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How To Realize Infinite Love??

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Hello guys, I am wondering how do you discover Infinite Love? The only exercise I know that may increase Self-Love to the realization of Infinite Love is through Loving-Kindness meditation.

Loving-Kindness (Metta) Meditation is the main meditation that I know to increase Self-Love to the whole Universe.

Here's how you do Loving-Kindness or Metta meditation:

- The basic tenet of Loving-Kindness is to bring Love and Joy to every atom of the universe.  

- You are well-wishing every living thing in the Universe and accepting it completely as it is.

Step 1: sit down and just BE with yourself.  BE in Direct Experience

Step 2: Imagine yourself with a white light that surrounds your being.  This white light is angelic and represents God's Infinite Love for you.

Step 3: Feel this white light energize your body and feel it bringing joy and love to every cell of your being.

Step 4: repeat the mantra: "May I be happy."  "May I be safe."  "May I be strong." "May I be guided by Infinite Love."

Step 5: Once you have brought the white light of love to yourself, expand it to your loved one, a neutral person, a hated person, animals etc.

Step 5: Realize that in order to be guided by Infinite Love, you have to overcome your fears, hatred, and resistance towards all thing.  See the white light emanating the entire Universe and breathe out your Love into the world.

You will be in Infinite Love when you are about to BE and fully ACCEPT the world as it is with joy, wonder, and care in your hearts.  All fear, hatred, and negativity will be gone, and all you will be left with is peace, love, and well-wishing for all creation.

Please post your exercises for Infinite Love because Metta meditation is the only exercise I know to be in Infinite Love.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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How do you realize Infinite Love?

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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I realize infinite love by recognizing that it's all me, and that I must love me (everything), because otherwise, I would be something else.  It's easier for me (effortless?) to be kind and loving to others, and myself, and the universe, when it's realized there is no difference between the 3.  


Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@r0ckyreed Have you tried having a certain attitude towards life?

Such as developing humility for yourself, developing genuine love for other beings, developing gratitude for what you have? Compassion and desire to help others? Awe for nature? Compassion and love for insects and animals? Joy for a creative art like playing a musical instrument?

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1 hour ago, r0ckyreed said:

How do you realize Infinite Love?

You already are. You’re just calling you reality. Proverbially. 



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