
How do I forget about Enlightenment?

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I feel like I've learned about Enlightenment prematurely. 


I'm still in high school. Ever since I started learning about Enlightenment I've been overthinking everything. I seem to have lost my motivation for my Life Purpose. 

All I've been doing is mentally masturbating, having thought loops that I JUST CAN'T STOP. Even after getting some advice from people on this forum. 

I guess I need to integrate stages Beige-Green before pursuing Enlightenment? 

In the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs video by Leo, he says (loosely) to get my basics survival needs to be sorted in my 20s and 30s so that I can fully pursue self-transcendence in my 40s. 

Even after listening to this advice, in the back of my head it makes me feel like this Life Purpose work is pointless, and what I really want is Enlightenment. 

To stop my overthinking, I've tried meditation, brute-forcing myself into action. But nothing seems to fix it. 

I'm really in need of some advice on what I should do. A generalized game plan for my life I suppose. Most importantly, how to stop ruminating :(



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Socialize, especially with people that know nothing about enlightenment.

Edited by Gesundheit

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Just chill out, you have plenty of time for everything.

If i was you i would be out there enjoying life, enlightment won't go anywhere. It will always be here. You may have explored a bit, but haven't tasted the depths. Just live a normal kids life, that was taken from me it's why i got on this path lol

Truth doesn't always equal happiness and we shouldn't mistake the two. In fact i would say i was better off without knowing this xD

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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@Gesundheit @Bulgarianspirit

I am not interested in any of the things my peers discuss. It's all low-consciousness (gossip, pointless things, etc) 

I feel like I'm wasting time when I socialize with them. Though this would be different if it was about things I'm interested in. 


57 minutes ago, Nahm said:


If you want an awakening experience, in the sense it is fleeting, psychedelics are best. If you want awakening that is lasting, life purpose is actually the fastest route. 

I'd much prefer the latter. Besides, Leo doesn't advise young people to take psychedelics.

But how is this so? Isn't Life Purpose a distraction from enlightenment? I'm not disagreeing with you, I just want to know.  

Edited by preventingdiabetes
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16 minutes ago, preventingdiabetes said:

@Gesundheit @Bulgarianspirit

I am not interested in any of the things my peers discuss. It's all low-consciousness (gossip, pointless things, etc) 

I feel like I'm wasting time when I socialize with them. Though this would be different if it was about things I'm interested in. 

Yeah, notice how you're judging them as "low-consciousness". Can you let go of that judgement? This is key if you can. Because the ultimate goal is to integrate low consciousness into your life instead of denying it. The more you deny something, the more shadows it leaves behind.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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1 minute ago, preventingdiabetes said:

@Gesundheit Why would I integrate low consciousness? 

Because higher consciousness is built upon lower consciousness. You cannot go very high if you deny the lower consciousness. The counter-intuitive approach is to apply awareness on the low consciousness activities. So, instead of judging gossip as bad, try to understand it, why it exists, how it works, why people do it, what are its effects both positive and negative on you and on others, etc... Be as creative as possible. This is one of the most powerful things you can develop in your age.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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29 minutes ago, preventingdiabetes said:

@Gesundheit @Bulgarianspirit

Besides, Leo doesn't advise young people to take psychedelics.

?????????????????????????? Source?

Just as a very general observation, Leo advocates psychedelics as much as humanly possible, and only steers clear in cases that can get his followers in deep trouble like jail or very severe psychotic illness. There was a schizophrenic who wanted to take psychedelics and Leo didn't attempt at all to defer him. Neither did he encourage him.

And I'm not judging, I'm less conservative and more encouraging with psychedelics then he is.

If you don't want to take psychedelics that's totally fine, but age should not be a limitation, there's no evidence to suggest psychedelics are problematic for young people, and most people who first take psychedelics are teenagers in high school. 

Edited by electroBeam

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59 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

?????????????????????????? Source?

Also I’m pretty sure he said it in one of his videos.

28 minutes ago, Nahm said:


How is life purpose a distraction from enlightenment? 

Because it’s ego gratification? Right?

How does Life Purpose help with Enlightenment/the fastest way to Enlightenment? 

I don’t mean to be pushy, but I just want a firm answer.

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1 hour ago, Gesundheit said:

Because higher consciousness is built upon lower consciousness. You cannot go very high if you deny the lower consciousness. The counter-intuitive approach is to apply awareness on the low consciousness activities. So, instead of judging gossip as bad, try to understand it, why it exists, how it works, why people do it, what are its effects both positive and negative on you and on others, etc... Be as creative as possible. This is one of the most powerful things you can develop in your age.

How do I apply awareness? Could this be an example of applying awareness to gossip?:

They are talking shit about George because they are bored and they find it fun to talk shit about George. 


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36 minutes ago, preventingdiabetes said:

Because it’s ego gratification? Right?

Heck no, but more importantly how could, would or should such a thing be up to someone else? It’s really up to you. I can’t think of any reason you wouldn’t live the life you most desire to. I can see where attachment to thoughts & things might be worth slowing down for now & again, but desire, excitement, enthusiasm, passion, these are beyond thoughts & things. The best of this place is not of this place at all really, it’s what you make with it. 

36 minutes ago, preventingdiabetes said:

How does Life Purpose help with Enlightenment/the fastest way to Enlightenment? 

I’m at a loss to name something more enlightening for you to be doing than discovering yourself while creating the life you most want. That’d include fully understanding & expressing yourself as you go. It’d be so fast In fact, that it’s already well underway. You’ve already experienced enough to know what you want next, and the next opportunity to consciously create it, is already now. 




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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

I’m at a loss to name something more enlightening for you to be doing than discovering yourself while creating the life you most want.

Enlightenment exercises, self-inquiry and contemplation?

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Imo those practices serve your life purpose perfectly, and I think you’ll see a deeper and deeper degree of how, from actively creating and pursing your life purpose along side them, as you go.

Imagine the enthusiasm and energy of a basketball player who is practicing like....maybe...there might be...somehow ...spontaneously...a game day...? Vs the heart & vision of the player who’s mid-season and practicing for the game this weekend. Two different levels of engagement and inspiration. One’s not really headed anywhere and the latter is the guy in your picture. 

If they do seem in competition time wise, take a minute and write out your schedule on one side of a blank piece of paper. I’m confident you’ll see there’s time for everything, and seeing it in front of you like that can bring about a shift in perspective & inspiration. 



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You don't have to forget about Enlightenment, all this is misleading, just as you don't have to forget your beliefs, there is some truth to it as you must be open to dive in, but that is just about it, it is build up , when you build up there will be none to care about Enlightenment to begin with , your whole experience and understanding changes. which will lead to other beliefs as you keep  falling back and keep yourself down.

There is one principle you have to remember, when you fall back your regular state makes conclusions out of your higher states, your higher states  have their own bs too, but your only goal really is just to let go  of everything in as way  fast as you can, without getting thrown back because of reason above. 


Edited by Claymoree

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51 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Imagine the enthusiasm and energy of a basketball player who is practicing like....maybe...there might be...somehow ...spontaneously...a game day...? Vs the heart & vision of the player who’s mid-season and practicing for the game this weekend. Two different levels of engagement and inspiration. One’s not really headed anywhere and the latter is the guy in your picture. 

I think you missed some words in the sentences, I don’t understand. 

Someone asked Eckhart Tolle “What gives enlightened people motive to change?” 

Eckhart used an analogy of sitting in a bus. 
Where he was currently seated, there was someone bothering him by making a lot of noise, coughing, etc. 


But there was a free seat across where he was sitting.


So he didn’t just accept sitting where it was inconvenient, he preferred to sit on the free seat so he did so.


But if there was no free seat, then he would just accept that there was no option and be content with that.


Could that example be used here? 

If I was awakened, and I didn’t have a Life Purpose or mastery in anything, would I be motivated to cultivate one simply because I would prefer it and for the fun of it? As if I was playing with lego? 

If so, would it be a good strategy to continue putting my all into my Life Purpose right now, so I can save a lot of work for when I do awaken? Because I’d likely want to cultivate it even after awakening? 

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"and what I really want is Enlightenment."

It seems to me you have an idea where you want to go.

Life purpose is important, but life is always changing, today you want something, tomorrow you may want something else. And i feel that is specially true on the spiritual journey. As you get to know yourself more and more, things you tought you wanted to do may fall away. You start to be moved primarily through inspiration, and that's a great midset to pursue your life purpose.

I'd say reach for IT, it's what i did. And even though it hurt like hell at some points, i don't think i would change it for anything.

About the Psychedelics, you must decide yourself, I tryed my first at high school and they helped me with a lot of stuff even before i had heard about enlightenment. And after i did they were instrumental from the very beginning (My first experimence of Satori was in an airplane going from Amsterdam to Edinburgh, while high on some Truffles, it was beautifull)

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"If I was awakened, and I didn’t have a Life Purpose or mastery in anything, would I be motivated to cultivate one simply because I would prefer it and for the fun of it? As if I was playing with lego? "

Exactly, and you inspiration would be free to choose something that could make this life incredible.


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Drop the need to know. Notice you will never know. Easy. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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