
More Spiritual Enlightenment Episodes

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Leo:  I really liked your video, How to Be A Man part 2, but despite that I'm really making headway with your enlightenment series, and I look forward to seeing more episodes every Sunday.  It really complements my self enquiry work along with my weekly meetings with Richard Lang of The Headless Way.  I read a brilliant quote the other day by this German author Georg Kuhlewind, titled Stages of Consciousness.  In the chapter The Fundamental Experience of the Spirit he writes:  I can point to nothing that would be the I.  The I, the center, is indemonstrable, is invisible in the higher sense.  It cannot be seen; it is nothing that has been seen, because it is the seeing.  Only the I itself can see.

Edited by Ramu

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There will be more enlightenment stuff in the future. I don't want to talk about it too much because in the end it all depends on you doing the work. Just talking enlightenment theory isn't very helpful.

Make sure you have a very solid practice. Make sure you go to retreats where you can spend hundreds of hours contemplating. That's about it. Deconstruct yourself. No body else can do it for you. It's long and boring work, and there's no way around that. Except maybe with psychedelics, which I will be talking a lot more about soon in mind-blowing ways!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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 Well ive doing the work every day for quite some time.  I've come to one realization and its amazing and mind blowing.  The pure awareness (nothing) looks at itself all the time as the Tsomethingness that manifests out of it, (Source).  Something (every damn thing), comes out out of Source.  In all actuality there IS only ONE.  Its Source....and YOU'RE IT!!

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@Ramu Sounds about right. Keep digging deeper and deeper into that. There are MANY levels of depth to that insight, and your goal is to make it more or less a permanent feature of your life.

Try to translate that insight into emotional reactions. So you're not reacting against reality so much.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I would think it also takes a lot more research and time to compile such a heavily loaded topic. One should spend more than a week of self-work on each of these guide videos, anyways. But, like the OP, I'm itchin for more of them, too! :)

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@Leo Gura ive had amazing insights pretty much everyday for the last two months.  Most have been of the sort where I realize I'm not just the wave but the whole ocean.  When I walk around, whether on my way to work or at work or doing any activity or just meditating I am in touch with a presence almost silently lingering in the background.  Sometimes the insights are all consuming where I AM the whole show and its just me as the True Self and everyone else that was once perceived as separate IS me as well.  Today it happened again where I was unified with all of my coworkers as one giant buzzing Oneness of Awareness, from the perspective of just transparent awareness.  Sometimes I have a feeling of discontinuity from my corporeal self.  I'll look down at my hands working and the Awareness just observes those hands doing their thing again, but not feeling like they "belong" to me at all.  Its becoming a constant and permanent shift in my consciousness. 

Edited by Ramu
Bad writing.

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