
Where does brain chatter come from?

26 posts in this topic

13 hours ago, meow_meow said:

What would you suggest for further reading on this topic? Books/articles/etc

Check Daniel Goleman's books Emotional Intelligence and Focus.

Also his breath focus guided meditations had been very useful to me for training my concentration.

On the first ones it reminds you every few minutes to go back to the breath, giving you some hints to look which is nice.
And on the next ones it leaves you on yourself but still reminds you every certain time.

Leo too talks about it, the metronome practice has been useful to me too. 


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On 23/10/2020 at 10:17 PM, meow_meow said:

So, as usual, I'll start with a quick intro of my characters enlightenment stats:

  • I've been meditating almost daily for ~1.2 years (35mins)
  • No psychedelics
  • "Love", "God", "Oneness" are yet to be discovered and still remain a mystery to me at this time.
  •  and I've done ~6months of self-inquiry sessions 3-4 times a week.

And of course, as a result of me doing these spiritual practices my self-awareness levels have sky rocketed in relation to when I just started.
However this increase in awareness is a curse and a blessing simultaneously because, apart from being aware of my thoughts & emotions, I am almost permanently aware of my brain-chatter.

Now I've done some contemplation on what is brain chatter, and this is what I've discovered so far:

Brain chatter = internal monologue

And Internal dialogue can be controlled. For example - I am able to talk to myself using internal-monologue in my head consciously, choose what to say, how to say, when to say, set the tone of the voice etc.

So if internal monologue is just basically me talking to myself, in my head, consciously, then brain chatter (or monkey mind as Leo calls it) is the same monologue but running on auto-pilot unconsciously.

So the things I can't seem to figure out on my own are -

What causes unconscious brain chatter?
Why does unconscious brain chatter almost immediately stop, at least for a moment, when I become aware of it?

Who is behind the narrator/the voice that speaks or how is it triggered/spawned.. from where/how does it come from?
How do you handle brain chatter and what exercises/techniques would you recommend to shut it off?

No expectation, no chatter.

No expectation means no fear, no chatter.

If no chatter, you are in field of creator, the nature of creator is bliss, so you experience bliss.

Truth is you are creator and part of infinite wealth, energy, intelligence, you need nothing, you have everything what is needed, so no expectation i.e. automatically no chatter.

Abide in Truth, leave body, mind, intellect.

From last 25 years, I am living with truth i.e. always in bliss, no chattering, no thought, no analysis, no doing.

To transform abide with creator, continuously for 24/7 for 15 days.

Keep doing as mentioned below and in a process you will feel joyful, blissful and ultimately become enlightened and attain moksh

Being purified by his intelligence and controlling the mind with determination

giving up the objects of sense gratification

being freed from attachment and hatred

one who lives in a secluded place

who eats little

who controls his body mind and power of speech

who is always in trance

who is detached, free from false ego, false strength, false pride, lust, anger, and

acceptance of material things, free from false proprietorship, and peaceful

—such a person is

certainly elevated to the highest position and remains in Bliss, Paramanand forever.

Once you do above in totality, in a process you suddenly start feeling joy within which keeps growing for longer and longer time.

From here everything happens automatically and you remain in Bliss.

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There is a very clear source of brain chatter. It comes from different parts of yourself (or ego, but I hate that word personally).

These parts are trying to make sure you survive in this world. Yes, they do it in highly annoying ways, but these thoughts are trying to help you! Shocked? I know most of us look down on these thoughts. That's understandable.

Here are ways your inner parts try to help you:

1) The Inner Critic: This part internalizes the rules of authority figures. For eg, when you were young, if you started screaming loudly in the middle of the restaurant, your parents shouted at you. Because of that, you felt really hurt and unloved. The Inner Critic then took form to make sure you pleased mummy and daddy to get their love. This voice carries on into your adult life, shaming and judging you.

2) The Goal oriented part: This part thinks about what should be done throughout the day. These part think thoughts like 'Man, I need to clean my room', 'You better read that book you have been putting off', etc). It makes sure you get stuff done (otherwise its scared your Inner Critic may judge you). 

3) The People pleasing part: It wants to be nice to others because it fears rejection if you don't suck up to them. It gives you thoughts like 'Don't be angry', Don't rock the boat', 'Shit she's pissed off at you, be nice', etc. 

4) Your Inner Child: These parts get stuck in the past, thinking thoughts of all the tragic or sad events that happen to them. Hurt, grief and shame burden them.

Every thought comes from a part!  Without these thoughts you would just reside in just presence or Self. These parts can healed. Healing reduces the mind chatter.

How these parts are formed is a longer topic and I may make a post on this sometime.



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I made a thread about it. 

The voice in your head comes literally out of nowhere for no apparent reason. When I had that experience I felt like I'm losing my mind for good. 


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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