Jayson G

Job, Fast Business, or Life Purpose?!?! all opinions appreciated

10 posts in this topic

Ok guys I need some brainstorming going .. 

I know it's my life, and I have to decide for myself and there's no one right answer .. 

But they all feel so right. 

Let me explain, and hopefully many of you are in similar boats so we can all benefit from this discussion.

Okay so I'm turning 25 in one week. It's hitting me. I'm getting old. (Yeah I know I'm still a kid, but compared to the results I could have gotten and the dreams I have and what I told myself and not being able to accomplish that and what all my friends are achieving .. man I feel old) 

I'm still living in my parents house.

I want to travel (safely), meet more girls, dive deeper into consciousness work, etc. and living with my parents makes all that hard. 

I need results FAST. (I understand patience, but I also know people can get insanely fast results. I'm part of a Facebook group where people start from nothing to six figures in less than a few months!!! Please let that sink in) 

I also have no income right now. 

Okay now, now that that situation is out of the way, let me present my case for all the options I have: 

1. Job 


within 2 months I'll be making 50k per year


When I get a job, and move out, I won't have much time to pick up girls because I'll be grinding on getting out of wage slavery by building my business. 

Working 60 hours per week will take a toll on my health, consciousness, etc. Then I think why make my life harder for myself. 

The longer I go in this route, the longer I will spend not being aligned with the person I want to be, the life I want to live, the career I want to work on (music) 

2. Selling coaching and video courses 


I spent the past 2 years learning lots of marketing, public speaking, tested my content on Tik Tok (12k followers), a lot of people came to me telling how much I helped them. 

I legit mastered the formula. I know exactly how to get six figures through this method. I'm almost there. Within 6 months, if I can stay motivated, which I believe I can, then I'll be at 6 figures. 


I've been pushing off a music career my whole life. Since I was 7. It's kinda sad and hurts thinking about that. The more I spend on these re-routes, the less time I'll have to be "young" while building my career. There's something about being young and on your purpose, living the rock music life that really resonates with me. 

3. Pursuing my life purpose (music career) 


I know I'll be so much happier, so much more aligned and fulfilled, and creative, and passionate about life, and excited and connected. 


I need money now. I need to move out now. It's literally the most important step in my life right now. If I can just hit 6-figures right now, a lot of doors open up in terms of picking up girls, travel, health, emotional mastery. May seem like an excuse, but money really is my most important next step in life. I can't wait 5 years to get good at music before I start making money when I can be earning money right now. 

In a sense, life purpose is not the highest priority on my list right now if I were to be honest. Higher priority goals include: making 6-figures, mastering attracting girls, and mastering my health. 

Just looking for input guys, please share your thoughts. I've been struggling with this for years now. 

@Leo Gura I would love to hear your thoughts as well man, I know you've been in similar situations in the past. 


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If you can really get results with the business, then I would not bother with a job. But just by the wording of "fast business" it isn't really going to be a good route for success. 

57 minutes ago, Jayson G said:

I need results FAST. (I understand patience, but I also know people can get insanely fast results. I'm part of a Facebook group where people start from nothing to six figures in less than a few months!!! Please let that sink in) 

This type of thinking and mindset will probably prevent you from getting those results. 

I am about the same age and similar situation. I have a running business that is paying the bills. Have a toss up with life purpose and that. My main issue is not having enough clarity with the life purpose. Something I need to dive into and work on. I want to get my finances handled though. I have been spending a lot of time on personal development, which has been excellent. My growth has been tremendous. I am working on building a better work ethic for myself and getting this business up to par to get me saving well and building up a good amount of cash. I feel that urgency to have my shit more handled at this age. I have taken a lot of time and stuff for granted here. That and just not being developed enough to get use out of it earlier. My progress now has been stellar though as I have navigated through it. 

One thing that would be more painful for me to do is to just get a job and move out. It would allow me to grow fairly rapidly I bet. That might be a good route for you. On the other hand my business requires a good amount of physical space. I have that here and my set up I have built for this is amazing. It is becoming really efficient and working well. I know if I moved out I would likely feel more confident with myself. I have come to the realization that I could work on myself to a level where I don't need pressure to be getting the results out of my business. If I keep constructing this I can build my income level high enough to give me a lot of options on what I want to do within the next year. I can see there is excuses with myself to not leave here. I am refining my aim and setting goals that are going to set me up well. I know if I build up a good amount of savings I could maintain being self employed once I move out too. 

I realize there is a lot of social pressure to move out too. I feel that as well. I can see there is a lot of benefits of being independent. I would keep them back a bit longer to secure not having to be a wage slave myself. I have a huge opportunity staying here to improve myself. I don't want to blow it. 

Hope my situation can maybe give you some ideas on what might work for you too. 

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@Average Investor Really interesting man. Your situation surprisingly has a lot of similarities to mine. 

For me also I have a pretty good set up here at home, but I realized that's what is stopping me from moving out lol so I guess even I don't know what to do in that situation. 

But from what it sounds like, you're earning good income. If I was in that boat, I'd feel a lot more relieved, and living at home wouldn't feel like such a problem. You figured out the formula. You're out of the desert (financially speaking lol). 

Yeah I understand what you mean by the fast mentality limiting me. 

I'm just trying to say that it's possible to have results fast, it's also likely, it's what motivates me, but also I'm having realistic expectations that this can take 2-3 years even to really breakthrough. 

2 hours ago, Average Investor said:

If you can really get results with the business, then I would not bother with a job.

So this point is interesting. 

I definitely know I can, whether it is 6 months or 1 year. 

Plan is solid. I'm motivated. I'm disciplined. Product and marketing is being refined daily. 

But I've had a long string of failures these past 1.5 years and that made me lose some confidence. 

So that's putting doubt into my head about my capabilities. 

I also feel limited at home in terms of creativity, confidence, and my ability to execute. 

And even though everything is great at home, I have this urge to just get out and live life like now. I feel too stuck at home. I don't know if I should give into that feeling now by getting a job, or be more patient, stay at home longer and finish building the business. 

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What the phrase "Following your bliss" clicks in you? What you'd do if you aligned to that?

It sounds like you have some limiting beliefs about dating/pickup, though. It is not over even after 30. Especially since you're in this forum and seem to follow Leo's stuff. The type of women you'd probably will like to associate yourself with will mature and be even more awesome with age. Consider these 35-40 vegan chicks, who do yoga and go on retreats. They usually look like they are 25 and super hot/sexy, probably will be much better in bed as well than your typical teenage/young 20s girl. Much more feminine and open. And you can always find young chicks even in your 30-40s if you're developing good enough, especially if you're developing spiritually and advance in meditation. Go see more older pickup artists who are into meditation (Like TNL, travelbum and so forth, even RSD owen nowadays, lol), they have pretty much 0 problem picking up a young chick if they want to.

So i wouldn't be (1) In a such a rush and a hectic space of mind about these things and (2) feel like time is running out and that you'd miss the girs. You can bang chicks even at 60s if you do everything right. Take a look at folks like Mooji, for example. If we are to believe what they tell about him, he is fucking his students left and right and they seem to be very happy about it, because he is this grounded grandpa sage. I am sure you can be a sexy grandpa too, if you want

Edited by Hello from Russia

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8 hours ago, Jayson G said:

For me also I have a pretty good set up here at home, but I realized that's what is stopping me from moving out lol so I guess even I don't know what to do in that situation. 

Yeah, it makes it tough. I pay to stay here and all that. I get a good deal for how much space I get though. I have considered an apartment and still paying to use the space here for my business. If I did that though I am spending more money, which I kind of need at the moment. I am in online retail and my sales have been fluctuating wildly from covid etc. I had a record month, then after it a slower one than a year ago lol. I am working on having enough inventory up for sale that my income is more consistent. I am thinking this holiday season is going to be crazy. 

I have had this business on the back burner for some years and I went full time a bit over a year ago. It is now getting to the point where I am getting the hang of it well.

8 hours ago, Jayson G said:

But I've had a long string of failures these past 1.5 years and that made me lose some confidence. 

 I have had businesses that worked right off the bat and a good amount that just failed or were a waste of time. That is all part of the game with this. You need to learn why the others failed and what made the others successful. That and learning a lot about what your own strengths and weaknesses are in business. The more you are able to push through these failures, then the closer to success you will be. 

8 hours ago, Jayson G said:

I'm just trying to say that it's possible to have results fast, it's also likely, it's what motivates me, but also I'm having realistic expectations that this can take 2-3 years even to really breakthrough.

No doubt there. Consistency will bring you there one way or another. 

8 hours ago, Jayson G said:

I also feel limited at home in terms of creativity, confidence, and my ability to execute. 

This alone could be a good reason to leave. I am feeling the opposite about it. I am so charged up about my opportunity and really trying to double down and make it work right now. It is giving me more encouragement. Plus with being here I have the stress removed from worry about the place I would be at. I am able to still have adequate relaxation time to come back full force at the business each day. I take the weekends off right now too. Gives me a really healthy balance with work and stress. 

Now with women I totally feel the issue with even trying to pick them up or date because I am here lol. I mean realistically a fair amount of them probably would not care if they seen what I had going on here. I still think it is hindering me from even wanting to try for a girlfriend. However, I do kind of want finances to be my focus right now. 


On the side I would recommend to continue to work on mastering something. I am working on mastering my speaking skills as I think this will be apart of my purpose. Worse case scenario speaking is pretty useful in general. I am sure you can work and build into the life purpose on the side. Or at least be taking little bets to see what you might or might not want to do with it. 

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some thoughts.. 

...could it be none of these options. what makes you happy? what do you want most? what would make you happiest in 5 years time for having picked? 

...i had a life coach once tell me when picking a decision, to follow your highest excitement. 

...also, regardless of what you pick, you're going to be okay and you will learn: check out the first clip in this video:


if you need courage to take a route, maybe think about all what you could do to help you take that leap. maybe a coach, maybe listening to inspirational books or videos on the daily, etc. 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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For maximum results, you need to put in maximum effort.

Take the job and put in your 40 hours per week there.

Then when you get home at night, pursue your music career for 3 hours every night instead of watching TV or Youtube videos. Not exactly sure what "pursuing a music career" entails. But it's easy enough to make your own website and create and sell your own music with just a PC and basic software, without needing to find an agent or label. I fear that most people who "pursue a music career" are just dicking around, wasting time playing music in a garage with bandmates who aren't 100% serious about it, saving up thousands of dollars for studio time they don't need, and not taking the steps to actually make it. Look at Ronald Jenkees as an example of how to do it right. If pursuing a music career is getting gigs in bars where you get paid $100 for the night, don't bother.

On the weekend, put in 8 hours a day working on coaching and/or video courses (personally I would pick just one) and treat it like it's your fulltime job on the weekend. Again nobody said it would be easy, but you aren't going to get fast results if you aren't working on one of your three priorities for 2/7th (nearly 30%!) of the week.

I think you're underestimating how much effort it takes to make a course, and the fact that it's not as much of an exact science as you might think. But you won't know until you try.

To make things easier, have you considered combining #2 and #3? What if  you make a course about learning an instrument, or some kind of music theory, or something similar? Or helping teach the basics of marketing to musicians who are too much into their "art" as a niche and need a more practical voice on how to make money with their craft.

Doing all 3 is probably too much and you'll get burned out. I would personally drop life purpose for a year or two until you've got the money all sorted out.

Edited by Yarco

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@Yarco I never even thought of combining courses and music .. thats a sick idea. I lack experience in music but I can definitely pursue it and teach whatever I learn in the future. 

But honestly I don't know if I have the capacity to work more than 40 hours per week. I tried 50 before but that wasn't sustainable. Then again if I move out and get a job, I'll have to do 60 hours per week doing a job and business to pay the bills and stuff. 

It's just so overwhelming the options to choose. I also think I'll have to postpone my life purpose a bit. 

@Jacob Morres I like this question a lot! What makes me happiest would be pursuing a music career. But honestly I don't know if that would be the wise decision though. I can't just keep living at home. Music won't make me money for atleast 3-5 years given how much I suck at it right now. So if I move out and get a job, maybe I can do music on the side. But even then it would take so long to break out of wage slavery with music that I may just have to do job and the business I am good at right now .. sigh


14 hours ago, Average Investor said:

This alone could be a good reason to leave. I am feeling the opposite about it. I am so charged up about my opportunity and really trying to double down and make it work right now. It is giving me more encouragement. Plus with being here I have the stress removed from worry about the place I would be at. I am able to still have adequate relaxation time to come back full force at the business each day. I take the weekends off right now too. Gives me a really healthy balance with work and stress. 

Now with women I totally feel the issue with even trying to pick them up or date because I am here lol. I mean realistically a fair amount of them probably would not care if they seen what I had going on here. I still think it is hindering me from even wanting to try for a girlfriend. However, I do kind of want finances to be my focus right now. 


Yeah honestly I feel that too .. that's pretty much my life right now. Work on my business, and relax recharge on the weekends. But I feel that kind of life (atleast at this point) misses adventure and girls haha 

But in your situation you don't seem to have that urge to travel and pick up girls and all that right now, which I think is honestly a good thing, because you can just drill down and focus on your business. I honestly can't contain my desire to travel and pick up girls right now lol which makes this whole thing even more complicated. 

God I wish life was less complicated sometimes lmao 

Especially being in personal development theres soooo much to work on, so many desires and goals. It's hard to give one thing all of the focus. But as I'm writing this, I'm realizing how important focus on one goal really is. 

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20 hours ago, Hello from Russia said:

What the phrase "Following your bliss" clicks in you? What you'd do if you aligned to that?

It sounds like you have some limiting beliefs about dating/pickup, though. It is not over even after 30. Especially since you're in this forum and seem to follow Leo's stuff. The type of women you'd probably will like to associate yourself with will mature and be even more awesome with age. Consider these 35-40 vegan chicks, who do yoga and go on retreats. They usually look like they are 25 and super hot/sexy, probably will be much better in bed as well than your typical teenage/young 20s girl. Much more feminine and open. And you can always find young chicks even in your 30-40s if you're developing good enough, especially if you're developing spiritually and advance in meditation. Go see more older pickup artists who are into meditation (Like TNL, travelbum and so forth, even RSD owen nowadays, lol), they have pretty much 0 problem picking up a young chick if they want to.

So i wouldn't be (1) In a such a rush and a hectic space of mind about these things and (2) feel like time is running out and that you'd miss the girs. You can bang chicks even at 60s if you do everything right. Take a look at folks like Mooji, for example. If we are to believe what they tell about him, he is fucking his students left and right and they seem to be very happy about it, because he is this grounded grandpa sage. I am sure you can be a sexy grandpa too, if you want

I died reading this hahah 

But I don't feel like I'm missing out on girls and my time is running out with them. What is happening actually is that I just have this huge desire to dive into pickup. It's desire vs. a fear of missing out. 

And honestly bruh I'm sure the 35-40 year old vegan chicks are cool but I'm into the innocent 20 to 22 year old college girls lmao I guess I'm the opposite in that sense. Plus how am I gonna even date a 35 year old chick at this age anyways hahaha that'd be cool tho for the experience. 

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@Jayson G Yeah, not it's probably not worth it and the young chicks are the way to go. However, once you get to your 30's yourself, don't be upset too much, because you have yoga chicks here

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