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Considering moving cities, what are the right reasons?

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So I live in North Hollywood California.  Los Angeles County has been hit the hardest regarding Covid restrictions.  The nightlife is dead, no gyms, no movie theatres, no eating inside.  Can’t even go inside a bookstore.  “Day game” does not exist here.  My dating life has a result has been dead outside of one date with this woman from the past that forced me to go into a dark night of the soul.  A lot of people seem to be leaving as well.


That being said, I am considering moving myself.  Basically, I am looking to reinvent myself and there appears to be a need to change environments.  A few cities came into mind, New York City really stuck out.  I am from the east coast and have been to NYC on a few occasions and loved it.  I am an artist (musician, writer, actor and filmmaker) so NYC has a scene that rivals L.A, especially with music and moreso for novel writing.  The only thing is that with restrictions Broadway is not planning to reopen until May 30th.  So the opportunity to go and act in plays will be gone for a while.  Though, my agent out in L.A says that they can submit for me in NYC.  I can also get representation in the city too.  Basics become bicoastal.  Another con though is that there is very little nature in the city outside of Central Park.  This year I have already gone to Yosemite, The Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree and Big Bear Lake and plan to visit a few more national parks before the year is out.


Then I thought of Santa Monica.  I lived there when I first moved to L.A and loved it.  The third street promenade is always busy enough and when I was into pick up used to game there.  The Santa Monica mountains are right there, there is a meditation center in Malibu, I could join a surfing Meetup as well.  

The only thing is that from what I have heard it is actually easier to make friends and for a single guy, date in New York.  Apparently people are more loyal there and less flaky.  I believe this has to do with people being out on foot constantly versus in cars and there being less to do.  

In L.A, while it is a good town to hook up in, that is mainly because of the nightlife.  Most people here are fake (not just aesthetically either) and while they make good drinking buddies, will never be there for you.  None of my past grieved out here have ever been there for me when I actually needed them.  While I have have dated some good looking women out here, I have been flaked one by way more.  There is so many distractions out here that women will go with whatever is shinier.


Basically my superego desires to go to snack to Santa Monica and dive deeper into spirituality.  However, as a 28 year old my id desires to end my twenties on a bang and have a lot of crazy sex.  Is that a desire that I should follow?


What do you guys think?  I am already looking at apartments in both cities, going to put feelers out there for employers.




Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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Maybe compare the quality of your motivation for each place you want to live.  List why you want to live in that place, then ask why for each reason.  Then get an overview of all your reason's to see you you can clearly distinguish if you is more "right" or healthy for you.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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