
Thoughts On Binaural Beats Meditation?

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Should one use it? Could someone become enlightened from it? :o Thoughts?

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You can use it. It can make meditation easier. When I do it, I am more concentrated. Nothing more, nothing less.

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@LifeLife It will not make you enlightened. But it can help with meditation, especially if you're a newbie.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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This discovery was like heaven to me! It takes meditation from being  "chore-like",  into a fractal-licious living dream... more energy based. As a visual thinker, and somewhat of a  beginner, I have had to force meditation, (somewhat dreading it at times). For the approximate year that I've been meditating, I've had turn my mind into a sky, and treat my thoughts like clouds... It's exhausting! Binaural beats make meditation pleasurable, am I experiencing this "digital drug" phenomenon? I love them, I am perhaps even addicted, in the sense that meditation without them is  like eating an unripe, hard, flavourless mango, compared to a melt in your mouth, juicy, sweet, euphoric mango... lol...

Edited by Epiphany_Inspired

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I tried some of the "digital drug" beats, out of curiosity. They are totally different than the meditation ones. I doubt if they are "harmful", for meditation purposes, perhaps the ones considered "drugs" might be helpful in physical body awareness sessions.

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One word: HoloSync. I'm deeply in love with it.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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