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Practicing Gratitude

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i've herd that when you practice gratitude by thanking the universe more of that thing you were grateful for manifests in your life. but should i thank the universe for the bad stuff to? i know when bad/annoying things happen it's good to become present and all that but i was wondering if i actually thank the universe for the situation is that just gonna attract more shitty situations? is that like telling the universe to throw more bullshit my way since i'm thankful for said bullshit? i hope not because i do feel good when i say "thank you" to the universe when i'm annoyed, uncomfortable or depressed. i'm not even bringing my mind to things i should be grateful for but rather i'm thanking the universe for giving me the present moment exactly how it sits now. it feels good as long as i don't have doubts in my head that this might be a harmful practice that attracts more annoyances in my life.  

Edited by stevegan928

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Ooh boy... we got some law of attraction here...

Well, I don't have any high ground to take here since I bought into it for about six months(although there was always a little bit of me that kind of doubted it). Lemme lay it out for ya.


24 minutes ago, stevegan928 said:

i've herd that when you practice gratitude by thanking the universe more of that thing you were grateful for manifests in your life.

Alright. So the mentality behind this is that by practicing sincere gratitude while imagining you get something, you supposedly attract this thing because you have a more sincere and clear summoning of it. 


Honestly, this isn't a bad practice. It can be quite useful, to be honest, in removing subconscious blocks towards getting what you want and generating positive emotions and confidence to go out and get it. But... you're probably not going to manifest. The realest sort of manifestation I know of is when somebody goes into a resonance with a certain vibration so deeply that their life radically changes at an alarming pace. It's not quite summoning things into your life, there's plenty of action to be taken. Without action you couldn't even reach a tenth of the depth of resonance required to shake things up. If I compared this to church powerful action is like a worship ceremony but 'attracting your thoughts' is like only showing up when the pastor promises cookies. Who do you think 'god' responds more to? The 'attractor' gives thanks but the action taker gives real commitment to seeing that new reality, he is already thankful that he is going to get it so he works to get it. He prepares himself and his circumstances rigorously to embrace the universe giving him favor. If you want the universe to act you can't just send some post cards you have to move it( Are we not technically the universe? You don't think 'I'm really grateful that you moved Mr. Left Pinky') 


Ps. Don't forget there's a lot of subconcious/ shadow work to be done if you want to manifest seriously. Don't want to overload you, so I'll refrain from that.

Now for the real stuff:

You asked whether or not to thank the bad shit. Thank everything especially yourself. Forget manifestation. Even if it is totally legit, the gains from sincere gratitude towards everything and anything far outweigh anything you could manifest because your state of being is far more important than some objects or a nice situation. 

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3 hours ago, J. M. Wigglesworth said:


Ooh boy... we got some law of attraction here...


although i do buy into the law of attraction and plan on getting more serious about my affirmations and visualizations to see if i can get some first hand undeniable evidence that it truly works. my post was more so about weather or not it could be harmful to practice gratitude in any situation and weather or not it's good to be thankful for the situation it's self. you did a good job at answering that. thank you. 

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@stevegan928 You have to realize that everything that happens to you is because of you. Because you made a choice in the past. For example, if you're in a car and your friend is driving and causes an accident in wich you get hurt. You got hurt because you decided to get in the car. You could think at first that its not your fault, but actually it is. You have to take 100% responsability for your life and your choices. 

In every moment, you have a vast amount of choices. Your future depends on what choice you make. The more radical the choice you make, the more radical your future will change. We make most choices automatically (unconscious) however. Because of our culture, fixed thinking patterns etc. If you meet someone, you usually are not aware that you choose not to kill that person. Still, unconsciously you made that choice.

The law of attraction is just this...the more you think about a goal, the more you will notice  the choices you can make to obtain that goal. But those choices were there all the time, you just didn't notice them. For example, if you think about a castle consciously, with intent, multiple times a day. You will see castles pop up everywhere...while you're on the road, in magazines, newspapers...

So, being grateful for bad things is really just the same as being grateful for the good. Both bad things and good, happen because of the choices you made. 


Edited by David1

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16 hours ago, stevegan928 said:

but should i thank the universe for the bad stuff to?

"Bad stuff" = lack of gratitude

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura i realize this but i think i'm a pretty long ways away from unconditionally loving the whole universe and truly not seeing anything as bad. 


thank you for the reply Leo 

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@stevegan928...practicing gratitude is miraculous...the trick with the "bad stuff" is to be grateful for the learning experience... "our worst tormentors can be our greatest teachers"; if we can only be open to, and accepting of the lessons...

Being grateful could never be a harmful practice....that said, expecting things to manifest in order to meet your specific expectations could be...gratitude will result in manifestation, but not in a predictable way....the universe is amazing and mysterious!

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On 28.8.2016 at 10:30 AM, stevegan928 said:

I've heard that when you practice gratitude by thanking the universe more of that thing you were grateful for manifests in your life. but should i thank the universe for the bad stuff to? i know when bad/annoying things happen it's good to become present and all that but i was wondering if i actually thank the universe for the situation is that just gonna attract more shitty situations? is that like telling the universe to throw more bullshit my way since i'm thankful for said bullshit? i hope not because i do feel good when i say "thank you" to the universe when i'm annoyed, uncomfortable or depressed. i'm not even bringing my mind to things i should be grateful for but rather i'm thanking the universe for giving me the present moment exactly how it sits now. it feels good as long as i don't have doubts in my head that this might be a harmful practice that attracts more annoyances in my life.  

Good and bad don't actually exist, it's a fabrication of the human mind. Why? Good and bad exist when you apply meaning, the problem here is that meaning in itself doesn't exist.

[insert quote here]

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