
Have you heard of Guy Needler [Interesting materials]

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"Guy Needler MBA, MSc, CEng, MIET, MCMA initially trained as a mechanical engineer and quickly progressed on to be a chartered electrical and electronics engineer. Throughout this earthly training he was always aware of the greater reality around him, catching glimpses of the worlds of spirit, including constant contact with other entities within our multiverse and his higher self and guides. It is the channeling that has resulted in the production of his work."

There are some concepts in his books that i've never heard them anywhere else. - this is the book that got my attention.

 He basically refers to the Origin as the absolute all, but not what we call God. 

He than explains Origin split itself into 12 Source entities (source being what we call God or pure light consciousness).

Each Source is given awareness and freedom to create anything in order for Origin to experience itself.

Each source has its own universes, physical and spiritual ones.

If you never read his materials i would suggest to give it a try. - Here he talks in more depth about our how our universe works and also explains other Source entities. 

Then comes this book: - Which is a channeled book which Guy speaks directly to Origin . I read some pages from excerpts but i couldn't understand A THING. Very very complex concepts for me and i don't really know what to make of it. That's why i wanted to share it with you guys.

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