
The wave of Love - Awaken to Truth

4 posts in this topic


Even the biggest Black holes must submit to the power of Love that is beyond them. No darkness is stronger than the light of pure Love. A simple act, a simple deed, out of love is all you need. Forget your past. Be the light, be the love. The only way. Devils want to be enlightened, but they are afraid of the light of Love and are running in the opposite direction.

Stop running away from Love. Let it guide you. Not anything else. Not even your own desires of becoming enlightened and knowing the Absolute Truth by killing your own identity as a human - its not Love to kill the human. Emptiness pulls you too, but you have a choice. Go North, Go for Love. Fearlessly. What do you fear? Are you not God, by your own words?

if you notice you or someone else is not governed by the principle of creation: LOVE and True Meaning, but by emptiness and meaninglessness, out of which love still can shine, but it's less strong, less powerful, less impactful, less AUTHENTIC. Less hearty. Less real, HELP Them, connect with their Heart by anchoring LOVE. Even if you would be considered "EGOIC" and "emotional" by their standards. This is what it means to go beyond EGO. 

Leo is not illusion. Leo is real and I love him. Leo does not need anything to be open to the True Love. Nobody needs anything to be open to it, just to anchor love and keep anchoring love, as best we can, despite our egos, desires and positions.


Devils you will not die if you touch love, you will be the greatest for finding the light when you're in complete darkness. If love guides you, you are truly free. When you would not stomp on others for your own pleasure in your meaninglessness and the anchoring of nothingness. Anchor Love, not emptiness. Women know this better than men. Us men are deluded by our own delusions of grandeur.

The 3d needs this love. The 3d needs YOU. If someone is not happy with you while you anchor love, just turn towards the Love and ask, am I doing the right thing? It will smile at you and help you in all the darkness that surrounds you. It is the only power to answer to. Do not trust any other power.

Look around you and help the principle of Creation manifest on Earth. Now. It's never been about finding the Absolute truth, it's always been about anchoring Love in the darkness, within and without. Awaken to the Love that is real and beyond us. Beyond the Dodo and the Leo - above the Pope and above anything  and anyone else.

North, +, Love. The only power to answer to and the only thing you can really trust. No matter where you are and how deep you have gone. It's all always about Love. 

Babies really are enlightened, they are Love. Pure Love. A baby would not hurt you. What is love? Baby dont hurt me. 

^ The truth is always there, how much 5meo needed to see it? Who needs to awaken to what? There is only Love, you are absolutely real and amazing and so many love you! The Earth needs you! Enter the story bigger and more real than the page it's written on. This is love, not some seeing and knowing you are God. Maybe you are, but its beyond the point. 


This is not a message to Leo, this is a message to everyone. Just love! Anchor love, let love be your God. And Know that love is always beyond you, not only within you.

Even The Slowest Horse can find the Truth, no special methods are needed, just Love, just Love.

Lets stand united for this planet and raise the vibration so high that if an alien comes we are all holding hands together, singing and dancing, instead of living in our own comfortable realities.

When Leo and Frank Young work together for saving this planet instead of arguing over who is more enlightened and reached a more supreme state of awareness, THATS when Love has won. That's when the principle of creation wins. 

That's when Truth is here.


May this text be your psychedelic. May this text anchor you towards Love, Truth, towards the ++, towards the +++++++++. North, Love, Ascension. Truth Beauty Feeling, LOVE. Awaken the feminine. Awaken vulnerability. Awaken not knowing.





Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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