
Rudy Giuliani faces questions after compromising scene in new Borat film

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holy fuck I'm watching this and it is so cringe ruddyyyy what are you doinnggg???? dude legit thinks he's about to smash xD

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1 hour ago, Lyubov said:

Just finished it... brilliant 

Yea, great movie. 

I love the way he makes fun of conservatism, I think it's a lot more powerful than arguments. 

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This whole topic is so stupid. Obviously it's a setup. Guiliani did nothing wrong.

Libs who are making this out to be some sort of serious political scandal have been fooled by Sasha worse than Guiliani.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This whole topic is so stupid. Obviously it's a setup. Guiliani did nothing wrong.

Libs who are making this out to be some sort of serious political scandal have been fooled by Sasha worse than Guiliani.

Yes it's a set up but was Rudy in on it? Have you seen the scenes? I'm not saying it's some serious political scandal but he did look like a creepy old man and like he was preparing himself to smash. You believe that he was tucking his shirt in or adjusting his boner? 

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He wasn't in on it, but obviously Sasha manipulated the scene to make it look like he was hitting on that girl even though in reality it looks like he was just removing the mic from his shirt as an old man would.

It's obvious from the way the scene is edited that it's very forced by Sasha. This is exactly the kinda game Sasha is playing.

It's good for a goofy laugh, but nothing more.

It would be so easy to frame anyone like this. If a girl tells you to slide your pants down to adjust your mic in a serious interview setting, you'll do it. It's absurd to think that Giuliani was about to have sex with that girl from that clip.

Libs are too gullible by pouncing on this bait.

Honestly, Sasha deserves a defamation lawsuit for the stunts he pulls. There is a line with this kind of fakery, and Sasha certainly crosses it. This is not protected free speech. It's basically fraud.

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according to the actress it sounds like he was coming onto her? she was seducing him though. 

I'm really not taking a position on it cause I really don't know the context of everything cause I wasn't there. 

Edited by Lyubov

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If I hire a hot girl to flirt with you, of course you will flirt back.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

 but obviously Sasha manipulated the scene to make it look like he was hitting on that girl even though in reality it looks like he was just removing the mic from his shirt as an old man would.

Good eye. 

Can't believe I fell for it. 

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Him asking her for her number and address before creepily patting her on the side is enough to be a creep on its own. 

Not sure what kind of context would make that okay.

God and I worked things out

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2 hours ago, Staples said:

Him asking her for her number and address before creepily patting her on the side is enough to be a creep on its own. 

Not sure what kind of context would make that okay.

I think it's clear that the audio clip was edited in, as the camera was deliberately showing him from behind as he said it.

Another part where the scene is highly edited was the Pence rally. In the film, it looks like Pence paused for several seconds and frowned at Borat, but in reality he ignored him.

This sort of dishonesty probably does more harm than good. While it is entertaining to watch, it is what right wingers love to rally behind and call "fake news."


Arguing that he did what any other man in his situation would do when a hot would flirt is only exposing your own moral standards - proceeding with the interaction would have been an appropriate response in a bar setting, not in a professional interview setting.

This would be immoral if he had a position of power over her (E.g. Boss-Employee). From my perspective, he did probably have sexual intent, but seeing as it was purely consensual he isn't doing anything wrong. It's a little sleezy, but that's where the notion of immorality ends.

This is precisely why this was framed as him trying to sleep with a "15 year old character," - to put him in the wrong, but that narrative too is dishonest, as there is no indication that Rudy was aware of the character's age.

It is also a bit strange to put blame on the man if the woman initiated the interaction by moving to the bedroom, but that's another story.


And especially not when you’re in a relationship with another woman (which I believe he was at the time of that scene taking place, yet I can’t confirm it as a fact so this part is speculative).

If it's speculative, why mention it?

Edited by smurf88

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What I don’t understand is that it’s not illegal to have sex with someone, even if the age difference makes it kinda gross. From what I can tell, Giuliani had no reason to believe the reporter was underage (Borat’s “she’s 15” comment happens after the fact) and he was just hoping to get lucky with a 20-something woman. This isn’t a crime. 

What’s the scandal? Old man wants to have sex with a pretty young woman coming onto him? If I had a dollar ever time that happened I’d be a millionaire in a month 

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35 minutes ago, Apparition of Jack said:

he was just hoping to get lucky with a 20-something woman. This isn’t a crime. 

Yeah. If he thought she was 15, why would he have asked her address? Number sure, but address?

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12 minutes ago, smurf88 said:

Well, as far as I'm aware your point is that it is wrong for individuals to have sex in a professional setting. 

Pornstars would like to have a word with you xD


13 minutes ago, smurf88 said:

What makes it more moral to find a mate in a bar than in a workplace (assuming that the two individuals are from different companies)?

Power dynamics makes it into an iffy subject.

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So, I got a chance to watch the movie last night.  And man, I can usually appreciate dark and edgy humor, but I felt he crossed the line into unfunny a handful of times.  Particularly the schtick where he dresses  up as a racist caricature of a Jew and talks to the two holocaust victims who happened to be two wonderful old ladies with hearts of gold was a bit much for me.  He learns from them that the holocaust was not a hoax and begins to get overly happy that the holocaust happened amid his interaction.  Ah man, that literally feel so flat for me it was 2D. 

For someone to go through such horrendous suffering and be such a loving and open person in the face of that and then to be used as the butt end of a cheap edgy gag for a Borat movie seems like a massive insult to everything life and humanity is supposed to be about.  

Given the full context of the movie, I felt it was very mediocre which made the Giuliani bit come across as forced and as manipulated as is was.  I think most people who watch it will see through it. 

Edited by Heart of Space

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9 minutes ago, smurf88 said:

But in this case, there is no one getting hurt or unfairly treated. Is it just an arbitrary "moral standard" that people would hold without having any specific reason behind it?

What bothers me is that he asked for her information. 

If they slept together he would help her in some other way. Let's say he got her a job in the government over someone who is more qualified. 

That would make the government more inefficient. That would be used as an excuse to keep or lower the taxes....

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Lol, some of you guys are being such prudes.  


Lets be real here, I'd probably be worse in that situation.  I'd flirt with her and probably ask her out for drinks after with the full intention of coitus.


I think Giuliani is at worst guilty of being a bit of a creep taking advantage of what looked to him like a far younger, impressionable, journalist.  

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@Leo Gura Nah man! I wouldn’t flirt with a girl so much younger than me, and doesn’t he have a relationship already? He was getting too close, he was getting touchy. He went in her bedroom and asked for her number and address, that’s a dead give away. He was trying to get laid. 

It’s completely unprofessional for a politician to do that. The guy’s a pervert. The guy’s a cheat. I would not want an unrestrained horn dog to represent me.

That’s a great use of free speech, expose these Christian family guys.

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7 hours ago, Staples said:

Him asking her for her number and address before creepily patting her on the side is enough to be a creep on its own. 

Not sure what kind of context would make that okay.

That's so easy to fake. She could have told him something like, "I want your office to mail me some info about you." And Guiliani of course says, "Okay, give me your address."

It's edited to hell.

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