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How do I deal with negative feelings?

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I have a problem


 When I am faced with a situation that is mentally difficult I don’t know what to do .


On one hand, i want to think positively to eliminate this negative , strong feeling, and i’ve tried this before and i find that by applying this “non victim” mindset i feel much better( at least better than the method of soaking into those feelings )


On the other hand, I remember what Leo said about dealing with these difficult feelings and that we should confront them directly and feel them deeply, but by applying that, I find myself drowning in negative thoughts and I can’t even tell you how it’s painful, and I end up depressed and anxious for a very long time


I now want to know if the problem comes from me and I didn’t understood the message of Leo because honestly this method really doesn’t work for me but even more I don’t know why I do it, like I allow myself to feel bad , very bad ,and to deepen in these feelings and this negativity but I don’t know why I do it , I still haven’t understood the reason why we have to do this



But on the other hand when I try to program my mind on the fact that I am responsible for everything, everything changes instantly and my perspective on things changes 100%

Edited by Hellooo

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Do what makes you feel better. 

Both methods are good and both are optional. They're also dependent on the situation. 

For example if you are unhappy about a relationship situation, you could try to be positive and replace negative feelings and doubts with positive motivation and seek new partners despite having suffered setbacks in relationships. 

But if you are deeply unhappy about yourself, example low self esteem, then maybe by going deeper and focusing on these feelings and confronting these feelings, you might realize the root cause of such feelings, like childhood trauma or incidents that might have caused your mind to adopt those thoughts that are generating these feelings, this is what we do in shadow work. Also confronting such feelings can easily neutralize their impact because you can see that they are just feelings and how much they impact you depends on how much you allow them to impact you and you realize that you can let those feelings go away and disappear and not let them impact you, bringing your sense of control back to the center of your body, learning to let go bad emotions and keeping yourself protected from them. 

So both approaches can be used in different ways to your benefit. 

Hope this helps. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Keep experimenting!

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Positive thinking works, but not if it's done out of avoidance of your feelings.

I personally find that if I just own and express what I'm feeling, it passes pretty quickly. It might take me six pages of journaling or 30 minutes of me talking to a friend / wall,D but eventually that energy is out.

Do you have a meditation process?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Yes but when you are confronted to shocks what are you supposed to do? I just don’t know what is the best way ( and the healthiest for your mind ) to deal with this “shock” 

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