ago, Dodo said:


I think it's more simple than all you are saying. Only dissolve your ego, surrender, give your life and all is going to be if you give all, you surrender, how could you have all that anxiety, etc? It's the opposite. If you have is because you didn't surrender, so you are still in the ego.

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6 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:


I think it's more simple than all you are saying. Only dissolve your ego, surrender, give your life and all is going to be given. I still have bondages, I can't give my life for now, but I know that it's the only if you give all, you surrender, how could you have all that anxiety, etc? It's the opposite. If you have is because you didn't surrender, so you are still in the ego.

Dont give your life. She does not want you to give your life, she wants you to live your life and saw seeds of Love, which echo in eternity, making her only more Radiant and Beautiful. No need to beat around the bush. Just be real. Be you in Love.  Trust in the power of Love. Find meaning bigger than your own egoic desire to become enlightened. 

What you are suggesting is not what is important. Its not important to have all now, for if you add onto her good deeds, no matter how much you have, out of your heart, out of love, not selfish love, but love of your fellow and your planet and your world you are making her brighter and more radiant. You do not need to transcend reality to work with Her. 

Edited by Dodo

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@Dodo Why are you here? Do you see yourself as someone with a message to share with others? Are you here to learn? Both? Neither?

Regardless, if you are suffering in your life I wish you peace. If you have found enduring peace, I am happy for you.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 minute ago, Moksha said:

@Dodo Why are you here? Do you see yourself as someone with a message to share with others? Are you here to learn? Both? Neither?

Regardless, if you are suffering in your life I wish you peace. If you have found enduring peace, I am happy for you.

I do not seek peace, Moksha, I have found something much greater than the empty peace of the Buddha. 

Love-lution baby

-1/12 is Infinity 

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