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Gabriel David Gomez

A Proper Balance In Mind

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I've noticed that not many people know how to hold an argument or their own thoughts and emotions.  So I took to the psychology of evil and good and brought something I expanded upon thanks to the help of ancient philosophy. These are techniques I found useful which I developed. It all sounds like ancient sage advice.

Do not displease so as to not please.
For example, if you cannot stand to witness the pleasure of your enemy, you need not pain him to prevent it. The answer is non-action because non-action is prevention without action.

Do not please so as to not displease.
For example, if you wish to announce your sin to your mate and do not wish to displease her, you need not rub her shoulders. That is why people do not always trust a smile and is the cause of much suspicion and uncomfortableness; "the news is bad but the sensation is good", it would seem that such a strange combination must be from an imposter; thus she cannot be comfortable with that. Also, if you fear a bully of a man, you need not please him so as to avoid displeasing him. Do not be a slave to preventing something you only fear will happen with wasted effort which only results in more suffering, the bully will come to expect the gifts. The thing you would wish to prevent is only feared, not a reality. The object to preventing displeasure is non-action. The answer is non-action because non-action is prevention without action.

If you wish to stop hating, you need resort to loving.
If you wish to stop loving, you need not resort to hating.
Do not hate or love, you are not obligated to love or hate. If you do not love something, that does not deem it worthless or wicked. If you do not hate something, that does not deem it priceless or righteous. But if you do not love it, you need not hate it; and if you do not hate it, you need not love it. Also, merely because you love it does not prove it isn't wicked; and merely because you hate it does not prove it isn't righteous.

Apply these advices and remember to cancel the competition you make of things. Lao Tzu once said, "The Way of the sage is to act but not to compete." This is possible because competition is of the mind and the physical action during competition is not competitive. The same physical actions done during competition can be done even more meaninglessly than keeping a score or tally.

Remember their are other formats to apply these advices in than only the given examples.
Do not displease so as to not please.
Do not please so as to not displease.
If you wish to stop hating, you need not resort to loving.
If you wish to stop loving, you need not resort to hating.

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