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Developing unaligned skills

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Let's say I see myself getting nowhere in my life purpous without courage and discipline, but these two are not directly aligned with my life purpose or values at an emotional  level,


Would you guys still say to develop these skills if I literally  see myself quitting without  them In the long term no matter what my objective  is?

I honestly  don't see myself even making it through the whole life purpose course without quitting, without courage and discipline


I give a big thank you to this group, you guys help a lot.

Edited by Sunnyboytoni
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Hey, this is a good question and something I struggle with too. I believe that if you lean into that discomfort eventually what bothered you wont anymore. You are growing, changing and learning. I believe in you! 

There is a time for courage and discipline, and how we relate to them can change in the future. You can do it!

those skills/ traits seem to me to be foundational in getting started on this path. I felt it too, especially when I began the life purpose course. I ended up deeply enjoying the course and the pay off at the end is worth it!

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Thank you. I'm really glad to hear that you value courage and discipline as well they are life changers, this life purpose course is really starting to pay off when I embody these phenomenal skills,


Thank you for the encouragement, it really helps because there are a lot of negative people on this planet.

Let's live a positive life, thank you so much brother 

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Discipline is a skill that you're going to need to develop to be successful at your life purpose, regardless of what it is.

But it's not something that I'd focus on specifically developing, per se. It's more something that builds up in the background based on good choices that you make.

Learning to stick with boring/tedious tasks, not get distracted by social media while trying to get work done, etc is stuff that you'll pick up through trial and error. Notice when you've fallen off track, and try to get back on track as soon as possible. There are some basic productivity tips and tricks to know. But past that, it's similar to willpower or stamina.

Build discipline in small bits. If you wanted to run a marathon, you couldn't just go out and do it with no training. You'd start off by trying to run for 1 minute straight, then 2 minutes, then 5.

Same thing for most other things. If you're a writer, sit down and force yourself to write 100 words, then 200, then 500. Before long you can build up the discipline to write 3,000 words per day and it doesn't seem like a big deal. If your life purpose is planting trees, then start by planting 1 tree per day consistently. Before long you'll have the discipline built up to plant 100 trees every day.

In terms of courage, there are only two areas where you really need it:

- To initially get started
- To stick with it when things aren't easy and not doubt your choice

Edited by Yarco

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