
What's The Female Version Of Leo's Video "how To Be A Man" (advanced Version)

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The main thing that I got from leo's video is just to be authentically 'you', and apply your masculinity (or femininity) to whatever activity you are doing. so for a girl, it would mean being feminine even if the activity is stereotyped as something guys would do, like pulling weeds, or changing lightbulbs or fixing things.

I consider myself on the extreme end of femininity - i do everything gently and i'm super emotional and I follow my intuition instead of my brain. I don't like doing anything super strenuous like boxing or fighting or eating anything that's too heavy like steak or something.

But leo's video made me realise: hey, there is masculinity in me somewhere, and I need to somehow figure out what that would mean for me. 

The list i'm thinking of is:

1. do logical things - like read my bank statements, go to work on time (i usually avoid reading anything that's serious and involves numbers, which reminds me I still need to do my tax return)
2. be more vocal/courageous about what I think - like say things with no fucks given, instead of holding stuff in and agreeing with people

But I can't think of anything else!

What other practical things could girls do to cultivate masculinity? any feedback is appreciated xxxx

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You know you ladies do it! ;)

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1 hour ago, WhatAmI said:

The main thing that I got from leo's video is just to be authentically 'you', and apply your masculinity (or femininity) to whatever activity you are doing. so for a girl, it would mean being feminine even if the activity is stereotyped as something guys would do, like pulling weeds, or changing lightbulbs or fixing things.

I consider myself on the extreme end of femininity - i do everything gently and i'm super emotional and I follow my intuition instead of my brain. I don't like doing anything super strenuous like boxing or fighting or eating anything that's too heavy like steak or something.

But leo's video made me realise: hey, there is masculinity in me somewhere, and I need to somehow figure out what that would mean for me. 

The list i'm thinking of is:

1. do logical things - like read my bank statements, go to work on time (i usually avoid reading anything that's serious and involves numbers, which reminds me I still need to do my tax return)
2. be more vocal/courageous about what I think - like say things with no fucks given, instead of holding stuff in and agreeing with people

But I can't think of anything else!

What other practical things could girls do to cultivate masculinity? any feedback is appreciated xxxx

Basically, all the stuff that Leo goes over in his videos relative to the external experience. It's a lot like our anatomy. The external is masculine, the internal is feminine. So, life purpose, goal-setting, enacting your agenda on the world, rationality/logic, individuality, transformation/change, intellect, doing, strength, stoicism, results, discernment, etc. To develop your feminine side you would cultivate compassion, awareness, a connection to the unconscious mind, embracing paradox, being, exploring the mysterious and non-rational, unconditional love, emotional awareness of self and other, etc. Masculinity is like the daytime and femininity is like the nighttime.

But in relation to what Leo said above, as a joke, in our society acceptance of the body's natural functioning is still quite taboo in women. This is evidenced by deep cultural attitudes about female sexuality and female body functions. It's why Leo's joke is funny and a perhaps bit unsettling for those of us in the "fairer" sex who value a proper feminine appearance. xD But farting has nothing to do with masculinity or femininity... even though our cultural attitudes suggest otherwise. 

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I used to have a girlfriend who was afraid to take a shit at my house because it wasn't lady-like. And while I appreciate that personally, it probably wasn't too comfortable for her, and certainly not authentic.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

I used to have a girlfriend who was afraid to take a shit at my house because it wasn't lady-like. And while I appreciate that personally, it probably wasn't too comfortable for her.

This is actually a very common hang-up for girls and women. There are a lot of strange expectations that can be difficult to let go of if you value the appearance of socially acceptable femininity, which is unfortunately constrictive. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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Masculine and feminine are mere abstractions of the mind. A false dichotomy perpetuated by culture.

I would focus on discovering your authentic nature, rather than how to become XYZ.

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Some women are very reserved. How strange it must have been for you and how unconformable it must have been for her.

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Scream and shout and swear if you feel like it. Get angry with an ugly face. Scratch your butt in public if it's itchy. Burp and fart.

Don't be too afraid of sounding sarcastic or mean. If you don't like children/puppies/decorating/makeup/et cetera, admit it and proudly embrace it.

Be nerdy, be intellectual, be smart as hell.

And be brave. Driven. Go after your dreams.

Basically, do whatever you want. :)

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I used to have a girlfriend who was afraid to take a shit at my house because it wasn't lady-like. And while I appreciate that personally, it probably wasn't too comfortable for her, and certainly not authentic.

@Leo Gura @Emerald Wilkins OMG that girl is literally me. I could never ever ever have the body acceptance to do a number two at a guy's house!!! I would feel so uncomfortable, I physically couldn't do it. I remember one time I was on a date with a guy and I really needed to poo when were were at a restaurant, but I didn't feel comfortable to do it there and held it in for over 6 hours until he dropped me home later in the night. It would be to the point that if I ever farted in front of a guy, I would be so filled with so much shame and embarrassment that I would probably stop seeing him. This just goes to show how attached I am to my ego is I guess, and how insecure I am about my nature :/ Even though I'm not 'this body', I just feel that I could never show this part of myself to a man unless I was like married to him or some shit, and have full faith that he would not be revolted by it or leave me. Not that I need a man to prove that I am feminine, I just personally would not 'feel' feminine doing that in front of him. Maybe I'll attempt to do this in a couple years when I've let go of myself enough.

@Pallero awww thank you!! That is such a good list! I am always so embarrassed when I say that I am scared of children/puppies because it is so not feminine. I'm going to try and embrace that now and also go after my dreams!

I have this terrible habit where I sometimes 'play dumb' because I don't want a guy to think that I'm going to 'outsmart him' or make him feel inferior. I prefer for him to have the ideas and thoughts and I want to support him with that. But you're right, there's nothing wrong with being smart and I'll try to not be ashamed of that part of myself. 

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@Mat Pav I can focus on my true nature through self-inquiry, whilst at the same time do personal development :) nothing wrong with embracing your true nature in this physical realm and improving your everyday lifestyle choices

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@Leo Gura


Damn you, Sir.

You are transforming women into men and vice versa.

After reading the original post, I shall never get married. B|


21 hours ago, WhatAmI said:

But leo's video made me realise: hey, there is masculinity in me somewhere, and I need to somehow figure out what that would mean for me. 

The list i'm thinking of is:

1. do logical things - like read my bank statements, go to work on time

Finally! Women confess about their irrationality. :P Doing logical things is masculine *giggles*

I giggled because Leo insisted upon undertaking some feminine acts.


Edited by The Obedient Listner

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19 hours ago, The Obedient Listner said:

@Leo Gura


Damn you, Sir.

You are transforming women into men and vice versa.

After reading the original post, I shall never get married. B|


Finally! Women confess about their irrationality. :P Doing logical things is masculine *giggles*

I giggled because Leo insisted upon undertaking some feminine acts.


Not irrationality. The non-rational. There's a big difference there. Irrationality is part of shadow femininity which is the negative archetype that wakes up in people when they repress their masculine side. The non-rational itself is nature and is part of the healthy feminine archetype. It is the complexity and mystery of being which incubates and gives birth to all things. It precedes and supersedes rationality as it is the reality from which rationality makes its observations and generalizations. It is primary, just as the womb and the mother is primary. This is why it is part of the feminine archetype. All people share a connection to the non-rational as children of Mother Nature, but feminine people (usually women) are generally more in alignment with it. Although any person can work toward building a connection to the non-rational. But most women learn to repress this connection to the non-rational because society denigrates it and people like to crack jokes about women being irrational. That's why the world sucks so bad.

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The only time when Leo does not resonate with me is when he talks about gender. It is way too western for me, way too patriarchal. Not to mention the lgbtq fellows are never considered. I find this "how to be a man" video too close-minded and culture-specific. Sorry Leo.

BTW, in Turkish culture it wouldn't be very wise to fart in public regardless of your sex. And my husband can't take a shit at another house, while I have no problems. :) 

Connotations of actions are very much oriented around the society. If we want to be genuine, we need to release ourselves from labels.

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Just be yourself and try your best. Learn how to feel comfortable with yourself and accept that. No need to keep thinking about gender identities and what others think about your gender.

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On August 28, 2016 at 7:12 PM, WhatAmI said:

The main thing that I got from leo's video is just to be authentically 'you', and apply your masculinity (or femininity) to whatever activity you are doing. so for a girl, it would mean being feminine even if the activity is stereotyped as something guys would do, like pulling weeds, or changing lightbulbs or fixing things.

I consider myself on the extreme end of femininity - i do everything gently and i'm super emotional and I follow my intuition instead of my brain. I don't like doing anything super strenuous like boxing or fighting or eating anything that's too heavy like steak or something.

But leo's video made me realise: hey, there is masculinity in me somewhere, and I need to somehow figure out what that would mean for me. 

The list i'm thinking of is:

1. do logical things - like read my bank statements, go to work on time (i usually avoid reading anything that's serious and involves numbers, which reminds me I still need to do my tax return)
2. be more vocal/courageous about what I think - like say things with no fucks given, instead of holding stuff in and agreeing with people

But I can't think of anything else!

What other practical things could girls do to cultivate masculinity? any feedback is appreciated xxxx

I decided to make a video about how to integrate the inner opposites (masculinity for a woman/femininity for a man) after having this discussion on here with you. So, you'll want to integrate the Animus to get in touch with your masculine side. I hope that it's helpful to understand what constitutes a feminine trait and what constitutes a masculine trait by defining them under the idea of Yin and Yang. :)

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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@Emerald Wilkins wow that's so sweet of you to do that!! I'm definitely going to watch now and subscribe :) thank you so much xxxxx

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1 hour ago, WhatAmI said:

@Emerald Wilkins wow that's so sweet of you to do that!! I'm definitely going to watch now and subscribe :) thank you so much xxxxx

You're welcome. :)

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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On 30/08/2016 at 5:14 PM, Emerald Wilkins said:

Not irrationality. The non-rational. There's a big difference there. Irrationality is part of shadow femininity which is the negative archetype that wakes up in people when they repress their masculine side. The non-rational itself is nature and is part of the healthy feminine archetype. It is the complexity and mystery of being which incubates and gives birth to all things. It precedes and supersedes rationality as it is the reality from which rationality makes its observations and generalizations. It is primary, just as the womb and the mother is primary. This is why it is part of the feminine archetype. All people share a connection to the non-rational as children of Mother Nature, but feminine people (usually women) are generally more in alignment with it. Although any person can work toward building a connection to the non-rational. But most women learn to repress this connection to the non-rational because society denigrates it and people like to crack jokes about women being irrational. That's why the world sucks so bad.

What's an example of non rational?

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